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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Well actually years ago I used to go half with a friend but, he even complained about paying half.
  2. Yes but 3 kilos lasts me nearly 3 months and I eat it every day, that's why because of the price I don't buy the smaller size.
  3. Can buy 3 kilos of NZ cheddar for around 700b in Makro, cheese does not go off that quick if you cover the end.
  4. Do you tip other deliveries like Kerry etc.. I normally let them keep loose change from COD, but the other night at 7.30pm in pissing rain I got a Kerry delivery and gave him 20b. My generosity has no bounds init.
  5. I suggest going to India and tell them what your job is, and then eat some street food with your left hand.
  6. I thought CCTV fines for speeding and other offences like crossing solid white lines that incur a 500b fine, in theory had to be paid in 3 months and if not paid renewing your road tax would be withheld until you pay them off. All unpaid traffic fines sounds like a miss quote to me.
  7. The spelling is correct in both, and have very similar meanings.
  8. And how long he is banned for ........🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
  9. No thanks not in a country where everyone has a fanny, and gives money and food to Bums. God help America
  10. More chance of my cat winning the lottery and I don't have a cat.
  11. Agree imagine Thailand's press interviews if they could be like this. I would have some very leading questions to ask " Why does Thailand need fighter jets and subs ? " " Why was the the Burmese Junta allowed to launder Truck loads money into Thailand and flown out ? "
  12. I wouldn't even kiss a barn animal, how much is a bar fine for one ? asking for a friend.
  13. No thanks imagine yourself being splattered over the news, for dobbing someone in who got caught fined or jailed when most own guns. Cops are allowed bullet prove vests we are not.
  14. I would spend my whole day sending in dash cam vids, if I got 1K for each one, I don't want to be part of a lottery thanks, get the police to do their job, or give me their salary.
  15. so even if the reward was 1k that's just 50 drivers.
  16. Do you itch all over or just certain parts ? Bed bugs in the mattress, vacuum mattress, spray with alcohol, vacuum again. spray again.
  17. No he only withdrew 5K. Him Vely sensible responsible man
  18. And what would you do to a barn animal ? Pray tell.
  19. When is the next Canton Fair ?, asking for a friend.
  20. Thanks for your Grammar check, how would I survive without grammar police.
  21. Mum, never smoked, or drank, died of stomach cancer aged 59. so sad I was 27, and found out she had been diagnosed 8 yrs earlier, it was kept a secret from me and my 2 sisters. I often wonder if working in a munitions factory during WW2 may have caused the cancer. she was a very beautiful woman who also only ever rode a bike. Dad smoked, rolled his own Old Holden no filters, but also never drank, always cycled everywhere, never drove a car, or caught a bus. Had a mild heart attack while riding his bike aged around 79, doctor told him to stop riding his bike and died a few weeks later from a heart attack.. He loved to cycle, it took him about 15 min to cycle to work, on a rough track, he would come home for lunch, get all the weeks shopping on a Saturday from town about 2 miles away. below the only surviving photos I have. (water damaged)
  22. Lack of breath, we all die from that.
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