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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. I also got an URGENT letter from ANZ Australia posted 7/3/22 telling me it must be returned in 30 days, I got it (only after on-going dispute with the local Post Office) along with all of this years mail 2 weeks ago. I tried to retrieve my TIN number on the site they said Nah couldn't. I don't have income there or deposit money there, apart from a few dollars interest. Way way below the tax threshold. They MAY report my details to A.O.T. so what go ahead.
  2. Well that was my point, all he does is stop the traffic for the kids to cross, a cop doing the job of a lollypop lady. ????
  3. That's what i was thinking visa exempt+ 30 day extension, has money in the bank. Now sit back and wait for the ''use an agent'' comments.
  4. It's said he was going fast. Bad. the witness also said both green and red lights were showing ?? Oh and mr. Prayout still no pedestrian crossing signs to be seen when driving, just lots of faded white paint everywhere if only HE was to drive anywhere alone, without a cavalcade of cars, he may understand the problem on thai roads.
  5. You have no Idea how to solve it, stop trying to put all the blame on the public, First have real driving instructors and real tests. Second stop with the useless roadside checks that have NEVER worked, get the lazy RTP off their @ss sitting in tents and do proper road Patrols even after sunset, jeez i could nick one every minute for lights not working, use of indicators, dark tint etc etc.
  6. Just as an anecdote; Very important lesson learned some 30 yrs ago, trying to get everything organized well in advance, Working in the Channel Isles, planned a trip to India, on a world tour, got to Heathrow, and couldn't fly 'coz my visa was 1 day over ! I didn't even know that was a thing, 24 hrs later new visa in London and off I went. Before, Airline staff had even rang India to see if they would allow me to fly. ????
  7. My immigration does not refuse any service if you have the right documents, if not they tell you what is needed, outside of their control, they don't overlook a document for cash, No tips are needed on KC or at Trat Immigration, I have got letters of residence for free, albeit I have to return in a few days normally, but they have done one in 30min when i needed it in a hurry and I've picked up one for a friend, when i go for my marriage extension my wife is with me, Good luck to officers trying to get a bribe outa' her, not worth the risk ????
  8. You are misunderstanding Artificial reef i.e. sink a ship it will become an 'artificial' reef.
  9. Oh I don't about that, her crying scene in the vid outside the court deserves an Award ????
  10. They didn't want to travel with their designer, clothes, jewellery or bags, and pay import duties.
  11. So i'm guessing not a 'legal' registered marriage and just a Buddhist ceremony, was she in fact 'divorced' ? Maybe back with her Ex the child's Dad.
  12. Sounds like he was as tight as a Duck's @rse So was it the homeless man who 'stole' the cigs or ugly duck face ?
  13. I don't move on from corruption and nobody else should, if it's a genuine charge for EMS mail then a receipt should be issued. If your not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. I deal with it by not paying bribes end of.
  14. A picture of an ex-ray machine like the one stolen would help. Was it just a hand held one? guess we'll never know.
  15. Straight road broad daylight, i'll wait for CCTV footage before blaming the victims though.
  16. No time of day given, but i'm guessing no hazard lights on, it should be the tow trucks driver's responsibility to affix a light of some description, magnetic or otherwise, although plenty of reflective tape on the rear if your headlight is working correctly.
  17. It should be up to the kids, freedom of choice, maybe the school don't like it 'coz they can't see the draconian hair cut rules being carried out.
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