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Everything posted by cleopatra2

  1. Here is the relevant paragraph "(1) The nationals of a Contracting State shall not be subjected in the other Contracting State to any taxation or any requirement connected therewith which is other or more burdensome than the taxation and connected requirements to which nationals of that other State in the same circumstances are or may be subjected." If a Thai national subject to UK tax did not receive the personal allowance that nationals of the UK are entitled. The Thai national UK tax would be more burdensome. In addition from the HMRC Thailand is on the following list https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/residence-domicile-and-remittance-basis/rdrm10340
  2. What the poster is referring to , is that some pension providers will further reduce the amount of monies paid to the widow if a certain age gap exists between the husband and wife. This is to account for the potential of the payment being paid for longer.
  3. The UK personal allowance is provided for in the DTT non discrimination clause.. The non resident should receive the same benefits as residents.
  4. If the pension is UK derived income then it is UK taxable. Your wife will be entitled to UK tax allowance . The immediate issue would be obtaining a UK tax identifier as your wife has not worked in the UK.
  5. Another option would be to google any error code that is displayed. To establish if windows has identified an issue.
  6. I suspect you are missing the specific phone USB drivers.
  7. The OP wants to reclaim tax paid in his UK pension by stating his residence is now Thailand. There is no provisions in the DTT that allows relief on UK tax for pension income sourced in the UK. In this respect it is irrelevant when the monies are remitted into Thailand. At present the OP stated he will obtain a tax id , thus is not paying Thai tax presently.
  8. It is irrelevant because the OP is trying to avoid paying UK tax on UK sourced income . There is no provisions in the DTT that provides for this. Even if such a sceneria existed the UK tax authorities would want to see evidence from the Thai tax authorities that tax is being deducted from this source of income in order not to apply UK tax.
  9. It is irrelevant the DTT prevents double taxation. Article 23 of the UK Thai DTT gives the opportunity to get credit for UK tax paid for any Thai tax liability. Since the pension income is derived from the UK it is UK tax paid that credit can be used for Thai tax. If the income was Thailand source then the Thai tax can be credited against any UK tax
  10. The 2nd paragraph is referring to the different DTT agreements in place between the UK and other states. For the purposes of Thailand there is no provision for pensions with the exception of Government Pensions. Thus the UK has taxing rights on any UK derived pension .
  11. Are these services still available on the Government Gateway site. Since the UK government retired the Government Gateway in favour of Government Verify and the HMRC is the only department that still uses government Gateway .
  12. For the Government Gateway the credit reference does not have to be recent. However you need a uk address that can be linked to yourself. The system will go through a number of credit reference questions and responses can be negative if correct. Such as Question: How long since you opened your last current account. It will then give a number of options for you to choose such as 1 year, 2 year etc,. The final option will be More than 5 years ago. There will be approx 5 questions of this nature. I successfully registered only last week with just passport and no credit history using the option of more than x years, and using an old UK address that is no longer connected to me.
  13. If this is considered a post election payoff then the other promises from the other parties should also be deemed so. Such as Raising the welfare card payments, giving land to people below the poverty line. The 3000 to 6000 monthly pay to Thais over the age of 60. Of course the difference is how the schemes are budgeted whilst the other party's concentrate on a specific demograph the PTT is including Thai nationals not eligible to vote.
  14. No, you can set it up to use whatever language the distro supports.
  15. Was it not Prof Susskind part of a team who suggest the Hologram theory. That the information is trapped on the boundary of the EV , but in a disjointed form analogous to an Hologram.
  16. Nothing gets sucked into a black hole. It is not like a hoover . The gravity in a black hole is such that light cannot escape. However the particles, objects and matter first have to pass into the black hole .
  17. It is not against the law for banks to accept criminals .However there are regulations about the account management for sex offenders. Deutsche was aware of his conviction and the information was brought to the executives attention .
  18. If I understand correctly. You believe Epstein did not commit any crimes. Other people do and Epstein was convicted and and registered as sex offender. Duetsche Bank failed to follow banking regulations whilst dealing with Epstein
  19. The DIY store analogy is not comparable. Jes Staley now ex JP Morgan employee had a close relationship with Epstein and is alleged to have observed the abuse.
  20. According to my calendar May 11 is not a holiday , and falls on a Thursday. May 11 to 15 is not a long weekend for Bank Holiday purposes. Edit Royal Ploughing Ceremony is only a government holiday not a public holiday.
  21. Whilst I do not dispute what you state, however internal guidance instructs the cancelling of passport only when another passport has been authorized and is entered on the internal MI database. ( There are some caveats as in the case of death etc. But not one for application submission). For the purposes of id normally any expired or cancelled documents would not be accepted as valid id.
  22. For DB only the initial lump sum is 25% tax free. Any subsequent pension payments are treated as normal income for tax purposes but exempt for NI payments. ( Caveat it is possible to transfer the DB out of the pension into another pension arrangement. However this is not recommended .) For DB schemes the lump sum is arrived at by using a commutation process which reduces the future regular pension payments .
  23. The contract is the determining factor as evidenced by Adrian Chiles successfull challenge to his tax demand. The judge determining that the contract amounted to providing of services not employment , thus fall outside IR35 In 2017 the law became clear that the company employing the worker is responsible for that persons tax status.
  24. He has also attacked and attempted to kill fellow inmates.
  25. Having being given a life sentence , the Parole Board can only release him on life licence . If he was to breach the conditions of the licence he would be returned to prison to continue serve his sentence.
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