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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. We are going to have a boom. Happy Days Are Here Again!
  2. He talked to Mark Levin. This guy has nothing to do with the press. He is a right wing blowhard, who works with Glenn Beck & Hannity. This was a PR gimmick, with softball questions so Trump could gush. Nothing to do with the press. BTW - this article does not mention it, but The Donald claimed he had very right to interfere in the Presidential election when he was motor mouthing with Mark. That should blow up in say 24 hours. Open Mouth, The Donald Inserts Foot.
  3. And you do? We were in Afghanistan & Iraq because of the Bushmaster. So it is not like Repubs really care about it in the first place. The only reason it comes up now, Trump needs to try & smear someone or something. It is the only way he knows how to campaign. That is why he was out doing PR photos, in a cemetery among people he has said are suckers and losers. Against rules but hey, The Donald doesn't care.
  4. Famous Chiang Mai case of the 'vegetarian ventilator'. She ended up with a sentence of two and a half years for premeditated murder. However as she and the victim were both westerners .... may bpen rai.
  5. Theya re as relevant today as they have ever been. They rarely win elections, but they tip governments. They funded the anti Thaksin movement. The deep pockets behind it all. Sondhi leading up to the 06 coup Suthep & PAD, the yellows, leading up to the 2014 coup. They create enough instability, then the greens step in. Currently they are the money behind the ultroyalists/ultra monarchists, opposing the reform movements of the last couple years, and of course trying to blame it all on evil outsiders seeking to destabilize the kingdom. As for Mr Chuan, one should remember his antics as PM in the post Kader Fire investigation. He either thought he was going to get a big payday from those evil US companies, or blame it on them, back in the globalization yelping days. However, Shock, Gasp, Horror, it was revealed that Disney & Mattel did not own Kader. In fact a Thai conglomerate; CP group did. A member of which was in his very own governing cabinet. Woops. Legend has it, Thai 's from the Los Angeles, & UCLA, were critical in untangling just who owned Kader Toy Factory.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 58 seconds  
  7. The Russians know that. Only one way Putin will end up. When you have had so many of your enemies & friends pushed out of windows, you know what is coming. He is strong, until he is not, and then an unfortunate accident.
  8. Operation Barbarossa & the main theater of World War II, was a US proxy war?! That is way beyond your usual ridiculous twaddle. Just curious how did the USA & Roosevelt, manipulate Hitler to attack his Soviet ally Stalin?! They had worked so well together in the invasion of Poland, & the Soviets take over of the Baltic States & Finland (with Nazi approval) in 39/40.
  9. Putin will just send in "tourists", like he has done before.
  10. You need to work on your one liners, snark & BS posting. Really
  11. Always wondered why there hasn't been more of this here in Thailand. One of my first trips to Indonesia back in the aughts. Ended up assisting an Aussie couple there to pick up there son. Take him home. Painful & ugly. As a spirit drinker myself, something you never forget. Facebook site, no links but if interested - A Drink to Die From - More of it out there than people are aware of.
  12. Policies? Problem is if you want Harris to talk about policies, and she has already talked about the economy etc.. Then Trump would have to respond The last person capable of talking about policies is Donald the Trump. The republican Party has been begging him to talk about policy, cut the snark & a bit of the nastiness (ten years on and it seem to be getting old to many undecided voters). He can't, he doesn't know how. What would he say? His policy of tax cuts for the wealthy. His policy of firing any government official that does not kowtow to him personally, but instead upholds the rule of law. Not going to win doing that. Smart move setting the ground work to back out of that debate. Trump knows he will likely get forced into talking about policies, his weak spot. Harris would beat him like a gong. For good or ill he has to go with what got him here in the first place, that most definitely is not issues or policies..
  13. For not getting the business.....but called, you know, a threat to national security (no further information given). They are already looking at Thailand as a Currency manipulator.
  14. A New York Post article ... It is not even news, it is an opinion about the news. Opinions from right wing blowhards.
  15. He is on point with his snark, his insults, rants & tag line lies. That is his strength. However he is being advised to try and do real 'issues' by staff and fellow repubs .. ... Trump doing the economy, a stand up routine about inflation & tic tac containers. Even his fans were bored & confused. He has to stay with the snark, venom, the racism & lies. There is no way he can win with issues. Go with what you know.
  16. Understand this is old fake news, and you're very busy crafting new fake news. However real news out of the US this last weekend has Trump backtracking on the one and only debate with Harris he agreed to. Looks like he is setting the ground work for jumping ship on that. Understandable given his recent incoherent tangents, and inability to debate discuss REAL issues. Might as well nix that and stay with name calling, lies & racist mysogynist attacks, which has always been Donalds strong suit. Stay with what you know.
  17. Thailand was not occupied by Japan in WWII. They were Japan's ally. Thailand occupied and was set to absorb, the Shan States section of Burma, today's Myanmar. They also occupied and were again set to absorb the western part of Cambodia, into Thailand. These territorial gains were the rewards of being Japan's ally in the war.
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 179 seconds  
  19. Another NYP - New York Post article, that no one but a Trumper would believe.
  20. China had ICBM's deployed by the late 70's. China has had the capability to obliterate the US for almost fifty years & eight US Presidents. BTW, Likely S Korea will go nuke by the end of this decade. Given political instability in the US (Trump) they want have their own little radioactive pile a death. N. Korea is next door & shakes their nukes a bit much. Hey, perhaps China, can play peacemaker for the Koreas ... ... or not.
  21. Good to see a Bob Scott byline. A premier albino primate, churning out content about Thailand topics. Bravo
  22. Tough man Donald Trump, when Turkish leader Erdogan gave him a call, & asked him to betray the Kurds. One of the few US allies during the whole of the WMD Iraq invasion disaster, albeit that poochscrew by a previous Republican president. Sure Turkey had been tacitly allowing ISIS to ship oil, had been funneling refugees through the country to send them on into the EU. Still Donald Trump never met a authoritarian psycho strong man he did not like. When Erdogan called, he jumped & obeyed. Erdogan got all he wanted plus a boot licking. That is setting the bar extremely low for anyone, let alone a person with a spine.
  23. The red are known as rod daeng. Cynical opinion is they call them baht buses in this article, instead of rod daeng, as locals & tourists detest the *&#$ ers. They were useful once. However the city should get a real bus system. BTW Rod daeng drivers and the Pu-Yai owners behind them have stopped at least two attempts to do so in the last 20 years.
  24. It is a farce but Disney is trying to increase litigation costs, as the payout is only 50K, it may not be worth it to proceed, as lawyer fees will eat a lot of that even if they win. . It should be noted the plaintiffs have already been paid by the Restaraunt/Pubs insurance company. And you can bet it was a BIG payout. Theya re just trying to pump Disney for an additional 50K. Disney is the landlord, nothing to do with the Pub, staff, training, allergy protocols, etc. However a big name, with deep pockets ... Always the money, always.
  25. Is not Disney doing this to increase potential litigation costs if they really want to go forward with this? Its is only a 50K pay out. Lawyers will eat up a lot of that, even if a joke of a case. It should be noted that Disney is just the landord. They had nothing to do The Pub, its staff, training, allergy protocols etc. The plaintiffs are just trying to get a little cream on top of their payout by putting Disney on the spot& in the news. The Raglan Road Irish Pubs's insurance company has already settled. I can't imagine anything less than 7 figure amount and not in baht.
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