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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. The other day Prayut said that we would learn the names of all the perps in the investigation. He didn't that for transparency say the names would be released....he said it would be impossible to keep them quiet. I thought it was an odd thing to say.

    Now I see that we have snail's pace back again so that every committee and its mother will have to give the green light after hermeneutically perusing the documents to find something trivial that wasn't done according to 'procedure'. It's not encouraging.

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  2. Wouldn't;t it one nice if all government procurement followed the same rules.....ie get 3 bids all with the same T&C, have an anonymous panel evaluate each bid and issue a list of questions, get the answers back and have the panel review them, then pick the best supplier.

    It seems that having multiple procedures for procurement is equivalent to having bio system at all. It might be a good idea if the supplier were to be paid by cheque instead of bundles of cash which seems to be the current preference.

  3. The 400 million and Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe are not linked issues. 

    The woman is allegedly a spy and it certainly looks like that from her work and from Boris Johnson's description about what she was doing there....ie organising journalist workshops to generate negative press for the Iranian government. Whether this is or toil thing is legal in the UK is also irrelevant, it is illegal in Iran. When you are a guest in someone's country you should obey their laws, not arrongantly insist your laws are better. 

    Every court, international and domestic, that has considered the matter says UK owes Iran 400 million plus interest. The UK won't pay because the US tells them not to. 

    The UK can be honourable and pay up.....this will undoubtedly create some goodwill that is missing to have the woman freed. She can only be months away from the end of her term anyway. The new charges are probably not legitimate but the UK still owes the money. Iran is  the first country to find out that Britain has a dishonourable streak, as Venezuela found out when it asked for its gold back and got a dose of sophistry instead.


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