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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. That's what you should do Explain to him "The School NEEDS it " You could also go to immigration with his phone number and ask them to explain it to the landlord.
  2. First A/C i brought here, at 4pm it was fitted with extended pipe work and brackets outside the balcony up and running by 7 pm.
  3. I find the government hospitals better (the 'specialists' also worked at private hospitals), as someone (i.e. wife/gf) can stay with you 24/7 if wanted, i spent a total of 5 weeks in isolation (TB). My gf at the time now wife was able to go out and buy me, a soft pillow, soft mattress cover, and a fan. bread and cheese 3in1 coffee etc. total cost with 'falang' food, isolation room, meds, was around $6k..
  4. To get back to OP and away from weed. : or will this be moved to farming and gardening? ; I have recently brought a grafted sapling from a garden centre (300b), as money can grow on trees, from all info i have gathered, 3-5 leaves to start, but preferably dried and make tea. area has been prepared with a bin full of fish heads covered in soil covered in grass cuttings, it will either keel over and die or shoot for the stars apparently they can grow up to 100 ft. the top two leaves and the new ones sprouting have been in 3 weeks.
  5. I will still go to my immigration sub-office, no form to fill out and rarely asked to sign, 5min in-out. but if it works smoothly it would be useful if i'm not staying at my address ????
  6. So if not in Market toilets, where were the toilets ? My first foray at sex was in a bus shelter that reeked of urine.
  7. They were of similar age, not yet adults really, whereas the market trader (age not given) was one must presume an older adult not only forced a BJ, but had perved at them having sex and videoed them.
  8. With all these 'Adorned' lampposts everywhere in Thailand it does seem strange that they all look like very similar in design made by the same company. I might also add they are often on bridges or flyovers.
  9. I'm glad it is free 'as a bird' as it should be. Hope it finds a mate. There are now flocks of these in England now.
  10. As I said in my post on page one. that's why its good to have your car cleaned underneath.
  11. Yes from all the salt on the roads when it snows.
  12. It maybe helpful if you tell us how much you want to spend. I would recommend Toyota as it is easier and cheaper to buy after market spares. A hatchback may meet your requirement better than a saloon. First off give it a road test, boot it and see how it performs, get it hot, any smoke ? leave it idling awhile without the A/C on and see if the electric fans kick in on normal, then look underneath for any dripping oil, still interested get it checked out independently, only rust here normally is on the bottom of doors, not chassis, (no salt on the roads here) unless it has been parked up near the sea/driven on beaches, stay with 2 wheel drive if I was you. Also drive it on full lock left and right note any clicking sounds from CV joints. Good luck.
  13. Do you mean The Rocket Launchpaddy ? (The local youths use it for M/C racing they said.)
  14. I just don't believe he is still employed, TIT. Ah so that's the reason for sacking him, not because he committed murder, Jeez !
  15. And then continued to wonder why he was still wetting the bed, no doubt.
  16. Maybe where you live but they all sell underground lottery tickets, the winning numbers are clearly on display, and their lethal Lao Khao whisky, 2 people have died in our village in 1 month alone, I asked my missus why police do nothing ? "Him always pay Polith"
  17. No one seems to have noticed the sale of alcohol is also banned until 11 am maybe someone can inform TAT about that coz he don't seem to know.
  18. When I left home to travel in 1986 India, Napal, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, I left an Itinerary with my Dad and collected Post restante letters at all the cities from him.
  19. The old KC bar on white sand beach Koh Chang 3 am closing with bamboo huts on the beach, 50b a night, which has now become a vast luxury resort.
  20. Funny that as up to the C19 I used to see them daily.
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