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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Ok, I doubt there are enough Thai that like him, most I know loathe the guy. Which is natural, dictators haven't been populair anywhere. If he really was so confident as you, he wouldn't have tried to gain an unfair advantage in plain view. I think you should take of your rose tinted glasses. 
    By showing his cards for the last 4 years he is also at a disadvantage. His governing style is under the spot light. Fact is he didn't do to bad while learning on the job. Certainly no worse than his predecessors

    Dictator? By the text book definition sure but this was the softest coup in history. In fact nobody would even know its a coup. Just ask the 80 million tourists over the last 4 years

    Modern history has shown that when people take to the streets oppressive regimes have been toppled

    What happen in Thailand? Zip zero and you guys don't get it. The Thais I know including the GF's staff of 20 are more than content

    Wait for the landslide.. Wait for it..
    • Like 2
  2. why ? first give us free and fair elections without the junta trying to gain an unfair advantage, then secondly, let him have the guts to run for office, not trying to become PM with the help of 250 senators which he himself appointed. The way things have been stacked, no-one should have egg on their face, this is all a show ensuring Prayuth can maintain his rule on the country. He seems to think it will add legitimacy to his rule. many others know better. 
    If there even is hatred in the heartland of the democrats, me thinks that landslide is a pipe dream, unless he cheats. Why disregard a few decades of voting history, people believing he would become PM on his own merites are dreaming, I will say this, if Thaksin's son would run, he would thourougly trash Prayut in free and fair elections, that much is absolutely certain. But we are not getting free and fair election, that much is also absolutely certain. So why pretend ?
    Oh and people staging a coup would not rig an election because it would be going over the line ? They crossed that line already 4.5 years ago !
    You seem to be forgetting that this big elephant never asked Prayuth to take care of things, he was shoved down their throats by the barrel of the gun. And with all kinds of limitations to various freedoms they before enjoyed. Not many dicators win elections, at least not without cheating. This case is no difference. 
    I stand by my post. Rigged elections DO NOT win by a landslide
    I believe there wil be a landslide. The Thais like this guy!
    Time Will tell. I rest my case
  3. Oh, I do not think you are pro Prayuth. Of course he will get more than zero votes, in fact I am sure he will get a lot more votes than everyone would think possible. 
    remember, unlevel playing ground, no observers, he needs 26% and he will most likely succeed. ONLY IF he does not cheat will he go under in a spectacular way, and that's exactly why he is going to cheat, he won't stand the loss of face. 
    The elephant in the room is the whole thai population that still even today do not protest. It would be in their interest to start a move NOW.

    If the vote is rigged it will be enough to get over the line. If it's a landslide which I believe it will be there will be a lot of TV posters with egg on their face.
    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    And the one in the picture is 1295B. What is it with these ridiculous prices here? It's the sheet I'm buying, not the factory.
    I have half a dozen fitted cotton sheets. They are all over 10 years old and cost under 300B each in a local supermarket in Europe. They are still in perfect condition and are very good quality.

    Not just Sheets but anything cotton. Whenever I go back to oz I take empty suitcases and fill them with sheets towels, T's etc 

    • Like 1
  5. Doesn't really add up. Why is a home rental below the threshold considered an income and effects the pension but that same money invested in shares and resulted income does not.

    Surely every one would sell any investment property and roll over to shares.

    • Like 1
  6. 50 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

    What the hell are you waffling on about?

    Not in the South he hasn't.

    As bad as ever.

    And that's proper soldiers actually in a soldier-ry type enviroment. Being shot at by insurgents.

    Not arresting students for holding one too many fingers up.

    You are having a laugh are'nt you?

    Please tell me you are not serious and you have a bit more intelligence to see thru all this?

    There are ZERO checks & balances currently. ZERO.

    How much is being creamed on the current military hardware purchases?

    See above.

    Cream a %age off every contract. No prying eyes and ears.

    Out in the sticks here, the B roads are in their worst state in 15 years of living here.


    God give me strength with some of the poster's thoughts on the current affairs of this wonderful country being governed by comfortably the worst, least honest, most corrupt imbeciles since the last bunch of generals.

    I can only speak for my area. The removal of street stalls and the corrupt people who benefited is anti corruption not pro


    The ripped up my soi from top to bottom and new concrete now and installed massive drain pipes and drains are spaces every 10 meters both sides of the soi ZERO flooding now . They have done exactly the same on sois either side as they work their way up lower suk. 


    Of course they are starting in the most visible areas with the highest tourism. 

