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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 13 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Wait you actually thought i was seeking your approval?


    For a mogul like yourself, you sure seem to know all the dark places, 


    Did you think 2 star hotels were cheaper than your condo, please quit while you ahead and stop embarrassing yourself.????


    Got to love the clueless with statements like 2 buffets at marriot for the price of 1 thai, when Thai buffets are 199-299 baht, ???? 


    Get yourself rent a gf, and ask her to take you to Mugataa. will open a whole new world for yourself

    Dodged the question where you live AGAIN. It's soi Buakhao I bet my condo on it! What a stain on your life! 

    Guest houses are a dime a dozen at 5 million baht in Pattaya jomtien, you should know that 


    You're to ashamed to name your guest house or even say where you live but it speaks volumes!, 


    What are you so ashamed of? 




  2. 1 hour ago, HampiK said:

    Maybe from Mo-Chit yes, there are a lot of tourists especially on weekend as many want see the JJ weekend-market.


    But on other routes I see about 80% Thai person in the BTS... sometimes even more.

    What are you talking about? It's 90 %. thais!! 

  3. 4 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Glad to hear you can afford big fat condo in Asoke, last time i checked, the big fat studios were going for under 10K, poor me lives in a small tiny house with 9 dogs.


    Glad to hear you can get 2 seafood buffet at Marriott, so fairly safe to presume you have never been to either Thai buffet or one at Marriot, but anyhow, carry on.


    Perhaps, with all that imaginary money you can fly to wherever your heart takes you so you will not be forced to buy into anything.


    Oh and just for your records, anything half decent in Sydney, London , NYC, or alike is at least 7000 baht per night and thats just basic,3 star up and you can double that, but carry on,I always enjoy  good entertainment.

    I don't rent. And you lost all credibity with your opening statement. 10 k for a studio in Asoke? 

    Your confusing Asoke with your fan room in soi bukaho or the dark side with 9 cats in the car park 

    One thing I've learned in life is when people continue to dodge questions it's because they have something to hide 


    So where abouts in the Pattaya brothel do you live, and where is your 2 star guest house located? 


    No need to answer if your embarrassed I won't push you any further. It's clear that you are not comfortable 




  4. 34 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    I cant afford Monaco either, but I'm I sure could afford a place on Sukhmavit if I wanted.


    But  living in an area thats is undoubtably a foetid, loathesome cesspool of depraved, gutter crawling sexpats and drunks, drunken violent Russians, medieval Arabs, prancing ladyboys with deformed enormous feet and wide eyed Chinese tourists going slumming, as well as the lumpenproletarian Thais that feed off the filth and corruption is not my idea of cozy.


    So excuse me if I dont share your love of the area. Yes I do go there. Its like an enema, sometimes you have no choice.

    Where do you live? I'm guessing you have not mentioned it because your not particularly proud ????


    11k to live in a shoebox God knows where. What a winner! 


    Sure you can afford Asoke.. But you prefer taxis and bts and motorcye shuffle 

    Oh puleeez! Your looking a bit silly 


  5. 25 minutes ago, BestB said:

    I am clearly more sure than you are. 

    How would you know how buffers are when you can not afford a night as it’s a “ total rip off “


    And who is most of us? The ones moaning or ones who can not afford it?

    If I can afford a big fat condo in Asoke I can afford a buffet. Where do you live? 

    But you're ignoring the point or you just don't get it. It's a big fat rip off 


    I can get 2 seafood buffets at the Marriott for the same price as your thai buffet. 


    Where else in the world are you forced to buy into a shitty buffet? 

    And yes it's relevant. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, BestB said:

    That’s the problem these days , people can not use common sense or unable to read few lines .


    firstly high demand equals high prices, secondly if you bother to read fine print or contact hotel , you will find high price includes either buffet gala dinner or something like that.


    In my hotels prices are 2.5 times for 30 dec -1 jan, why? Because 

    1. High demand , no choice 

    2. NYE, free wine and food for all guests 

    3. Price went to 2.5 just a few days ago, if booked prior prices were normal.


    if you leave it to last minute you pay premium prices.


    why bother to compare what happens back home? It’s irrelevant, you are here.


    back home prices for hotels with firework views also sky rockets 

    Most of us are aware the high price includes a buffet. And you you can book a month in advance and it's the same deal so it's not last minute. You sure you own a hotel? 


