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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. not read all comments but i was wondering what would happen if you just hang it on your shoulder when crossing the border and tell them it is yours if they ask if you bought this rare guitar from laos or not? would that work? I have seen many people (farang) crossing the border with guitar... 

    But its a different story if you want to carry it in with all new rare guitar box and with the paper work of it.

    OR ask someone to do it for you?

    Also, i was thinking, im not expert about guitar shops in thailand or in laos but i do believe if they have it in laos.. its a big chance they have it in thailand too. 


    please update what happened. thanks

  2. Probably it was our unlucky day or a bad mood immigration officer, but when i went to extend my non-o with my wife, the immigration officer told me i can do that only where my wife's house book is registered or where ever she is registered. then we went to her registered city and did there. of course faced other problems as always immigration like to create but later was ok.


    So, just in case be ready to also move your wife's registration to the city you are moving. I dont know whats needed to do that. probably your wife can find it out from the city amphue where you will move.


    In my 17 yrs in thailand, i never found a friendly immigration to be honest. the level is like bad, worse, worst.  And it is not about me or else. I go there speak thai, nice clothes, very polite and most importantly all paper work is ready in folders, in order, etc. Its really all up to his mood in that day. If he wants, he will find some missing paper work. i remember 1 time he checked all of my paper work 12 times (im not joking) over and over. and at the end even he confessed 'oh, wow couldnt find anything, i was hoping to find' i was shocked. 


    Also many years before i found out very small city immigrations were really more friendly. But now i dont know.. i couldnt find any friendly one. So my suggestion is try to find a place where you are close to immigration actually. Makes things easy sometimes. You can see some immigration officers around the area, market, local bar, big c, etc. in time that will create some kind of friendship, or you can use it like ohh i remember you, you always go blah blah right? saw you few times... like that. most of the times its useless but can work.


    good luck



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    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    I don't believe the police got involved with the above event. It's of no concern to a policeman what farangs do when it comes to working. The immigration officers yes, but never your local cop. They wouldn't know the rules/laws of farangs working. 

    Been here 16 years and never heard of any farang that has been pulled up for working on their house, on their land/farms, in their shops etc etc. It's all bull especially the 

    The police can't police the highway laws let alone immigration laws.


    yep i mean immigration. sorry

    by saying their own farm or land or their home i dont know what you mean. the law is clear you cannot work without a work permit. If you are talking about that funny 2x2 so called fish farm thing some farangs doing back at their house, then yes you are right no one will bother you for that or some farang helping harvest his wife farm again probably no one will say anything (which is actually also need a work permit) but if you have a real pro fish farm and you are seriously doing work there please dont tell me immigration will never visit you, because thats bull too. Also please dont tell me selling veggies in the market with wife is not working?! You might think its helping the wife or you are having a good time, but its not the reality what laws say. if you know someone not visited so far doing some serious work, again he is so lucky. Any time someone can complain about that to immigration. thats it. I heard some people visited by immigration because of these kinda things. the kebap shop at chonburi near burapha university was 1 example i saw with my eyes happened to my friend. The thing is it is not the reality or the truth what you think is correct but the correct thing is what immigration and the law says, full stop.

    Im not trying to say immigration will visit you blah blah thing like the drunks in the Op's real topic but all im saying is any kind of work which you make money is illegal without a work permit.



  4. 13 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

    Absolutely nonsense I did paint my fence around the house (my neighbor was a cop) I did sell goods at the market with my wife (second hand market) never got harrassed by anybody. But that was a few years ago.

    you were lucky. you cannot sell things at the market with wife. You can sit next to her, yes but actively selling, nope. like i said you were lucky because no one care. My friend has a kebap shop in chonburi, he was sitting next to the shop and his gf was doing all the things sometimes he was putting food into the bag, a month later police charged him. he paid some amount but dont know how much. Now he only sits

  5. 13 hours ago, mbenson said:

    I sometimes wonder if you can get in trouble for volunteering without a permit. I was an ESL/EFL teacher by profession (Masters degree). I would love to teach at a temple school, but I think I can get in big trouble without a permit, even if there is no payment involved.

    actually you can do that. But the temple must write an official letter that showing you are a volunteer. And that kind of paper work is already at the temple, they have it and most of them know what to do or how. 

  6. 6 hours ago, thailand49 said:

    I do it all including fixing whatever is needed in the apartments for my tenants,  I trim my trees and put the trimming in a empty lot to burn. Ten years ago I was reported Nongprue Police came

    i mean i know this post is funny and kinda joke but.. tbh what you posted is.. yes actually you cannot do that if you are not a thai citizen. you seriously need a work permit to what you are describing. You sad 'my tenants' which means you have some place to rent and belongs to you, and the way you wrote seems its not belong to you which means you are doing a business even all the things are on your wife's name.. be careful with that. whatever you do looks like a working man doing, it counts you are working there. Before i had a friend doing kebap with his girlfriend in chonburi. all he was doing is sitting there at the stand and his gf was doing the things, he was just sometimes putting the things in to the plastic bag but then chonburi immigration said its working without work permit and charged him because it was obviously not helping, he was doing it like almost every day. 

    the truth is, things are not as you think it is true but what reality is. example is my house situation. some part of my garden is next to the soi in my village. yes, normally you think its in front of your house, right? well.. it turned out.. no! so its not like what i think but what it is. now after many talks it turned out legally people can park their car there and i cannot do anything. yes, it is in front of my house, but it is not. all i can do is politely ask them not to. 

  7. geee.. i was thinking how many times i washed my car in my garage, changed oil and did some service by myself.. including helping the 54 year old thai man who was having problems with his car brakes and the other couple i helped with painting the house walls and cut the grass or trim trees in my garden JUST in this month... i must be the most wanted by the immigration

    • Haha 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Maestro said:

    No. From the video it is very clear that she is a co-owner of a business that offers (sells) a service to assist with Thailand Pass applications. Therefore, in addition to giving us insight into how the approval process works, she is indirectly promoting her business. Nothing wrong with that, of course, in my opinion.

    So the answwr is actually yes hahaha i hate these kind of videos. Thnx

  9. 2 hours ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

    What’s the financial requirements for marriage?


    I am willing to use an agent. Non-B or Non-O; can these be converted into an education or volunteer visa?


    I can buy one of these visas no problem 

    If you are working you need 40k baht

    If no work 400k in the bank


    Plus wedding dress, party and drinks, pay to family and her spending money haha

  10. 43 minutes ago, lisaflisa said:

    Did you do that recently?

    not recently but i connected and it still works. I didnt do it because im still at the same address i entered there. But i know you can enter a date max 1 year. But the rules say you dont need to change it unless you change your address for good. 

  11. 10 hours ago, BritTim said:

    I am unsure of the current situation, but visa applications in Phnom Penh in 2019 used to take several days (using an agent could shorten the time, but still typically three days, two nights).

    thanks. good info. so i will plan something like 4 days. just in case. i was also thinking cannot be fast as savanakhet. But as you said because of covid, im also not sure if there are many people applying for visas there. So, yes 4 days i think great

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