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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. Why hopefully fatal mistake? Not all Americans I'm sure want as Commander-in-Chief a person who just happened to be "black" or "brown" or just happened to have a vagina as their sole qualification in life. Many Americans feel safer having Trump to push (or not push) the red button of mutual assured destruction. Trump is a freak all right, even a scowndrel may be, but he is not totally incompetent. He climbed the social ladder in his own right. He was not coopted into power by anyone. He can keep the World alive and face bullies.
  2. "However, her ticket was for a standard business class seat on a Boeing 777-300ER, which does not feature Qsuite or Premium Economy seating as she had thought." So the standard business class "does not feature ... Premium Economy seating". Not much of a business class if it's below premium economy.
  3. I'm pretty sure that's just the kind of drugs that will not be OTC in Thailand. Antibiotics no problem, psychotropics no way unless you are medically connected. 40 years ago pharmacies in TH would sell you Captagon literally "over-the-counter". They would also show a pack of Temazepam for you to buy together with the Captagon as the two drugs made for a very euphoric combo. Those were the days.
  4. You can order Regaine foam online from Lazada. They don't sell the foam in pharmacies in Thailand. The foam will cause no itching.
  5. Love foreign men? Do they? I wish they did more, especially the young hot ones!
  6. "Other pharmacological options explored included PDE-5 inhibitors, bupropion-SR, and low-dosage combinations of amfetamine and dexamfetamine." I see the AI doesn't know the correct spelling of amphetamine, neither does it know that amphetamine and dexamphetamine are the one and same thing pharmaceutically. Amphetamine = hard drug. Fat chance of that becoming available. Besides, since when can amphetamine or methamphetamine (= yaba) further ejaculation. Those drugs have always been known to be detrimental to both erection and ejaculation. PDE-R inhibitors? Viagra, Levitra. Good that these are finally explored, decades after flooding the world market. Well-done AI. Soon nobody will bother to read anything on the WWW anymore.
  7. Again, how is this a U-turn? Cannabis has been decriminalised and will stay decriminalised. This is not a U-turn. This is continuation.
  8. If you want to have a clear conscience you could get a certified translation into Thai of your German driving license. It should cost you around 1000 Baht.
  9. Tizanidine (Zanaflex)? I have used it as a pain killer and sleeping pill at the same time. It is classified as a muscle relaxing drug. No idea whether it's available in TH. If it is, then surely not OTC.
  10. Lol, Tramadol does nothing for me either, whatever the kind of pain (muscular, headache etc.). Kratom can make for a good night's sleep without pain. It is not harmless though.
  11. In the UK women who murder get the pussy pass. In the US they don't, not any longer.
  12. Sexiest? Please provide: body size, waist-to-hip ratio, shoulder width, chest size. Where's the hot booty? Where are the flared hips?
  13. Has nothing to do with the visa type. It's whether you stay over 180 days in TH per calendar year. You can stay less than 180 days per year on a retirement visa as well.
  14. Well no, when in TH I make do with papayas. What I'm referring to is this:
  15. Sometimes what works best for oneself is unexpected. In my case eating a platefull of spinach works wonders. Better even than Plantago ovata.
  16. If you have been years without removing it, use olive oil or special oil from a pharmacy to soften the impacted wax for 10 days on end before going to the ent. Otherwise the removal may not be altogether painless.
  17. Could there be something wrong with your liver?
  18. Not being able (nor willing) to walk or cycle anywhere, spending your day with your ass on a motorbike, eating food based on refined sugar, using beaches as rubbish tips selfie backdrop while never even learning to swim .... Thailand's oppressive climate is bound to make anyone naturally lazy. To relieve such laziness the least one would need is roads with pedestrian pavements, crosswalks with drastic enforcement, bicycle paths, beaches kept clean for swimming.
  19. I have 85k miles expiring soon on Thai Airways. No way to redeem them on flights. I tried the hotel awards. Only hotel available: Hyatt Erawan. Indefinitely unavailable for awards. Aaaargh!
  20. At this point they want you to be Thailand. They are not interested in your flight, they want you first legally into Thailand. You should first travel to Thailand (on a visa waiver or on your present visa). As soon as you check into your hotel in Thailand, upload a scan of your "permitted to stay" passport stamp as "additional document" as well as your immigration card as the case may be (but I think immigration cards are no longer used). The BIO will then email you to ask in which hotel you are staying, including which room in that hotel. Make sure the hotel declares your arrival to immigration asap. I was invited to pick an appointment on the very same day I sent the info about my hotel in Thailand. They don't send you the appointment, they ask you to pick one from a roster. If I am forgetting something I'm sure some forum member will correct me.
  21. I hope the digital walletees will be able to use the digital wallet to settle their bad debts. Or is it precisely something the digital wallet may not be used for?
  22. Point (1) and (2) just mean holders of an LTR visa are eligible for an LTR-based tax exemption insofar as they go on fulfilling the conditions of an LTR visa, the corollary being that they lose the exemption if they stop fulfilling said conditions. This sounds like something that was self-evident and hardly needed spelling out. The question now is: "is this all?".
  23. That defines the conundrum in a nutshell.
  24. The PM was also foaming at the mouth because of the impact on tourism. I theorize the victims were also foaming at the mouth because of the impact they knew their own deaths would have on tourism. So the foaming must be unrelated to the cause of death and is throwing the investigation on a wrong track. Just my 2 cents.
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