    Either way it's a total rip off. The buffets are total crap. Just a way of extortion since nearly everyone does it 

    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    I go there once a week,if that. Usually go a club or thermae for old times sake. Half the time it's because I go to my bank in Phrom Pong.


    how do you know what I can afford? Is this going to turn into a bank balance contest?


    Maybe I'm just not sleazy.

    I would go to live in Monaco. But I can't afford it. At least I'm honest about it ????

  8. On Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 11:51 AM, Sheryl said:

    An alternative to Muclin is to buy psyllium husks in bulk. Villa markets  stock it

    Yes and a cheap solution. You can also get it via post from good karma health store in phuket around 600 baht for 500 grams 

    I take tramadol as part of a cocktail of pain killer's and that really puts the colon into sleep mode 

  9. On Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 3:27 PM, johng said:

    He says  his passport is in his bag at the hotel  which is "just there"...

    and "no I don't walk with my passport at this time"


    So why on earth they dragged him off to immigration  instead of going to the "just over there" hotel room to look in his bag ?????????

    The bib are probably familiar with this guy already. Let's not forget that all black drug dealers are also tourists 

  10. 34 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Hardly a big deal as at that time in the evening the trains arrive just about every minute!   While the train is loading at Asoke the lights of the next train can be seen at Nana station.

    His nic should be a guy from another universe. He doesn't seem to be dancing with the rest of us 

    • Confused 1
  11. OP you didn't know BTS has escalators? . If you miss the first train then that's due to peak hour or weekend. There is always another following close behind. 


    A stinky hot bus in grid lock traffic. How were you able to draw a comparison? 



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 22 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    The BTS is rarely jammed going into Sukhumvit at 10:30 pm from where I am at, once a week or so.


    And when I lived in Ekkamai, I would take taxis from the Nana area at closing time.


    So unless you live right on top of Soi Cowboy, Thermae or Nana, sooner or later you are going to have to cab it. Your trade off then is the hordes of tourists, overpriced crap food and drink and all the rest of the yuck down there. So enjoy your walk, those with have transport ????



    Over priced food? What are you talking about! I'm a 5 minute walk to the T21 air con food hall 40 baht a dish 

    You criticize but still go there to play. You can't afford to actually live there so pretend it's not your style lol 

    I've met many like you. Live out in the burbs and try to justify it but dance around the fact it's always always about the $$$ 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  13. I agree that its "lively" [emoji846]
    Fun is relative.
    "Near everything" is relative too. You are "nearer" to the older shopping areas and farang oriented stuff. I am "nearer"  to the better and cheaper and better street food, the world class shopping, the River, and the Thai oriented stuff like Koh Khret, Maha Chai, Samut Prakhon, etc. Off peak, I can be at the farang Sukhamvit area in 20 mins and home for 170 THB grab at bar close from Soi 11. I can go 100 meters to a great Bar/Restaurant and watch Man U, have 4 beer Laos, a shot of JD, a plate of fried shrimp, a plate of Spicy Stir Fry Braised Pork with veggies and some Thai style Chicken wings for 800 baht. And thats an expensive spot.
    And I don't have to deal with crowds of farangs 24/7, no Burkhas here, no cops.
    And I pay 11K for 30sqm with a gym and a pool right on the BTS.
    Now if I was working in Huay Kwang, Id be looking at the MRT from Asoke on up. Id look at Lad Phrao MRT, lots of nice looking condos in that area.
    Catching taxis and jammed into bts just to go to lower Sukhumvit for your fun sounds like a hassle to me but as I said it's all about wealth
    Those without have to to the taxi bts motorbike shuffle.. Yuk!
    • Like 2
    Research?  Don't make me laugh, you can't even use Google!
    A very quick search reveals that Thailand is ranked within the most dangerous countries to cycle.
    2% of all road deaths here are of cyclists despite not many bicycles on the roads, that is about 480 people every year, 4 times the rate of the UK for instance.

    Show me the link saying thailand is the worst in the world like you said or go and study the meaning of due diligence before posting even more nonsense [emoji112]
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