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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. This is just MAD !Why not just ; "Give them broth, without any bread, Whip them soundly, and send them to bed'' ????
  2. No real checks are done on HGVs here, as someone who used to prepare and take HGVs for their annual test more than 2 decades ago in the UK, I have watched them 'test' here, its abysmal, no load testing of brakes and emergency brake, no pumping brakes to empty air, to see and hear warning gauges and audio buzzers work, or time how long it takes to build air again. NOTHING done to check steering apart from a bit of visual, no one rocking steering from side to side, as with the pedals none, instruments switches, and door hinges for lift, nah zilch. And I haven't even mentioned suspension, and all bolts checked by tapping with a small hammer. Oh did I mention Mechanic is one of those jobs forbidden to Falang. Safe Trusted Thailand my @rse
  3. He has been DETAINED to stop him tampering with evidence or intimidating the witnesses. they will bring navy disciplinary actions first then the cops take over, that how understand it from READING the FULL story.
  4. He should get a dishonourable discharge Oh he's already had a few of them
  5. Cor Blimey Gov, Wot you two geezers on about ? init. I'm not Bovered is I ????
  6. M/C had no registration plate, and zooming in on Photo no lights on the side car as usual, from what I see daily I doubt even the bike had rear lights working.
  7. The family were at the end of their holiday, and according to Thiarath full story, The wife and kids have gone home, but he will stay another month to check progress in the case. Ah poor bloke alone in Phuket no wife and kids. LMAO. ????
  8. I had a terrible whining noise in my car, the wife got out to check under the hood, the noise disappeared and so did I. ????
  9. So now YOU are saying all Thais are violent, I never have !! Oh dear. It was A Nut In government that said Falang are smelly, because ONE refused to take a un-wrapped mask held out to him with bare hands, from someone in the street whom he did not know. would you ?
  10. No it is not the same in anyway shape or form. And FYI i personally did not start bashing Thais in that scenario, in fact quite the opposite.
  11. Is it a builders crack and does it get wider when wet ? also have you had it inspected ? it might need filling. just having a crack. ????
  12. They do prefer it as it means less work for Them, i.e. less documents to check etc, and in most cases does not require checking by their head offices in other provinces,
  13. Not if you send all your money in one go, my uk bank charges me 20 pounds no matter how much is transferred.
  14. Yes and so did Thais all around the world, WITHOUT being treated as lower than Soi dogs, with no need to 'register as a foreigner' or show any ID or visa status. Thailand was the ONLY ! country in the Whole World ! to treat foreigners this way, having to give all personal details, on a site that was VERY user un-friendly.
  15. And those stinking Foreigner's can go take a jump, we will continue to hold prejudices against them, and be as racist as we can, so get back behind the Soi dogs in the Queue.
  16. Same here, but about 4 yrs ago when extension rules were changing, I visited my local IO for a list of requirements, It was given to me in Thai ????, I then asked "how many Thais need an extension ? you need to have a list in English !" 3 weeks later when I went again, the assistant there, came running up to me with a well translated list, with a beaming smile. That list has stayed constant, but as I always apply one month in advance any changes will be pointed out. There is the last one on the list that always makes me smile.
  17. Plenty of room on top ! As this country needs workers give them jobs ! I grieve for their plight, to escape their murderous Dictator.
  18. They stopped using those opaque bottles where I live a couple of years ago, now they are clear (with a blue tinge), I may add any plastic bottled water left in direct sun tastes of plastic.
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