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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Well yes there are corrupt politicians and honest politicians in true democracies, but here the guy in charge has no political education and no matter who wins an election it just followed by another coup to regain power over the people. again and again.
  2. Quick shut them up. bring a charge against 'em for criticising me how Dare they ! said a megalomaniac somewhere.
  3. At least Thaksin reduced the Military Budget hence the coup ousting him.
  4. Measures have also been adopted for Land entry's, Well does that mean what are these 'measures' ? the same as air arrivals or not ? more clear as mud announcements.
  5. Measures have also been adopted for Land entry's, Well does that mean what are these 'measures' ? the same as air arrivals or not ? more clear as mud announcements.
  6. I'm not sure what a regular Thai is anymore, there were thousands of Thai tourists staying at luxury resorts on Koh Chang last Monday the 25 th. not a public holiday but could still take off time during the week, they were still pouring off the ferry at 5pm. Oh and not wearing masks.
  7. In other news Thailand has a labour shortage. forget charging them and just sort the paperwork.
  8. Oh Pleeeeez not this drivel again. That's like saying non-alcoholic beer will make you pished. ????
  9. At $50aud a pack it's cheaper to buy hard drugs in Australia than cigs , a ridicules move IMO. Also 'Chop' (rough cut australian grown tobacco) is selling well i'm told.
  10. But are they available in Thailand ?
  11. Mmm me thinks normal sails would be a lot faster than that, and more eco friendly, with a small eclectic motor that can be used for docking, one solar panel and wind turbine, sorted.
  12. Moving someone after an accident is a dangerous thing to do, but I guess he new traffic wouldn't stop if signalled by a cop. Ten fell off their bikes, just more incompetent drivers who can't drive on a wet road.
  13. Time this country sorted its footpaths out once and for all. But I know this will never happen. This poor guy had a stroke through stress and now this happens to him.
  14. + Exchange ideas on how Juntas can keep the population under their control.
  15. My Missus has never stopped net-working for her small shop/salon, she goes to all local weddings, all birthday parties, both temple and School do's, will get up and perform karaoke on stage, (she actually has a good voice) at all these do's, in front of hundreds of people. Health Volunteer, and Trash Hero's.
  16. I'm sure our beloved leader understands all this Technology, but he could have at least changed out of his Jim jams before turning up. Maybe next year they could 'invent' a Technology for Immigration, to scan all documents for a marriage extension instead of the required 61 copies, they could call it 'No-Hack the Trees' and praise his government again.
  17. I guess the Ex-pat builder wants his wage at western rate while paying the actual workers at local rate, I know one like this and He actually has never been a builder in his life, but ex-pats seem to trust ex-pats more for no reason.
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