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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

    The easy answer to this is to forget Thailand either stay home or book somewhere else, save the headaches

    i will go to spain...no quaranine, no covid test required....and not so much covid anyway !!

    just hope on the plane and come (from low risk countries incl. all europe)....

    thailand allways try to play like a world leading country, better than spain and u.k. and u.s. (where no CEO nonsense is needed) and that is allways funny

    • Like 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

    I would like to know just how the 1st of July arrivals  have booked anything and maybe why 700 must have cancelled or lost their money from the thousand arriving TAT quoted two days ago ????

    the airlines do sell tickets for direct flights to phuket. fortunately, there is plenty of seats.

    but who in his sane mind will book a ticket when the COE cannot even being prepared?

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, foreverlomsak said:

    6,000 foreigners arrive on Phuket Island July 1st, 7,000 are sent home on the 2nd minus large sums of money for not having the correct "Sandbox" paperwork, etc.

    this is exactly my fear.

    or worse : being sent to some hospital jail quarantine because of blah blah blah.

    how stupid can they be?

    you cannot say you will open phuket on 1 july, and in the same time do nothing

    about it !!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    those apps will be connected to drones that will inspect you from the air for face wearing violations...

    salema i am happy that i put a smile on your face.

    i was worried about you, becuase so many reactions from you are sad face...

  5. On 6/16/2021 at 2:58 AM, NCC1701A said:

    you are going to be tracked by GPS app on your phone or wristband

    those apps will be connected to drones that will inspect you from the air for face wearing violations...

    • Haha 2
  6. On 6/16/2021 at 4:47 AM, bolt said:

    no BA no COE

    such a low trust from thai authorities.

    really, who will come for a holiday with those disgusting demands?

    yreating us like suspicious crooks who just want to get into the country and sleep

    on the beach. who the hell has patient for all those non sense when come for a holiday?

    in a sandbox???

    • Sad 1
  7. I GOT THIS EMAIL TODAY FROM thai embassy in my country:


    The Embassy has not as yet received any official notification from Bangkok regarding Phuket despite what has been reported in the media, and so the Embassy is unable to advise you regarding Phuket, but hopefully the Embassy will soon receive the requisite information.

    As soon as the Embassy is informed of the conditions of entry to Phuket, they will be published on the Embassy’s official Facebook page and on the Embassy’s official website . Thank you.

  8. 20 minutes ago, drtreelove said:

    Do tell, where do we find this T-8 and the app you mention? 

    disregard, just found it

    • Entry to Thailand
    • 1. After the receipt of COE, please prepare the additional documents to declare at the check-in counter as follows
      • 1.1 Passport and valid Thai visa/ re-entry permit (if required)
      • 1.2 Certificate of Entry (COE)
      • 1.3 Medical certificate with a laboratory result indicating that COVID-19 is not detected, using RT-PCR test, issued within 72 hours before departure (in case of connecting flights, before embarkation from initial port).
      • 1.4 Insurance or letter from employer guaranteeing that the insurance company or employer will cover a minimum of 100,000 USD of medical costs incurred by the applicant in Thailand, including medical costs in the event that applicant contracts COVID-19 (The insurance must cover the total duration of stay in Thailand)
      • 1.5 T.8 Form (Health Declaration Form). You can download T.8 Form at https://bit.ly/34X6sAJ
      • * Documents (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) must be in English or Thai only. Certified translations into English or Thai are acceptable in the case that the original copy is in a foreign language.
    • 2. Please download and register Thailand Plus application. Download manual :: click
    • 3. The abovementioned documents in (1 ) and Thailand Plus application in (2) must be declared to the immigration and disease control officers once the passenger has arrived in Thailand.

    how about the ASQ hotel booking? or is it not required now ?

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Even if you mean room in a house or condo or apartment, how did the kamoy know she had withdrawn such a large amount?

    as i mentioned, it was propably someone from the bank, customer or cashier, who

    saw her withdrawing large amount than called the partners who followed her to

    the hotel.

    it is called follow up robbery. common in latine america where the robbers can

    follow the victim until his house to robe him .

    she did not mean to leave the cash there for long time, just for a night. it had

    to be used to buy a restaurant/

  10. 2 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    That's a terrible idea as bitcoin is more expensive in Thailand than in Spain plus bitcoin might have crashed by 20% by the time he comes to sell it. Just today it lost 9%!

    why would he mess with bitcoin and cash if he is not a criminal ?

    important to understand, that these days you want to have your money in the bank.

    governments hate cash.

    they see cash and bitcoin as suspicious.

    so if you have nothing to hide. better use banks. TT . ATM. this way there

    is track .

  11. 3 hours ago, gargamon said:

    Well, that was the story she told anyway. Who knows if it really happened. My vote would be that she, or her partner in crime, stole it. 

    why would she lie to me? i was not part of the deal.

    interesting to mention, that after she told me the story, i gave her 3000 baht.

    also to make her happy, also becuse she was my friend (not for sex).

    than what happaned? she disapeared. never answered my calls  again.

    go figure.

  12. today i emailed thailand embassy in my country and this is their reply:


    The Embassy has not as yet received any official notification from Bangkok regarding Phuket despite what has been reported in the media, and so the Embassy is unable to advise you regarding Phuket, but hopefully the Embassy will soon receive the requisite information.

    As soon as the Embassy is informed of the conditions of entry to Phuket, they will be published on the Embassy’s official Facebook page at  and on the Embassy’s official website. Thank you

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 4 hours ago, scorecard said:

    He laughs about it today. 

    is it not a laughing mattar as many people lost their lives while carrying cash.

    i know a story of a young woman who got her german boyfriend to buy her a restaurant.

    she went to koh samui and withdrew the money from the bank, 800K THB.

    than she came back to the room and hid the money very well in her room.

    she left the room for lunch and when she came back the money was gone.

    someone followed her from the bank , waited for her to leave the room, than got in

    and stole the money.

  14. maybe you should start by googling DUTCH MAN GET 100 YEARS JAIL TIME IN THAILAND and

    than think again if you want to invest large amounts in thailand.


    why would you consider coming from organised and clean europe to invest

    in third world thailand?

    buying real esate abroad is allready hard enough, so it is even harder in a poor

    country where english is not well spoken and the...well, just hink it over mate.

    also check youtube for : nightmare tenants slam landlords

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