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Everything posted by Caldera

  1. As the STV officially allows a continuous stay of 9 months, by design, it would be ridiculous for rogue IOs to claim that tourists aren't allowed to spend more than 6 months per year in Thailand. Other than that, we can only speculate at this point. I'd expect a somewhat lenient attitude until they can afford to be picky again.
  2. Never say never, maybe there are fixers that can actually fix this, but what are the guarantees and what's the recourse if whatever fix doesn't work as expected? You can't exactly report them to the police if they claim they can fix it, take your money and then it goes wrong somehow.
  3. I didn't get that message, presumably because I'm already using the K-PLUS app, so I don't need to apply for it.
  4. I've got no idea if there's any substance to this news report, but for what it's worth, I've always thought the required 400,000 baht for in-patient care was ridiculously low while the required 40,000 baht for out-patient care was ridiculously petty (or simply unnecessary). I hope they get rid of the latter while increasing the former.
  5. I'd say they're already too late for what could have been high season. Most people need to plan long-distance travel well in advance.
  6. Same for me, I got to see the digital version of my vax certificate before I got the paper version.
  7. I'm a foreigner and found it very easy to download Mor Phrom. Same with many other foreigners I know. Your problem doesn't seem to be downloading the app as such, but that you don't know your ID number. There's only one way to find out: Ask the hospital that vaccinated you for it.
  8. I called their automated Bualuang Phone Banking system, where they have a procedure for changing the debit card limits. Unlike with Kasikorn Bank, I think you cannot adjust your debit card limits from within the app. At least I didn't find that option, but I might have simply missed it.
  9. This topic served as a welcome reminder for myself. I never use my Bangkok Bank debit card for any purchases, only at ATMs. So I finally used their phone banking to set the purchase limit to 0 baht, which I should have done long ago. I do use my Kasikorn Bank web shopping card and debit card for purchases, so I double checked that the limits are reasonably low. I get instant SMS notifications for all transactions, so that's quite easy to keep track of. Nothing gone missing so far. Fingers crossed and best of luck to all of you.
  10. By not maintaining the requisite balance, you've disqualified yourself, so the only strictly legit option is to start over by leaving and reentering the country. As that's difficult and/or expensive thanks to Covid, using an agent really is your best option at this point.
  11. Just an idea, your friend could ask the agent that facilitated the extension for help with canceling it.
  12. So he didn't take any action once the "visa amnesty" ended last year in October. I find that quite mind-boggling, considering that Covid extensions have been available ever since - it has never been easier to be legal in Thailand, whether you qualify for a "proper visa" or not. As for the smart car part, what does the fact that they emphasize the car's contribution say about the immigration officers that accompanied said car? I'll leave it there. ????
  13. Congratulations, don't spend it all on Lao Khao when you return to Thailand and celebrate with your friends. ????
  14. You beat me to it! And out of curiosity, considering the location, how many of those 27 foreigners are Korean?
  15. I'm happy here in Thailand, and I know it. No need to write a novel about it. ????
  16. It is my impression that mask wearing isn't such a big deal for most Thais, compared with what we're seeing in Western countries where it's often being portrayed as a major infringement of personal freedom etc. For this reason alone, I think Thai authorities won't be in a rush to rescind mask mandates. There's a lot more pressure to ease other restrictions, those that have an impact on people's livelihoods. As this applies to everyone in Thailand, no matter what their nationality or visa status is, any potential visitor who has strong feelings about this will need to wait for updates. As of now, you'd need to wear a mask in many if not most places.
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