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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Not always possible, some medications are only available at hospital pharmacies and are withheld from street pharmacies.
  2. I'm heavily invested in gold and silver, plus peer-to-peer lending and cash. I invest in things I understand. Although precious metals are not really an investment, they are a currency hedge. TBH, I wouldn't recognise a JASMY Token if it reared up and bit me on my bum. Good for you if you have nearly doubled your money. The definition of an investment is it earns income. While there are capital gains to be made in crypto, there are also losses. I can't see one that returns income to its buyers. Not surprising as it is just another form of cash, albeit a fairly ephemeral one. You should also bear in mind as one gets older, their risk tolerance is less. I'm certainly more risk averse than I was in my thirties.
  3. What percent of his asset base? I'll bet he is only punting what he can afford to lose.
  4. My point is unless Russia invades the US, Berkshire Hathaway's 12% stake in the bricks and mortar of the Bank of America is looking quite solid. Remember what Willie Sutton said when he was asked why he robbed banks? "Because that's where the money is". Organisations spend small fortunes to ensure hackers can't penetrate their systems, some fail. I haven't heard too much about who is supposed to be protecting all the various forms of crypto, it looks more like the Wild West to me.
  5. I'm impressed by your capacity for gratuitous sarcasm, and empathy. Masses of tourists don't bother me, as I am not where they are, and in high season know the places to avoid. Many of my favorite places are never seen by the average tourist. Perhaps you have not acquired those skills as a described newbie, or does that only apply to your appearance on this forum? You may be right about mass tourism having no future, and also about the lack of social progress. It's quite evident the business model of airlines has changed drastically with COVID.
  6. Read my post again, and what I said about clinics. I got caught in the net when I accompanied my Thai GF to the provincial hospital. She was a lot sicker than I was, she had not been vaccinated. I tested positive, sore throat and slightly runny nose. Off to quarantine, both of you. I'm not complicating anything, just pointing out the risk involved. If you are smart enough to use an ATK test and self-isolate, you should be smart enough to realize not everyone will do the same.
  7. It may be extra because I am not actually banking with ANZ, I bank with a credit union that routes the ITT through ANZ.
  8. There's fantasy, and there is fact. Sergei Rudskoy, Russian General Staff: "Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is being conducted by the General Staff in strict accordance with the approved plan" Ukrainian Intelligence, verified by US satellite observation: "Russia installed helicopters and other forces in a captured Ukrainian air base in the town of Chornobayivka, only to have them all destroyed by Ukrainian artillery bombardments. Ten times." An astonishing failure to learn from experience. If it was planned to have 50 km of tanks stalled outside Kiev for a week, Putin should be wielding an axe. Apparently he is. Although he might be running out of generals, with seven of them killed in battle thus far. There is no way to fact check Rudskoy's statement. There are many ways to fact check the actual progress of battle - eyes on the ground, drones and satellites. As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Source: theage.com.au
  9. As the saying goes, if my auntie had balls, she would be my uncle. If I had bet $1 on Twilight Payment in the 2020 Melbourne Cup, I would have got a $52 return. Explain the difference to me. Warren Buffett has built a fortune with patience. Certainly, he has made mistakes, but once a business reaches a certain critical mass, it becomes bullet-proof. Tell me, how much money do you claim to have made gambling on bitcoin? Because IMO that's all it is, unless you got in on the ground floor. And if you did, what are you doing here, don't you have better things to do?
  10. It may be relaxing for you. I know half a dozen Thais whose livelihoods have been destroyed by the downturn in tourism. For example, caddies at one of the golf courses I play were earning 9K - 10K baht per month. Now, they are lucky to be taking home 3K. How would you like it if your income was suddenly reduced by two-thirds? You may think it does not affect you. It does. Restaurants close, there is less choice. The ones that stay open put their prices up, less competition. Fewer bus services scheduled due to lack of demand, the same with air travel.
  11. I occasionally wonder how I got to be 78 yo, with all the sausages I have eaten over the decades. Local growers in the Thai villages don't use pesticides, herbicides, or antibiotics. They can't afford them.
  12. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but about 98% of the sex industry clients in Thailand are Thai. IMO excessive regulation is the problem, many countries that make it much easier for tourists.
  13. I use an International Telegraphic Transfer which costs me $30. ANZ bank does the transfer via Amex. Transferred $32,000 a week ago. Perhaps the OP needs to speak with a real person to resolve the issue.
  14. A single share in Berkshire Hathaway is worth more than half a million dollars, and the collateral is bricks and mortar companies, not a stream of electrons that can be blown away by hackers or an EMP. That suggests to me Buffet and Munger have a longer track record of success than the gamblers at the crypto roulette wheel.
  15. Violence to women is inexcusable, irrespective of the form it takes. This form is especially heinous, and demands an appropriate response in kind. Let the punishment fit the crime.
  16. You obviously are not aware of Thai government health regulations. Present at any hospital and test positive to COVID, you will be hauled off to quarantine. Clinics outside the hospital system are also obliged to report COVID-positive clients. Some do, some don't. That is one part of the lottery. The second part of the lottery is whether you then become part of the public or private hospital system. In the private system, you have to pay for the 14 days, in sometimes eye-watering amounts. The public hospital system is free, but take it from someone who has been in it, very spartan. I like scrambled eggs, but not cold and 13 days in a row for breakfast. Sleeping on a 2" thick mattress was no fun either. I'm not saying everyone will go into quarantine, it is like Immigration where it depends on the province, and who is running the system. But why come here as a tourist for a two week holiday, and risk having it completely ruined?
  17. Confirmation bias in full flower. Putin's security staff vet any public appearances months ahead of the actual event for kilometres around to prevent assassination. Kremlin propaganda shill.
  18. There have been plenty of grumbles from punters about online girls, imagine arranging a liaison with a 25 yo 50 kg photoshopped woman who turns up on your doorstep more like a 45 yo with a serious weight problem. If I was still seeking female company, I'd want to see for myself, not through a phone photo. Maybe the bar scene won't be as full-on, but there's still a place for it.
  19. Some Chinese kits are defective design, returning false negatives. The Thai Health Ministry bought 1 billion baht's worth of them, perhaps they are being palmed off to the Cambodians.
  20. Tourism in Thailand will never recover to pre-COVID levels until the Thai government gets rid of all the entry requirements created in response to COVID. I've advised my friends in Australia there is a risk of being hauled off to quarantine at considerable expense for 14 days if they contract COVID while they are here. Thailand is an attractive tourist destination, it is all the regulations that make it unattractive. A fourth grade kid could see that.
  21. I'm just wondering how many food tasters he has gone through.
  22. Google Ted Mack to see what a politician should really be.
  23. I'd put this invention in the same basket as a lemon peeler, or a car heater in Bangkok.
  24. You can't be using the right keywords, this popped upon my first try: https://www.history.com/news/vladimir-putin-russia-power
  25. I'm not sure the pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas are a majority. Again, history shows the Donbas was actually fully Ukrainian until Stalin instituted mass starvation there, then transferred Russians in. Any country that has to offer a 20% interest rates on bank deposits to keep them from flying out the door is a basket case, compare that with what you get in unzed. If Putin isn't stupid, he has made major mistakes. There's any number of retired US military on YouTube who are talking about this war as providing a case study for years to come in terms of military failures. Putin is KGB, he is not a military man. Like Hussein, he probably thought he was.
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