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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Go to www.gov.au.  Stat decs in Thailand about a persons income mean nothing, they are invalid, also, confirmed by Oz Consul Phuket. Cleverman does not make false statements or mistakes. 

    Geez dude. You claim to be invited to wine and cheese lunches at the embassy but you keep getting it wrong.

    Surely your buddy the ambassador could explain it to you?


    Stat decs are NOT ' Illegal' as your post clearly stated

    Yes to fried bread.
    When i was a kid my mum kept a lard tin, all the drippings and left over small bits from roasting different types of meat and vegetables.
    Often my dad would say 'I'm making some fried bread do you want some?' And of course it was cooked in the stuff from the lard tin.
    Totally delicious, so simple and easy and quick. 
    I still do it.
    • Like 1
  3. I watch some you tube channels on snow camping. Same ingredients but over a fire on a skillet. Place ham and cheese {not shredded} on thick cut bread sandwich and then cook both sides until brown and cheese melted

    Cook egg and open sandwich and stick it in. Perfect cold weather food. I'm toying with turning the air con on coldest here, just for effect

    • Haha 1
  4. I think the one that is wrong is you. 39% is hardly a convincing figure, it means 61% do not like him to return. The real figure will most likely be even more devastating for the dictator

    Sent from my SM-J730F using Tapatalk

    Not true. The balance could be fence sitters or just didn't answer.

    It's common sense. The poll reflects the Thais lack of protest against Prayut over 4 years.

    Now if there were mass protests in the tens of thousands and the poll said he is popular then of course it's false. But did that happen? That's rhetorical [emoji106]
  5. And Thailand is in the grip of a military junta where the people have no rights at all.

    Can't see the difference really, China and Vietnam appeared perfectly open and free to me, compared quite well to the tyrannical gynocracy that is the UK for freedom IMHO. Just different things you aren't allowed to do, I prefer the restrictions in Thailand/China/Vietnam to the restrictions in the UK.

    Human rights in communist Vietnam is abysmal. Make the junta controlled thailand look like Disney land in comparison


    • Like 2
  6. It's relocated to the trendy complex soi 13 next door to a the British sports pub and doing a roaring trade 

    Friday night pig on the spit set menu hard to get a seat 


    And it's called the old German beer house not garden 

    • Like 1
  7. So, what's up with all the posters proclaiming tourism in Thailand is dead?
    It's not dead. Bangkok is crazy. This place will never stop, even if baht goes to ten bucks a pound.
    Happens every year about a month out from high season "what happend to high season" thread lol

    I live in BKK for 11 years on lower Sukhumvit and the last few years its been packed all year round much to the dismay of posters insisting its lost its charm

    In Pattaya now for holiday at central world and its packed wall to wall and beach Rd footpaths packed out.

    Can only assume most posters feeding the dead tourism threads are out in the sticks as they most certainly are not in Pattaya or BKK
    • Like 1
  8. Thanks guys. I wasn't aware of that 6-month validity on the stat dec. I'll just get to the Embassy before the 7th and take my chances end of March. My immigration lawyer once told me that the stat dec was only good for 7 days, so I guess he was wrong or something changed. I appreciate your help.
    They only do appointments. See my post above. Security at the front gate won't let you in. It's like Fort Knox ad the new place
  9. Pretty strong statement that needs a little tempering. I usually get on at Onnut and can attest to having to wait 3-5 trains many times. The new extension has added an amazing amount of riders.
    I use Asoke and Nana as I live half way and NEVER had to wait more than 1 train. Your

    I shop at Tesco and never had to miss a train at all at on nut
  10. Could someone kindly tell me the cutoff date for using the Australian income stat dec with a retirement visa renewal at Immigration? I've inconveniently forgotten, and should probably try to get in under the wire myself if I can pull it forward from late March when it's due. Cheers lads.
    Why do you need to pull it back
    Letter is good for 6 months.

