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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. it's a total misunderstanding as 2 days ago "big mouth" Anutin said that he had everything under control
  2. he's just venting, blowing out some hot air as elections may be on the horizon, typical (bad) politicians move
  3. more and more hasty decisions made out of sheer desperation.... they should be careful with what they wish for
  4. usually they blame brake failure, this one had a new idea blaming the wet road ..... never blame themselves for their poor or non existing driving skills
  5. we all know that but Thais maybe not or if they do don't want to admit it as for shortage of foreigners it's Thai's IMO fault with all their visa restrictions, many highly skilled foreigners would more then happy to come and work here if the country IMO drastic laws were revised/readjusted/updated to the current work force to nearby competitive countries... but here Thai's attitude as " we know it all and better then anybody else" make many people do U turn's and/or look elsewhere
  6. but on the other end the master of BS claims 555 Anutin latest: We are completely in control of Covid - even if things turn into an emergency
  7. do this guys ever know what the other one is writing...... but it's all under 555 The Thai Ministry of Public Health has once again upgraded the risk of COVID-19 infection to Level 4, the second highest level, across the country, as 90% of new infections are now by the Omicron variant.
  8. sure he wants him back, ChaCha is afraid he may spill the beans down in Aussie land 555
  9. am a little confused, are the infection numbers going up??? ROFL 5555 Anutin: Thailand's handling of the pandemic "best in the world"
  10. wonder if they have some dream catcher at their office.... wishful thinking/hoping 555
  11. Zebra Crossings: Motorists still ignoring them, Thai media discovers the contrary would have been a big surprise ..... nahhh not in Thailand they know it all and better at it then any other country 555
  12. agree with almost all of your post but the last paragraph, that (unfortunately) doesn't apply to all of them, sometimes they use their sexual duties to blackmail or to extort/ negotiate other favors 555
  13. it will tough, very tough to get rid of him.... bad loser syndrome Definition of syndrome a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition
  14. government related people with very deep pockets and too many envelopes
  15. too many people not paying taxes, doctors with private running offices after their "official" job collect all in cash and nothing to declare
  16. solution.... reduce the salary of all his cronies by 50% the savings should be distributed/given to the people
  17. I wouldn't expect any different answer from him, denial has and will be his legacy .........never saw and/or heard anyone, to be honest enough to acknowledge any wrong doing even when caught with their hand in the candy jar......
  18. do you how the French and Portuguese call/refer to these 2 names
  19. boxing (punching) gloves on and all are welcome 555
  20. but not free, correct ? the 3 S's apply--- someone, somewhere and somehow has to pay something
  21. been reading the majority of the posts and they all confirmed previous comments about how Thais see us foreigners, no surprise here, for them all, we are just a walking ATM
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