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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. And yet so many world class comedians use it as humour, which makes the audience laugh. As with your comment, do you think anyone with any knowledge of Thailand needed to be told.
  2. How on earth, do you find out the plants you grow are not over 0.2% THC do they expect you to buy a testing kit and if over 0.2% destroy your plant, at 0.2% you'd have to chain smoke it all day. Pathetic laws by a pathetic government, that no sh@t about sh@t.
  3. Thanks for all your replies, I have come up with a scheme to send to myself by EMS from my local PO a letter/card saying how sexy & hansom i am then I will track it, I might even put 20 baht in it as a test, I once did this at a different address it took 3 weeks to arrive posted in the box outside the PO 15min away. ????
  4. So no key deposit then, most hotels I have stayed require a key deposit and when you check out the maid inspects the room to make sure you haven't put the fridge or TV in your backpack LOL, only then your deposit is returned.
  5. BS I know falangs that have been prescribed oil.
  6. When the British Navy were using 'Tall Ships' all farmers in the UK HAD to grow hemp, I believe by law, to make ropes. Australia grow Hemp & send it to China to be made into fabric. I have seen cranes imported from China with parts tied down for shipping with hemp rope. Hemp does not make you high, it is just one of the Marijuana plant family.
  7. Absolutely, it seem when the woman is many years older most people seem to find it abhorrent, I have a friend who is 47 and his now Thai wife is 70 they only recently got married but have been together about 20 yrs, she once told him many years ago to go and find someone younger, but he loves her so much he refused, their relationship has nothing to do with money.
  8. Power cables are supposed to be 4 meters high min. to the best of my knowledge, but some of the small back streets where people have connected from the 'main road' power poles are way much lower, tied to trees, propped up by bamboo poles, short concrete poles, the cables are so low at 1.5 metres along the road side they can touch your head, we complained to PEA one time as the rack on my NV car while driving on the narrow road barely missed it, my missus told them, i'll take some photos and show you. "No no don't take photos'' was their reply ????
  9. As with so many other things that are needed, that Thailand could produce, I was surprised to find they don't even produce E-bikes and we are forced to buy from China along with so many other items.
  10. If you read the google translate of full story, I guarantee you will pish yourself laughing. Some Quotes : there are dents around the car, turn on the stomach, the sky wheel fell, the car flew off the road.
  11. Where USA or Thailand ? yes the gun culture here is awful as well.
  12. USA 2020, 1.37 road deaths per Capita (100), Thailand 33.333 ! I'll let you be the judge on that one.
  13. I normally pay COD, but can use my Thai bank visa debit card if i need.
  14. Easy bounced off Thais moon station.
  15. Presuming life will return to some normality; If weed was made legal here, then I think the Students would come in droves, what would add to that is if they could make a decent beer, plus the safety factor, not just of murder and rape, but also the safety on the roads + scams. A three month visa without any hassles as well.
  16. He also denied importing heroin to Australia, and serving jail time.
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