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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. IO have yet to find a government produced app that actually works. I have stopped using any that they make for immigration because I fear I might bring on an attack of apoplexy. I dutifully fill in all the forms where they ask several times for the same information, name, address, telephone number, passport number, entry number etc then having filled out all this I push the button to send and it says there is a problem, and not in a helpful way, telling you how to fix it.

    For Thailand to produce a functioning track and trace app for 40 million visitors(last years total), is impossible despite being the e-business and internet hub of the ASEAN.

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  2. I can't wait for Thailand to become the tub (sic) of world tourism on October 1st. One of the problems these worthy ministries (and the hundreds off sub committees that they will create) will face is that since Thailand now has no coronavirus infection, any single tourist can turn the whole country into some dystopian space like America with corona lurking in every place. 

    Personally I liked the idea that someone posted the other day....and that was to make the quarantine period the holiday....so hotels spend some dough and do an "all in" 3 meals a day, free booze, etc....no need to leave the hotel as it has everything you need.  

    I see Bali tried to open up and couldn't for various reasons. 

  3. I'm suspecting that this is the charge with weakest evidence, easily challengeable by the defence team. Nothing to see here, no Boss in jail ever. It would be unnatural for such a hi-so whose grandfather invented Red Bull to spend a night in the clink.

    If he does come back I wonder what sort of contorted rationale the presiding judge is going to give for allowing him bail after he has already run away once.

  4. I think sitting on your ar$e at home watching the tele is the top job for foreigners. It's a skilled job which few people can do expertly and so it needs oodles of practice. Sadly peak earnings are on the low side.


    Other than that, if you have at least tongue, a mouth and a head, you can be a teacher of English.....high status, but sadly, quite lowly pay. Importantly, you don't need any education of any kind or any knowledge of the English language to teach English in Thailand even in the most prestigious schools which is obviously a plus if you spent your teenaged years in Borstal.

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  5. I'm in the high risk group, old, obese, diabetic....but I won't be signing up for any studies. I see the pharmaceutical companies have got a get out of jail free card meaning they won't have to pay any damages if it all goes horribly wrong and people get devastating illnesses from the vaccine.

    I will just be very careful. I choose less crowded shops on less crowded days of the week and wear a mask every time I am out. I do socialise in small groups but have cut way back, once a week no more. I have not been to a restaurant or bar in 3 months or more, not have I travelled outside of my own town. 

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  6. I suppose the object here is to reduce any 'expert' opinion too a piece of worthless rubbish by the hiring of eminent scientists capable of estimating the speed by divination with twigs to within 2 decimal places who will introduce reasonable doubt in the judges mind of the original report.

    Anyone think this will end in Boss spending a night or two behind bars will be sorely disappointed. 

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