    Why on earth would you think they will bother with the sticks? You chose there cause it's cheap. You should have thought it through 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, tideout said:

    Guys are very likely to get approached in the Bui Vien, Pham Ngu Lao tourist/backpacker area. Not any different or better than the riverfront in Phnom Penh, Sukhumvit in BKK  and dozens of other tourist areas.....motorbike-style robberies are probably the main physical threat to tourists.....

    Much Higher crime rates against ex pats. First day there the hotel staff said best leave your man bag inside. Motorbike snatch and Run is rampant 

  8. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Pigs are not exactly what I have in mind for pets but I understand the concept that pets are not food.

    Now the problem is obviously that not everybody understands and accepts this concept.

    I think what you should do is sell them for considerable more than what they are worth in terms of food price. That will help that people want to keep these "expensive" animals alive.

    If you find anybody who likes them as pets but does not want to pay then I suggest you should collect at least a guarantee. Maybe 10,000B or something like that and if the pigs are still alive in 6 months then you can give the guarantee back.

    Good luck! You will need it.

    Who is going to pay 10k security to a stranger for pigs when they can buy their own. 



  9. If your emotionally attached then best have them euthanized. You have no way of knowing if a thai or a farang will give you lip service followed by a quick slaughter at home. That's A lot of meat right there 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, johng said:

    Remember that to buy anything from IKEA one has to physically go to their store in BKK to pay for the thing ! emoji13.png

    I don't get that. I would have spent thousands of $$$ over the last few years if I could have bought on line. So I ended up buying from lazada, home pro etc. 


    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    "His nic should be a guy from another universe".

    What?  If your nonsensical comment is suggesting that I seemingly "don't dance" with the majority here then that is correct and something that I will be eternally grateful for.

    I was talking about the OP 

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Sounds like you got an placebo effect, and that is often enough to get you going if there is som kind of mental block. 


    Hormons is more than just T, and normal doctors really do not know enough. 


    I can tell you exactly why it's not placebo. 

    My orgasms as I hit the 50 's became really weak. It was hardly worth the effort to have sex if that was my reward 


    Since taking the supplement I'm having full body sensation stronger than when I was a teen. Pot smokers probably know what that means. 

    Been on it for years now but I did stop for several months and went straight back to feeling old. And oh yeah it's also a big energy booster especially if you work out. 


    The downside is there hasn't been extensive testing done so it may be a bit risky long term 

    • Like 1
  13. Third time though most likely unlucky again, in a tiny little house with my 9 dogs. Surely someone who knows all the dark holes of Pattaya would know there are no houses on Soi Buakhao, unless of course you still saving up for a bus trip to check out for yourself instead of what you "heard"[emoji23]
    Let you in on a little secret, single unit in Soi Buakhao are going for 13 million up? thats 13 with 6 zeros after it.[emoji6]
    Bigger secret, tiny little houses on the outskirts of Pattaya actually going pretty cheap these days, can get one from as little as 20 mil, so thats 20 with 6 zeros after it.
    Now back to this outrages 5000 baht per night 4 star hotels who are a total rip off
    OMG what are you smoking? What a total load of cow manuer!!

    What are you scared of? Sure you rub people the wrong way but trust me no one will track you down waving a machete.

    I thought you owned a crappy guesthouse but you don't even plug that.

    Just another expat living in slime city without 2 satang the day before pension hits

  14. 1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

    Near Talat Phlu BTS. And you dont go anywhere except your your local cesspool? Whats to do there? Hang out at Terminal 21 and look at clothes that dont fit you at H&M? Count Chinese tourists? Get up early to see if you can be first at bar at Hillary 1? Hey, Im bored, lets go to...Hillary 2!


    Like if you want to spend the day at say...Koh Kret or the Lung or Chinatown how do you get there? Walk?

    Hey your the one that sneaks into lower Sukhumvit by your own admission 

    The reason you live in the burbs is of one thing and one thing only. 

    30 years to put money together and you blew it lol 


    Now it's a skinny pension. You know it, I know it ????

    • Haha 1
  15. 36 minutes ago, BestB said:

    DO you have trouble reading? was it not clear that i said i lived in a tiny little house.


    Yes 5 million, you can buy a garage, good to see your know your stuff????????????


    How did you go from 2 star hotel to a guesthouse? Would you have a heart attack if it was a 3 star? 


    Or would you still whine about hotel rooms being 5000 baht over NYE?

    3rd time you dodged the question. Where do you live? 

    There is nothing to be ashamed of 

    Not all of us can live upmarket. So what if it's on the outskirts of Pattaya or soi bukaho. Nobody is judging you for lack of wealth. You need to relax 



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