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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. If you say so, but a legal wife can take your death cert, along to your local family court, who will then issue a letter, after probate maybe around 3 months which she can then take to the bank to withdraw funds, That is what my Thai bank told me, in an e-mail. also a will can be made at your local Amphur for a minimal fee. Next of Kin is your wife after all.
  2. Hand slid up the leg is the only way, LBs will giggle like a 5yr old.
  3. The constant flicking of hair and checking the mirror, and I find the voice gives it away, sounding like a adolescent boy or worse. ; also when they laugh like a man. Hey_Sexy_Man_Pattaya_Song_Dett_l_Lyrics_Versi.mp3 Hey Sexy Man (Pattaya Song) - Dett'l (Lyrics Version) By Jacky Maung - Princess Bar Pattaya..mp4
  4. Plus a M/C parked on the crossing and the bins and cones blocking the opposite side. Does this crossing actually have a button to push, or is that just a sign? or does it just turn red on a timer? (as with the stupid traffic light systems here) if so no wonder people drive through with no pedestrians to cross.
  5. First Cousins seem to be OK and accepted by Thais especially on Thai 'Fathers' day.
  6. Just more bad driving on a curve at 4am ! I personally don' think she was good looking, in fact in the last photo in the full story, she looks positively evil. Will they check her for drugs/alcohol.
  7. Not related to Valentine day, but I do remember my Dad brought a mangle, for my Mum for a Xmas present in the 50s similar to this;
  8. What makes it unofficial, it was given to me from my Immigration office. admitted it does not carry any Logo or signature, are you saying 2 complete full months, that would mean having to apply on the 1st of any relative month, and all offices would be inundated with applications, and 90 day reports thereafter. ??
  9. I had problems with the internal hose fitting down by the shut of tap it was leaking and eventually come out even with reduced pressure, i kept buying new guns/hoses same probs, i have now fixed the problem by using cable zip ties one around the hose another one looped though and secured to the tap, not beautiful but no leaks.
  10. We use my friends wife as a witness i.e. they need someone who knows you and to say you live at your address. Years ago before home visits, my friend went for his extension, "You no have witness" so he went outside found an old lady and paid her 200b and she swore she had known him for years
  11. My friend was asked what is the English word for Pass-a-port ????
  12. Not to the best of my knowledge. I have yellow book and pink ID never been asked for it or rental agreement. Wife's I D and house book are OK. no probs in 6 yrs.
  13. What a joke when ALL the generals have unusual wealth, just a witch hunt to discredit anyone more popular than the Prayout regime.
  14. Trat IO for Koh Chang i would say are friendly and patient but quite strict, as long as you follow their clearly written rules, there is no problem, its when people turn up without the wanted documents and then get angry with the officers as if its their fault, even then they keep cool and explain what is needed it takes about 1 hr/1.5hr max. Also there is a sub-office on the Island to do your 90 days, takes 5 min.
  15. I brought my missus a new motor bike, after 4 yrs she 'sold' it to her son, fair enough, he has trashed his bike, Pizza delivery, running around for his sister and her son. "Tilak I want new motor bike, me only have 30,000 baht" I have done a deal and turned the tables " You pay 51% and I'll pay 49% BUT, name ME in book" "OK Tilak thank you" ????????
  16. I suspect she still owes the agent + interest.
  17. I agree why go to all that trouble ? it makes no sense to me at all, a couple of posts in the ground on the boarders are no problem, build your wall up to them.
  18. Do it yourself 1,900 baht, or use an agent (X 10) 20,000 baht +, first time. second time 15k +.
  19. Nah more like a big bank balance to take care of my very large extended family.
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