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Everything posted by Lee65

  1. Ouch! Not everyone can appreciate your genius, sir.
  2. Makes me upchuck even the thought of visiting Canada.
  3. Spontaneous combustion? Or that Avon Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson too cowardly to just say "We don't know" or "It was an EV" ?
  4. Used Squawk Code 7700 meaning "Aircraft in an Emergency State". One might imagine they could have predicted the fuel requirement to get to BKK? Shocking stats re jibby jabs/ pilots and increase in 7700 squawks: https://rumble.com/v40c5jy-uncensored-shane-murdock-pilot-warns-386-increase-in-mayday-calls-since-cov.html
  5. Illuminating. All bow down to Saint George! A great expose of politics running roughshod over common sense. And of the stupid masses & media showing their stuff. There was one issue poorly addressed in the film. Did Chauvin - who used the technique he was taught - use it longer than was necessary.
  6. Well, I guess it's case closed then!
  7. Fashion, status, and the health benefits of imbibing one's own recirculated saliva.
  8. That was me inventing ridiculously far fetched scenarios, not Lacessit (who was polite not to take credit). Damage to the bottom of vehicle - where the battery pack is - would almost certainly be missed by the rental car company. Ever bottomed out a vehicle on a back road strewn with large, embedded rocks? I have - as might have a previous rental driver.
  9. Exactly!
  10. I thought they were ridiculous and exemplified the bias and low-level rationality/"science" to be expected from The Guardian. I'm not "anti-EV" but rather an EV skeptic/realist. Your attempt to preempt reader's complaints about The Guardian betray your own lack of open-mindedness. Hope we're even now.
  11. I have a functioning mind.
  12. That video was supplied by EV maker BYD! I kinda doubt they'd upload an unsuccessful crash test. I once drove over something - apparently metal - on a highway that hit the bottom of the car so hard I was certain that there had been damage. (Never did find any damage; and it happened to have been a rental car). Had that same thing happened in an EV I would be very concerned. Paranoia? Or just legitimate concern given what can happen with a damaged EV battery ...
  13. Maybe ideal for urban driving; urban refueling not so much ...
  14. None of those are subject to extremely intense and rapid combustion as is a damaged EV battery. Never know what the previous driver of an EV rental did with the car.
  15. Good point. And it might be a damaged 4-year-old battery. (As, incidentally, might be the case for an EV rental car ...)
  16. Totally understood. You've done some creative cost accounting to favor your EV.
  17. "Cost of Vehicle Ownership" is the number to consider. Nobody yet knows that for EVs, but it must include the cost of medications to counter headaches and anxiety, and legal fees to defend against people annoyed that your vehicle burned down a high-rise condo.
  18. Add that EV fires burn extremely hot, and are practically impossible to extinguish in some situations. You'd have to be nuts or very stupid to allow EVs in a carpark, particularly one that is beneath a condo or office building, or shopping mall.
  19. KhunLA - In some posts here you've reported the money you've saved on fuel by driving your EV. If I understand correctly, you state most of your vehicle charges are from your home solar charger and that you count these as "free" of cost as you are charging with "excess" solar power. I.e. You already had your home solar power system before you began charging your vehicles with it. This seems to me disingenuous accounting. Wouldn't it be more accurate to apportion your cost of charging your EV at home as a percentage of the Cost of Ownership (initial outlay, maintenance, depreciation, repairs, etc.) for your home solar energy system. For example, if charging your EV accounts for 30% of your systems annual energy output, then your annual EV energy cost would be 30% of your systems annual Cost of Ownership. It is not really "free energy" as you claim.
  20. Who's got the biggest ... ignore list.
  21. Put Chomsky and Kissinger in a room for a bore-off. Well, Kissinger would win now. Chomsky a close 2nd.
  22. Be careful. I found a quiet place in a noisy city. Now I can never move and don't want to go outside.
  23. delete
  24. What's also ridiculous is people posting thousands of personal opinions from unreliable sources - and others reading and fretting over them.
  25. CP has turned most of the food floor space at big Lotus stores into giant 7-11s. "Do what you know ..."
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