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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. SKIRMISHES ! Really ! Russians invading a peaceful country, murdering and executing hundreds, torturing, raping, completely destroying cities. Jeez
  2. here is its song, and apparently can poop on predators with great accuracy. Eurasian Hoopoe Bird Song, Call, Chir, Sound, Voice - Abubilla Canto - Upupa Epops.mp3
  3. I'm the same and treat getting my extension as a 'mission' that so far has been accomplished by myself+wife. I might add I agree that once you start paying "commissions'' they think you'll be an easy touch for anything else you may need from them. good luck.
  4. Same UPDATED documents as before. just saying
  5. Will it be Russian oil or stolen from Ukraine ?
  6. Why should these 'meetings' be chaired by Little Tu Tu the bloke who has 'ARANGED' it all.
  7. Or it was struck by lightning
  8. Who cares these are just minor events buy your buddy init Prayuth.
  9. Can't see the date when he broke it but the cast should not have been removed for 6 weeks. Grandma has $ in her eyes.
  10. Trying to blame it on weed the new excuse to drunk, or Yabba, and goes around carrying a knife and a lump of wood, next he'll be saying whittling is his hobby.
  11. One simple ''no cars sign'' and one bollard in the middle should have been fitted.
  12. Staff from 7-11 go back, ''Hey saw that falang Again ! today, you know that one, always hanging out in the lobby eyeing us up ......''
  13. Trat yep that is a requirement + 5 others including a must is standing outside with house and number visible. my house number is written on a cookie tin lid. lol
  14. My passport runs out in Jan and i get my new extension next week but thanks for reminding me about the banks.
  15. Thanks for that, as I have to go to BKK to apply for new PP I'd like to get that out of the way now, well after next week when I should get my new extension, as it takes months to receive + appointment time I want to delay the re-application/stress as long as poss.
  16. He was Pished most people get vision problems and dizziness if they drink to much, + a joint, was it mixed with tobacco referred to as spin ? its a non issue
  17. Love the Title : I want to stay in Thailand 5 months without going out. .
  18. But it was You that told me it changed in 2013 ?????
  19. May I ask what kind of Extension you have as I have been told by my IO that when I get my new Passport my Marriage extension stamp is not simply transferred any more, but I must go through the application process all over again : (
  20. I would like someone to clarify, after receiving a new OZ passport, then having to re-apply again for a marriage extension, to be put in my new PP and as I am led to believe your original passport is cancelled when you apply, How soon must you go to Immigration on receiving your new PP, I would like to delay doing the extension by a month as I want to apply early for new PP. After all how would immigration know when i actually receive it. ?? hope that's not a too convoluted question.
  21. Yes it is a cult just like all religions, demanding how people should live there lives according to whatever doctrine is preached to them, controlling their thoughts and minds to obey 'them' and then to top it off, hold their hands out for money.
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