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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. They are young and brave. I'll never know how they contain their anger at winning the election and then being double-crossed by the Thaksin band. The system is very repressive, and I fear nothing will change until some dinosaurs leave the earth.
  2. You are lying. He was specifically asked, and he said, Biden. You can't stop making things up to suit your agenda. Of course, Putin says "Biden", and you hear "Trump". It's pretty sad, actually.
  3. That was NOT my point, and you know it. I was pointing out that Kamala had not converted. Why did I raise it? Only because YOU mentioned it. YOU brought up that her husband was a Jew - why? It is irrelevant, and I could not care less what his or her religion is. You can stop your self-righteous, feigned 'hurt feelings' right now, as you are very disingenuous.
  4. morons
  5. The Talmud holds that a marriage between a Jew and a non-Jew is both prohibited and also does not constitute a marriage under Jewish law – the non-Jew would need to convert in order for the marriage to be legal. Care to explain?
  6. You might be right - if this is a sign of a change from the Biden worship of Israel, I'd change to Dems. Now, we need either side to say they will not fund Ukraine, and it's a done deal.
  7. Interesting question - eggs, maybe, but I don't eat many; I eat spinach when possible. I should take a supplement, I guess.
  8. Haha, I think none of the media in the US is unbiased—those days are long gone. I used to think the BBC was pretty unbiased, but they have gone all woke these days, too.
  9. Red Kidney beans, nuts, tofu, broccoli...
  10. Yea and there are a lot of them here lol TIT
  11. Celebrate 50 years as a vegetarian next year! You don't need meat to be healthy.
  12. But he only says that after he's forced out - come on, man.
  13. Please supply links—VP Harris is 50 points higher in IQ than Trump—not opinion pieces but data, links from neutral sources.
  14. I think he would, and she has many weak spots - the border, for one, lying anent Biden about his health and everyone's estimation that she has done zero in four years as VP. I think as CNN held the last debate it is only fair someone else holds the next one - preferably a neutral. ABC is appalling biased.
  15. So Trump is a fascist now? He's certainly egocentric and full of hypobole, but I don't think he fits the normal definition of fascist.
  16. How is "foreigners assaulting another foreigner" linked to the title of this piece "intimidates locals"?
  17. They are not - any links? data? quotes? that kind of thing? and don't supply MSM drivel and opinion pieces by Dem hacks paid by Soros.
  18. Sihanoukville? really? was there 15 years ago and it was paradise back then - just a few big hotels and lots of space - just a few bars on victory hill I think it was called.
  19. You keep calling me a commie - so you must be a fascist - indeed your obsession with my posts is very fascist
  20. I am also amazed that they let members post such words here.
  21. Mayor Pete is gay - so you have the full woke set but, unfortunately, millions won't like it
  22. Troll - name ONE 'commie rag' - but you cannot - you are just another ignorant wannabe. Do you think Russia is communist? You are living in the 1950s
  23. Lies - he didn't write it, was not supportive of it - and disavowed it. Any more lies?
  24. Pathetic armchair warrior - go fight for your wonderful Ukraine. The meatgrinder is waiting for you bro - enjoy!
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