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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. Sorry but it's hard to believe someone can be so careless. All the same, they didn't force you to unlock your phone, so it's not so bad after all. I read US customs could keep passengers under arrest as long as they didn't unlock some password-protected drives on their laptops. That is really bad. Someone once recommended to "clean" my smartphone before traveling to Malaysia. I guess the same recommendation would apply eg to Indonesia and many African destination.
  2. I read it was especially recommended if you didn't have much meat in your diet.
  3. Did they ask you to unlock your phone and hand it over to them for checking the content?
  4. Difficult. Israelis now no longer allowed to fly over Saudi Arabia (or Irak) I think. They would need to use missiles. I've read the Iranians had scattered their "nuclear facilities", especially whichever nuclear warheads they may already have produced. So no easy option apart from armageddon.
  5. A decade and a half ago Jimmy Carter said Israel had about 123 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. Best thing for Israel could be to nuke Iran before it's too late. A small country like Israel can only have a first-strike nuclear doctrine unless it equips itself with a submarine deterrent.
  6. They write "pause". Semantics may not be their forte. Maybe it meant "abolished". The TM6 serves no purpose, apart from being able to fine those who lose it.
  7. Can someone tell me if there's water throwing early in the morning at breakfast time? Like before 9am.
  8. Murderers wait for the effect of their coffee to die down before they kill someone, it's a well-know fact.
  9. Coffeine is short-acting meth.
  10. Of course not coz it's legal.
  11. Note how in Thailand an additional layer of damaging crap, ie caffeine, is added to the methamphetamine. As though methamphetamine were not sympathomimetic enough on its own. As far as I know the meth/speed consumed in other countries only contains methamphetamine as the active ingredient. Besides, if methamphetamine is a social evil in Thailand, what about caffeine? If you die of a heart attack from Yaba, do you die from the methamphetamine or from the caffeine? What about the coffee shops sprouting up everywhere in Thailand? What about caffeinated drinks that hook people by combining two addictive substances: sugar and caffeine? The yaba epidemics is bad but I guess the caffeine epidemics is no longer an epidemics as 90% of the population are hooked on it anyway. If you want to rant against drugs you need to wear a good pair of blinders/blinkers.
  12. Duplicate. Tricked again.
  13. Why can't the Burmese manufacture xstasy instead? Xstasy: there, at least, is a drug that has something to it. Yaba is zero euphoria. Sky-high blood-pressure. Sleeplessnes. Meth dick. Of course xstasy has low addiction potential. One consequence of the war on drugs is that the lousier a drug, the more widespread it gets.
  14. Filing taxes and paying taxes are 2 different things. It might be useful to be able to show the taxman back home you filed taxes in Thailand.
  15. This is a question owners of an LTR visa will love to get an answer to by the beginning of next year.
  16. Ok then I think PIN = TIN. Give your PIN to UBS saying it's your Thai TIN. I heard a similar story but the reverse, namely it could work to use one's Thai TIN instead of the Pink Card number, in case one had a TIN but no Pink Card.
  17. I don't know what a PIN is. Is it the swiss taxpayer's number? The TIN is the internationaly recognized format. National taxpayer's numbers have digits that overlap with the TIN. The Thai TIN has 13 digits I think.
  18. Because a TIN is for the CRS or FACTA. Bank data can be exchanged regardless of whether you pay tax. Some banks in Europe seem to make offshore resident status conditional on showing a TIN from the country you say you reside in. A TIN is also required on any W-8BEN form, in case you own US shares.
  19. I think UBS couldn't care less about your LTR visa or the tax exemption that goes with it. Go and get a Thai TIN asap. It will be useful not just this time with UBS. P.S. Show the Thais the letter you got from UBS. They'll understand you need a TIN and will give you one. I got one after I said I needed one to open an account in Europe. I got one on the spot. It took 20 minutes.
  20. You should have told them you needed a TIN to open a bank account in Germany (or Spain or Croatia or ...). I bet they'd have issued you with one there and then.
  21. I cut down on baked beans after seeing on the label how much SUGAR they contained. All the same, food in Thailand is not that great. With less Farangs compared to Asians coming to Thailand, the availability of Western food has tended to worsen. Baked beans and bacon are rare in hotel breakfasts these days.
  22. Why should they be? Thai men knock-up Thai teenage women, then let foreigners give those women a soft landing and take care of their children when they near menopause.
  23. I once booked Premium Economy on an Air France flight to Africa. Never again! For some reason the seat was more uncomfortable to sleep in than a commmon economy seat. It was shaped so as to make any sleeping posture impossible.
  24. Well, I guess Russians prefer to exchange Bitcoins rather than Rubles right now.
  25. "Cryptocurrency exchange". Does that mean "selling Bitcoins"? Is selling Bitcoins illegal?
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