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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. TT is only 42.6 and AUD is only 24.04 these bloody reports are annoying when all they talk about is USD.
  2. I thought all 'Thai' tailors were Indian, silly me.
  3. There is no reason a Thai is not double vaxed as they were in front of the queue well before Falangs were allowed, outside of BKK, and yet they have money for a trip to Cambodia
  4. Strange Photo to publish is that his crotch oh dear, and before i've had my breakfast sausage.
  5. Safety in Thailand ? just makes me want to laugh and makes me immediately think of this old Photo Sept 2019 of 'safer' small buses.
  6. But how does a NHS hospital know you don't live in the UK ?
  7. Funny thing is even if you are Married in Thailand the must have 400k in the bank, is less than a UK pension.
  8. Why do you need to 'tell' them you have been away for any length of time, passports are not mandatory so no need to show one, I knew a bloke was away for years, he had worked from aged 15 - 52 in the UK paying NI and Tax, told them he had been living hand to mouth doing cash jobs in the uk when asked ''so what have you been doing for the last 5 yrs with no contributions ?'', with no fixed abode. Yes it is fraud but only on the increases, you are still entitled to a pension, funny thing is he moved back to UK after a few years, now gets rent payed, free taxi to hospitals, bus pass + more benefits.
  9. Another drunk rich guy who can't face up to being in the wrong. DUI fines here is just a joke.
  10. Oh so now I can go to a bar and just drink until closing with girls to 'ave a laugh with Nah Thought not. Having walking st. one way was good to do a drive by, it's not as if there are to many pedestrians to warrant a change yet.
  11. Once the arguments have been played out on whom was responsible those particular cables might be secured properly, meanwhile the rest of Thailand will have to continue dodging death by these hanging below 4 Mt cables, and roads and foot bridges built around power poles. The madness, irresponsibility and not loosing face, continues unabated. I would also like to point out NO signs at pedestrian crossings STILL !
  12. At least he had the presence of mind to take his phone and make an emergency call at 68 yrs old, unlike the 33 yr. old Israeli who set off at 3pm with no phone.
  13. Did he actually go missing ? set off at 3pm with only a few hours of daylight left, maybe he just wanted a night by the waterfall away from his wife and kid. Just saying.
  14. Another misleading headline ''Ban Na - Trat but a least.....'' you left out the word HIGHWAY ! there was me wondering where bang na was in Trat.
  15. Well that's the Big problem here in Thailand the land will no doubt be in her name unless it was put in the 2 kids name. I wonder how they feel about their mothers actions trying to kill their Dad and if they will come to visit him.
  16. I can't believe how cold hearted some women can be, my mates wife took everything he had paid for, House and all furnishings, Car, M/C and his 400k in the bank. severely disabled with MND unable to feed or bath himself, left him to fend for himself, while she ran from the mafia through gambling last we heard she took off to Dubai. The amount she has lost him is about the same as 10m. luckily he managed to phone me, and i took an 8hr drive to rescue him.
  17. ''Thailand leads Asia tourism reopening'' Leally. Bet the General won't ban this as Fake News though.
  18. As said the pollution would deter me, and any way 'fresh' water fish i have tasted in Thailand have mud flavour, that's why Thais tend to mask the flavour with heaps of spices, sea fish only for me thanks.
  19. What in Thailand ! Hardly anything can be freely chosen by the people from, sex toys to government.
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