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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Female officers not keeping the kitchen clean at a guess.
  2. Time for Thailand to admit it has terrorist and not just insurgents, even have a referendum to see what the people want in that area, free of fear and intimidation.
  3. Or the open tailgate on which they often sit legs dangling.
  4. Next they'll want the bloke sitting on a motor bike, being transported, on the tray of a pick up, held on with kite string, to wear a helmet.
  5. "Advertising" ? Oh my Lord Haw Haw haw, what a load of old Goebbels.
  6. Not Chiang Mai but Even the toilets in the wards are in disrepair no flush still bucket and bowl, seats broken, drains blocked, ...........
  7. All her work assignments ? when contacted by phone Manuel said "Si' I'm from Barcelona,................... Que' I know nothing"
  8. In A&E at a city hospital yesterday, they brought someone in (different entrance), over the tanoy they hear 'Covid' I kid you not, most just ran out quicker than if you'd shouted bomb.
  9. First glance at the photo (bottom right) i thought the Queen's guard was in attendance. ????‍♀️
  10. But not relevant to the story really, that's how thousands travel every day Maybe those complaining about families on motor bikes should buy them all a nice little car, and pay all the costs involved in running it, also make a cement road up the dirt track to their often run down shacks.
  11. The one only poor Thai people can afford, while others drive in cavalcades of BMWs and Mercedes, private jets.
  12. Sorry but i have not read all the replies nor the long OP heard it all before, the more you give the more they expect, my missus does say thank you for the smallest things, I do give my wife a monthly allowance even now and payed for the land and made a small house but where i wanted to live, but anything she wants she buys not me, easier for me to budget , though she has her own small salon, sewing, and selling food, work ethic is what she has, and she is still helping to support her adult kids who also have good work ethic. I would never move to 'Their' village and from the very start told her not to tell her extended family up north she had a falang boyfriend/husband, I've never met them nor do i want to. After the death of my friend last week she has closed her shop to help me with all the arrangements, and now here I am sitting in hospital with a skin infection, while she sleeps on the floor next to me, not only does she help me but the also others in the ward. Yep she IS different and I am a very lucky man indeed.
  13. I must admit the OZ embbassy has been very helpful when my friend passed, once his contact written in his passport was contacted, They were in direct contact with me by phone and e-mail, answering me very quickly.
  14. Safe and Trusted Thailand strikes again !; A Field trip turns into a lake dip. hope the injured recover and are compensated. Also just wondering being Thailand were they marching in step or not.
  15. Oh you Ozie's, it was a bridge. ????
  16. I started a post last week "Death of a Friend" which i promised to up date, it has been one of the worst weeks of my life, I could write several chapters, on the running around back and forth from hospital, police, hospital, police, amphur, police, here on KC. Dealing with his relative overseas. Bottom line is all these problems could have been avoided simply if I had known about the available Funeral Directors recommended by his embbassy before hand, my advise is use them, when we are sent to the forensics police, it is not just a matter of going there once to collect the body. One has to get all relative Docs from Embassy, police doctor, return to the province where they lived and died, go to Amphur register the death, Then return to BKK to police maybe embassy again, and YOU arrange for his body to be returned and cremated. They can arrange everything, it would have cost me around 25k in fuel and hotels etc. Their charge including Police doctor, basic coffin 2 trips, all Docs. to our local temple on KC and staff were fantastic was 38k, not including the funeral.
  17. Again ! unsecured weapons left for kids to play with. this country is pathetic with gun control. lock 'um up in a cabinet secured to the wall ! but of course you need guns handy at a house blessing in Thailand. how did that go by the way ?
  18. ''Just what we need'' said no one, outside of the military, Army Ducks are what is needed.
  19. morocco Cambodia Canada i forget now how many countries they colonised
  20. The cost is minimal at you local amphur office first get the yellow Yellow book then you can yet a pink ID card if you want, that can be used for things like checking in to hotels and no need to carry a passport, you may need to have someone with you who speaks thai from memory go first time then about a week or 3 return. the whole cost is no more than 200b maybe only 100b. edit; you can also use them to register a vehicle in your name and renew a driving licence
  21. In the real world the cops would stake out the school or at least park outside the school in a marked car to deter this. most of the cops here seem to be in inactive posts.
  22. Will the Termites get bail ? and then go underground ? I have seen a good YouTube vid of pouring molten aluminium down inside, and then removing the mound to revel an amazing 'sculpture' of inside. Putting that in the Temple would get loads of cash for those monks.
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