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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. If I'm not mistaken, playing Hitler's speeches anywhere (including in your own home) is against the law in Austria just like in Germany. If you set your VPN to Germany you should not get any Hitler speech on Youtube. Same thing regarding nazi songs like the nazi "national anthem" (Die Fahne hoch ...). You can click to hear excerpts on Wikipedia except on the German Wikipedia. Even the tune is banned in Germany. You're not allowed to hum it.
  2. Yeah, since obviously you accept them as your masters, least I could do is have a go at accpeting them as my equals.
  3. Except the Thais I see patronising the venues have for the most part way more money than my broke ass.
  4. I see much support here for "the voice of the people". Do you guys think "the people" is on our side? Do you think the people will do away eg with dual pricing? You bet they will! If "the people" had their way the price for foreigners would not be 5 times the price for Thais. It would be twenty times that. What did "the voice of the people" do for us in our respective home countries beside creating feminist police states?
  5. Another batch of "victims" falling prey to the rescue industry. And more horny men left with no other option than traveling to Thailand or the Phillipines. Men in 180 countries signing away their sexual rights, then thinking "too bad, luckily there's always Pattaya and Angeles City". Fools!
  6. Having to choose between either a butt spray or toilet paper, I go for the butt spray any time, because the butt spray cleans the brown stuff while the paper only spreads it like peanut butter.
  7. Do IO visits take place only for visas based on marriage, or also for other types of visas?
  8. The wholesale supermarket at Leopoldstrasse was a Metro. Interestingly the brands Metro and Macro are related. https://www.metroag.de/en/about-us/brands/metro-makro-history
  9. Even if you read here and there that Thailand does not strictly enforce the 6-month rule, what about the airline? Airlines often prefer to err on the side of caution.
  10. I assume you've tried out things like Symbicort. Other mucus thinners are Acetylcysteine and Guaifenesin.
  11. That must have been because the bear was a female. Had it been a male they would've shot him there and then.
  12. I'm wondering about this "photo in business attire". Do they want me to have a photo taken of myself and send it to them? I first thought they'd take a photo there and then when they issue the visa.
  13. You can never be moraly wrong about not having kids. Given the unspeakable sufferings to which living beings are exposed, reproducing can only be an act of utter selfishness.
  14. What will also change is that prostitution rates increase threefold and that many girls will refrain because the paperwork is too much for the few weeks they want to work in bars.
  15. Legal eg in Germany but regulated by German law (not by EU regulations). For example in Germany, no prostitution is allowed on the streets, only in clubs. German law says something like "prostitution cannot be banned everywhere by city council in towns of more than 80k souls". In other words, towns of more than 80k inhabitants must tolerate some prostitution in some places if operators want to open some clubs. Police in Germany are now increasingly raiding clubs on grounds of tax evasion. In the long term, this could mean the end of affordable prostitution in Germany. Prostitution is legal in France for women to prostitutes but illegal for male customers to seek prostitutes. See the problem? Legalisation can get twisted so that at the end of the day prostitution becomes as good as banned. Prostitution is legal in Belgium for both women and male customers, but city councils and police have wide-ranging powers to forbid. As a result, some cities and areas are prostitution deserts. And so on for different EU countries. In each case, national law is what decides and not EU regulations. If it were up to EU regulations, I guess we would have a blanket ban. Note that despite liberal policies in some countries, visa and work permit policies can dry up supply of sex workers. My hunch is that a country is only allowed into the EU once it is clear its women will not massively come and trade sex for money in member countries. Sexual economics is the hidden agenda that makes the world go round.
  16. Puzzling. I thought the LTR was a visa so designed as to make agencies irrelevant. Now they're bringing back agencies through the back door.
  17. Double-edged, at least from our manly point of view. Banned yet widely ignored and tolerated is often better than legal and heavy-handedly controlled. Legalisation will come with tons of new requirements. Then the crack-downs for non-observance of said requirements will know no bounds. See many EU countries.
  18. Congratulations, you just conflated 3 different communities of the manosphere: red pillers, male supremacists, PUAs.
  19. One-night stands, all too common with some lucky blokes, all too rare with me except for money, boohoo!
  20. Sure enough, but suppose you lost your ATM card or your passbook and you went to the bank to get a new one. Wouldn't they want to compare your passport with the one they had a copy of in the computer? As soon as you get a new passport: 1) notify the bank (and your broker if you have one) 2) notify AIS/True/Dtac.
  21. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/4537874/Ecstasy-no-more-dangerous-than-horse-riding.html
  22. Xstasy? If it was genuine xstasy the victim would still be alive. There's the war on drugs for you. A war on people.
  23. I don't want to be disrespectful, but are so many readers of this forum US citizens? If that is the case, I retire with eggs on my face. Otherwise the trials and tribulations of a has-been called Trump are of no interest. Our respective home countries all have their own Trump-like, scandal-prone politicians and ex-politicians. Just imagine what a cacophony this forum would be if German, Italian, French etc. members in this forum posted stories daily about Habeck, Berlusconi, Le Pen etc. Trump? Trump who?
  24. I am not pro-life, but it's good for the wymmyns for a change to have a taste of their own medecine and know what it feels like to have their own rights curtailed. In the US a man gets jail if he walks up to a woman and says "let me give you some money so that we can go to a hotel together and have some fun".
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