    Last day is the 7th BUT I just checked the website and appears that there are no more appointment slots available after the 2nd at 9am so you better get on there quick!

  11. Horn honking is chronic noise pollution that eventually starts to wear you down

    The street hawkers are absolutely relentless and unlike thailand they won't go away. I like to sit near the footpath in resteraunts and bars but ended up sitting further inside to get away from them. A 100 times worst than thailand and even worse than Cambodia

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12.  I am torn between Vietnam and the Philippines as my new residence in 2019 Why  well the simple truth is unlike many of the posters on Thai Visa i am not flush with Funds. In fact combining my super and old age pension I still wont make the required 65,000 Baht PCM even less so the option of 800.000.00 in the bank method. and on top of it all the proposed Health insurance is not an option on medical grounds. so flamers what next Philippines with its costs and Visa run arounds seem my best option happy new year 
    You can use an agent 20 k
  13. I see where your confusion lays. Civil war is a war between citizens of the same country. Bangkok burning was a aftermath of military brutality. There were no fighting between citizens. 
    No fighting between red and yellow shirts?
    They are not citizens?

    Thailand will always need a firm hand. They will always need a coup. This will be the way for decades to come and farang need to accept it as the last 4 years show the Thais most certainly do accept it.
    • Like 1

  14. Oh come on. Civil war! Now your 'big joke'. The only reason for all the unrest was so the b.i.g could legimately removed big T and stop his manipulation of little K.

    *Sensitive subject so have to talk in riddules.

    All those who've been in Los for a while know the score. Obviously you don't.

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I guess your a Newby here and missed bangkok burning [emoji91]

    Google is your friend.

    The country is always on the edge. Why? Because they do not know how to respect democracy and doubt they ever will.

    More coups around the corner sooner or later. With Prayut at the helm though that may be unlikely for the next decade
    • Like 1
  15. A soft coup ? Maybe in your little dream world. Maybe asked the thousands of people that have been brought in for a "attitude adjustment" or the people that got in trouble for liking facebook posts. Maybe you shouldn't make any predictions on those elections, as you quite clearly show you have absolutely no idea what is happening inside of Thailand, nor do you have any idea how Thai people might feel about the matter. 
    The previous coup not only was much softer, they actually returned democracy to Thailand within about 14 months, instead of over four years, without the blatant restrictions on liberties that many people the world over take for granted. 
    Do not make the mistake to project how Thai people might feel on your own small world. I know Thais from all over the country, even very dedicated Thaksin haters, and even they will not vote Prayuth in, because of his actions. If such people feel let down by him, what do you think will happen to the people that never supported him? The 20 people that you know do not represent the rest of Thailand. And the actions of Prayuth clearly indicates he is very doubtful about that landslide. 
    The only way he can become PM is by  cheating, and that's what he is busy doing. Just a few people refuse to see it. 
    As to his achievements, there is ample evidence, that he managed to be much worse than previous administrations. No wonder Thailand's reserves are depleted. He has shown to be the same as all those military regimes the world over, Utter incompetent and decrimental to the economy, 
    under his regime, the difference between rich and poor have skyrocketed, so has inflation. People are economically worse off than five years ago, and that is exactly why he will not win by a landslide, unless of course he cheats. 
    It was soft in regards to loss of life. Thailand needed stability, it was sliding towards civil war for over a decade.

    4 years was perfect and here we are about to enter democracy and 60 million thais can't be wrong or are 28 hard-core TV posters right?

    I'm with the thai people and have numbers on my side.

    Wait for the land slide.... Wait... For.... It [emoji106]
    • Like 2
  16. As far as crowds, The choke point is after the fireworks near mixx disco, when alot of people go back towards walking street and there are still people coming from walking street towards the pier.
    I got stuck in a huge crush there 2 years ago and actually started panicking. It got so bad I pushed out sideways and waited about 30 minutes for it to calm down
    Would only need a small explosion in that area followed by a stampede and the next day's news would be grim
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