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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Thailand will survive. The question is what will happen to the people displaced ie hotel and restaurant workers; and more importantly of course, hotel and business owners.

    Thailand is about the most unequal place on earth in terms of wealth and income. It is about to get even more so. Forget about the revolution.....it ain't coming.....the serf class will just bow lower when they beg for food.

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  2. Gloves are a cheap disposable multi-source commodity, there is little profit and no IP in making and selling gloves. This is gross stupidity. Think why doesn't the GPO expand and sell generics outside Thailand? Because things with no IP to make them exclusive are usually very low margin, like rubber gloves.

    If making gloves make them latex free....at least there is some pricing power at the latex free end.

  3. Sadly, I'm forced to agree with this odious fellow. To let foreigners in for the next year or so would be to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Someone suggested expanding ASQ, which would be a good idea in many countries but would be seen as an personal ATM for the hotel owner in Thailand.

    The future looks bleak. The borrowing for COVID which I now understand has reached the legal limit has been frittered away on stupid marketing schemes, and vast corruption. It look like Thailand will look more like Laos and Burma in the next few years, rather than a Singapore or Indonesia. 

  4. I had it done but it was about 10 years back. I cannot recall the amount but it was peanuts and certainly not enough to get me heated under the collar enough to remember it. 


    You do realise that squat toilets are much healthier, requiring much less straining and consequently fewer issues with constipation and haemorrhoids, don't you? I'm thinking of changing all my toilets back to squatters.

    • Haha 2
  5. I haven't been to Pattaya since the Covid problem, but where I live in Isan, I see the same thing. The lock down has ended but many shops and businesses are not open, leaving many large parts of the main drag covered with security doors and no active shops. It's normally a bustling town and difficult to park in, but now you don't have to drive very far to get a parking spot.

    Small businesses, like small retail shops and restaurants, tend to have low levels of cash flow and nothing in reserve if a crisis hits....then they go broke. What is amazing me, however is that high-end pricey restaurants are packed and the construction boom has intensified rather than slowed down...they are building massive amounts of upscale retail and office space. Why? They obviously see something in the future that I am missing.

    • Like 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    Expats always over estimate the effect they have on Thailand......

    To have any effect on tourism they have to significantly increase there spending and as most are on a fixed income, that amount is unlikely to increase very much.

    Figures for the numbers of expats....including those working .... range from 150k to 500 k but the latter includes very low income from ASEAN countries .

    So even if they all went on holiday in Thailand for 2 weeks and took a family that would mean 2 million for two weeks against 40 million over the year.

    Of course the money they spend on holiday is then lost to local businesses etc whilst they are away.

    Many of the people I come into contact with don't even have the 800,000 or 400,000 to deposit in the bank. They pay 25000 to agents to get them visas and then live like paupers. These folks are not contributing much to the economy. If I was poor I wouldn't want to be living in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  7. 'Has anyone in the USA, applied and been accepted for Thailand Elite Members Quarantine (TEMQ) Program? Has anyone used this program been issued a COE? If so please advise.'

    Is this Elite thing any good? It seems to be a 5 year visa masquerading as a 10 year visa at an extortionate price. Presumably most holders are workers from US/EU/Chinese companies where the company pays for the elite visa, and I can perhaps see the benefit if you fly in and out twice a month, and even then it is insanely expensive. What benefits have you have from having Elite status?
  8. 4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Was reading that Indian slums were faring rather well.  


    Washing hands and wearing a mask is all good advice, but what all these esteemed medicos leave out is building your immune system is key.  Garlic and essential oils help along with a plant based diet.  Healthy bodies are no fun to doctors, big government and big pharma.   

    Apparently, COVID can be spread by 'fecal plume' (indeed look it up). Indian slum dwellers are supposed to poo in the street (due to an absence of toilets) and would make a great tourist target if we paid for their flights over here.

  9. 4 minutes ago, alyx said:

    I am not saying that you are wrong but, maybe they are Chinese tourists already were already here prior to the restrictions or maybe Chinese residents / Thai of Chinese ascendence. Plenty of them in Bangkok and they do speak Chinese among them as I speak my own language with my co-Nationals.

    One cannot assess whether they are tourists, wouldn't you agree ?

    Or maybe they are Martians posing as Chinese tourists. What better way to9 see Thailand and do complex scientific research than to take a bus tour?

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