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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. You live in fantasy land
  2. Here we go: "I will be the nominee"! "I'm not quitting"! Who will ever trust the Dems not to lie? Go get her Kennedy!!!
  3. It is Sunday - Biden was due for a press conference today. Word is out that he's cancelled it because he had jet lag; whoops, I mean a cold - sorry, covid - hell, he forgot!
  4. What a farce the Dems are! I thought I'd read somewhere that all the donations cannot be transferred to a new candidate?
  5. I would never ride a bicycle here. Where's the insurance? jeez it's not rocket science
  6. Humanities complete lack of self-responsibility and self-awareness for planet earth and all who dwell here
  7. Admit it - you love her sexy, to you, right-wing politics. I'll increase my score to a 3 out of 10 if you let this silly thread go lol. She's nearly 50 and probably a grandmother!
  8. Help is at hand: https://www.therapyroute.com/therapists/thailand/1 Or go to Pattaya or Nana Plaza, grab a beer, and snap out of it
  9. Black is black I want my coffee back It's earl grey, it's earl grey Since my coffee went away, oh oh What can I do 'Cause I-I-I-I-I I'm feelin' thirsy If I had my way, my coffee would be black today
  10. Why come to Thailand if you like 48-year-old Amercian lefties with three kids and the resultant sagging bodies that go with it? That is weird!
  11. She is a 1 or 2 on a scale of 10 - you need to get out more! you must be trolling or having a larf right?
  12. Variety is the spice of life - if you are trying to screw a 50 or 60-year-old wrinkly, then you might have problems. 🫢
  13. I bet you're a laugh-a-minute
  14. But they must reach their 30% diversity target - so they selected a fat female who can't holster her gun (diversity target met!)
  15. Putin? Admiration? Talk about deflection. Yes, I think anyone who deceives should be called out. Not just Bidens pompous wife.
  16. From getting older, I learned that I'm more compassionate now and reflect on how I could have been kinder earlier in my life.
  17. Not meant to be rude, Bob, but... from one Bob to another... maybe a little self-indulgent? Anyway, no big deal. Enjoy Bob!
  18. Bob, methinks you post these to show off what you think you have. Several of your posts are all about you, you, you and are disingenuous. Good day.
  19. Great, I'll do that next time - thank you.
  20. You are right, of course, but how we see ourselves and what we call ourselves reveals so much about us. My only point has been to use it within your professional culture, not outside of it. Why does it slightly vex me? Only very recently did I find out she was NOT a medical professional, and like Whoopi, I assumed she was. She has been saying, "Joe is okay and healthy," any reasonable person would assume she was a medical professional from those statements. I have never said she did not deserve it nor that the universities should not award it, or that medical doctors had a doctorate. I stated CLEARLY MBBS is a double bachelor's degree in the UK.
  21. He's a DOCTOR, so he must be right! LOL
  22. They do and have many very low-class universities where you can virtually buy a degree and a PhD.
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