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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Yep In the first photo i'd agree but in the last photo one can see her beauty and natural colour of her skin, (almost).
  2. When is 'Tony' coming home to sort this mess out, he knows more about what is happening in Thailand than any of these charlatans. It was him that exposed the hoarding of pork.
  3. Using wood in a wet environment and Another fine example of a Thai authorities translation. They have failed to follow their own instruction "Hazardous areas not allowed" and a cartoon character to-boot. ????
  4. Well of course ! I was referring to good condition that is why exchange is better than re-fill. Always check the date on the tank, As with car LPG tanks must be changed every 10 years. So if the rubber bursts turn off the gas. I did my LPG tank safety course run by the British Fire Brigade at their training school in Righgate where gas cylinders were lit and we had to extinguish them.
  5. I keep mine outside but the reason the bottles shut off tap is on the opposite side of the outlet is quite simple, if the gas escaping from a bottle is alight the idea is that you simply approach the bottle from the rear and turn it off. Always have the bottle facing in such a way so as you can achieve this. LPG bottles do NOT explode, unless they are in a fire and get so hot as to explode. Think cigarette lighters; when you light one they do not explode there is no flash back just a simple valve. Just saying.
  6. Full gas bottles should only be transported standing up, But TIT so up to you. 55555 I tried to get my deposit back they were not interested. end of.
  7. Then get HIM to re-fill it, i'm sure he wouldn't overcharge you LOL.
  8. The locals here just balance in on a M/C.
  9. I'm a bit confused why can't you just get a marriage extension, does the child have to be involved ?
  10. Yes I believe that is true, I had a friend who died in a local hospital from natural cause, his body was sent to Bangkok, i believe also to check the cause of death, he was in a very long term relationship here with a LB, (he had already signed over everything to 'her'). 'She' had to wait for the body to be sent back, before the cremation could take place.
  11. There is a place in the back of your passport where you can put your next of kin's contact address, phone num. It is advised to use pencil in-case you wish to change it. I presume the police inform your embassy and they will contact your next of kin.
  12. It seems now, items in the sea are much easier to find than on land, from guns to necklaces. Amazing Thailand. But i'm glad the ''Country's Police'' have time to ''gush'' over this, as crime must be very low ????
  13. As the hand written map was/is the last thing they ask for, I was watching them prosses my 58 pages of docs, I got bored and started drawing areas of trees they would pass, a bridge, and the klong in flow using wavy lines. 7/11 & gas station..................
  14. Going by the state of footpaths the lyrics should be "......makes a hard man tumble"
  15. Should have been tucked up in bed by that time, while Mum and Dad were photographing the models. All pools should be fenced with child proof gates as in OZ, this is just irresponsible parents not keeping an eye on kids around a pool.
  16. They just walked in. They welcome ANYBODY. Well that's blatantly clear. Drug smugglers, watch hoarders, etc etc.
  17. Bye Mum & Dad, i'm spending my gap year in Thailand harvesting rice, can i have $10k for drugs and booze?
  18. They are more concerned about the Thai Tobacco monopolies, as with beer, to keep those 'donations' rolling in.
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