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Posts posted by AAArdvark

  1. 2 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    No what I have seen were on side of plastic flow control knob which would allow the knob to be removed to access the filter.  Photo appears to have slots as if you insert a one baht coin to turn (no need to remove screw) for whatever it is intended for.

    I turned it with a screw driver but I got scared and turned it back.  I thought one baht was an expensive pieces of gold as I recently found out????

  2. 9 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    Just curious as I went to a mates condo the other day and in the bathroom is what looks like a cabinet in the bathroom is actually a door to the service shaft behind the bathroom wall. Where the isolation valves were because I had a peak.

    Understood but there is no such place in my condo which I was accustomed.  Also, the maintenance people for the condo confirmed this to me.  It is like my electric.  When ever there is a power outage, the generator kicks in.  However. each condo resident has to manually switch to a different low power circuit breaker until main power is restored.  I guess it was cheaper than buying a bigger generator.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:

    Looking online it says that model has a built in water filter with pressure relief valve. Is that what we are looking at ? Could the screw be to adjust the pressure relief setting ??

    Irrelevant if you can't shut off the water to the unit though I guess...

    In the upper right of the 2nd picture there is a small black piece on top of the copper heater.  In a larger picture it looks likely to be a water pressure release valve.  Also, I doubt they would want the consumer to adjust that because of safety concerns.

  4. 22 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    You show a normal flex hose feeding that - isn't there a shut off valve on the other end of the flex hose?  Agree you do not want to flood out so if not best to wait.  

    No/yes.  The toilet has a shut off.  The kitchen sink has a shut off.  Everything else goes into the wall and comes out in some external place controlled by the condo people.  it is possible the knob is a shut off but it does not turn and being plastic i don't what to force it.

    I was wondering if the set screw that you mentioned, is the plastic screw in the center of the knob?  If I know what the knob and screw actually do, I can get the condo people to shut off the water long enough for me to clean any filter that I find.  

    I have contacted Panasonic for a manual but there is no response yet.  There are a couple of places online that claim to have the manual but they appear to be scams since what me to sign up and give personal information.

  5. 29 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    Actually it can also be a part of that plastic housing and turn of knob in bottom photo counter clockwise will likely release it as part of that knob.  Some have a set screw on side that has to be removed first but do not believe that is the case above.

    The picture on the bottom has a knob and a screw.  I cannot turn the knob, at least by hand.  The screw turns but I am hesitant to do so since "I" do not have access to the water supply as it is controlled by the condo.

    If it is reasonable to assume that the filter is under the screw or that the screw stops the knob from turning, I will get the condo to turn off my water.

  6. 12 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

    Also these officials come up with absurd measures, such as limited entry points to the markets creating unnecessary congestion and queues that could actually trigger the virus spread. Some of their measures are not very well thought and need to be reconsidered.


    Checking temperature is useless and a waste of time. It doesn't prevent the virus spread. I feel sorry for those people who have to stand and take the temperature. They could've done something else more productive.


    Wearing masks and personal hygiene should suffice entering a market. No need for long queues and congestions for a temperature check.

    Limited entry means that it is easier to check for compliance.

    Temperature checks, although of limited efficacy, will catch some people who have symptoms.

    And just how do they check for personal hygiene? Where I live, there may be a long queue but there is little or no congestion.  People are forced to maintain distance.

  7. I just went round and round with SDFCU.  I had a foreign address and was therefore never allowed to do domestic transfers withing the US without doing a wire transfer.


    So, I asked SDFCU


    1.  Could I used a virtual address

         "We don't think so"

    2. Can I have a split address, permanent and mailing using one US address and one foreign and avoid the transfer issue?

        "We think so"

    3.  Which one should be for the foreign, permanent or mailing?



    All of this was with much hold time while some one would be consulted.


    Anyway I think I now have two addresses, since they said I do, but it is not easy to tell and I have not tried a domestic transfer.  I hope I have a permanent US (ex-wife address) and a mailing foreign.

  8. 6 hours ago, bodga said:

    Now you see the REAL Thailand and Thai  people, they are  simply  filthy imo.

    I  like it best when they try to hide their  rubbish deposits as if  you can't see them do it it's  ok.

    Maybe you should have used the pronoun "some" or just move to a country where all the natives are not filthy or don't fight all the time or don't know know how to park.

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  9. Thanks all.  That all makes sense.  I have nothing to measure my water pressure but cold water appears to be normal by feel.  I can see where the water comes in and goes out of the heater but, unfortunately, I cannot see a shutoff.  I live in a condo.  The condo maintenance guys say, when I asked fix or replace, that "it needs parts".  Even if I knew what the parts were, there are no hardware places anywhere near me due to lock down measures.

    I found an exact replacement on Lazarda for $150.00.  Right now I am leaning towards replacing and letting the condo maintenance people do the work. If they do it, I will make sure they show me where to shut off the water and power so that I can do cleaning once in a while.

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