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Posts posted by AAArdvark

  1. 37 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    You're wrong of course, I DO know I don't have the virus. Because if I had the odds are that one of the many people who live with me would show symptoms. They do not, so the odds I have the virus are close to nil. Even if I were asymptomatic, one of the people I live with by sheer mathematics would have to show symptoms (only 50% are asymptomatic).


    Stop panicking and stop the mass hysteria, there's no need for masks. None whatsoever.

    Even the CDC has admitted they were wrong and now recommend masks for everyone.  One of asymptomatic friends could have spread it and you would not know for up to 14 days.

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  2. 2 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Of course it has.

    This crisis would pale into insignificance if the mosquito species that carries the dengue virus were to adapt to temperate climates.

    Global burden of dengue

    The incidence of dengue has grown dramatically around the world in recent decades. The actual numbers of dengue cases are underreported and many cases are misclassified. One recent estimate indicates 390 million dengue infections per year (95% credible interval 284–528 million), of which 96 million (67–136 million) manifest clinically (with any severity of disease).1 Another study, of the prevalence of dengue, estimates that 3.9 billion people, in 128 countries, are at risk of infection with dengue viruses.


    I saw no mention of "kill vast numbers" in the article.

  3. I have a Thai friend.  She went to Germany February 15th.  Her Germany boyfriend took her to Spain (Majorka)  about March 10th.  Locked down 2 days later.  Returned to Germany about March 21st.  Refused entry and returned to Spain.  Refused entry and returned to Germany where she was detained even though she still had a week of visa.  Next day deported to Thailand.  Flew on Lufthansa, 400 seats with 4 passengers.

    So I guess if that happened now she would be on a perpetual loop, Thailand to Germany to Spain and back again and again.......

    • Confused 1
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  4. 42 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    You should stay where you are. In a few more weeks it could prove difficult to travel freely, and to find a hotel room. If you still have a month left on your rental place you don't need to panic just yet, but you might want to find out if you can stay longer just in case.

    Probably most renters would be happy to keep you with no one to replace you.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Other than him appearing to be working or trying to work without the correct visa and WP I do not see their problem. They just sold their car and house in Devon so will be sitting with millions of baht in the bank. They should just enjoy the next few months of holiday in Phangan and when the world returns to normal decide what to do. They are in a much better position than 99% of the rest of us.

    How do you know they have millions?  Old car?  Not so nice house with a large loan on it?

  6. The latest from the US CDC is that N-95 masks should NOT be worn because they are in such need at hospitals.  Non-N-95 masks SHOULD be worn but not to protect you.  The protect everyone else.  The virus can easily pass into a non-N-95 mask but the droplets from a cough or sneeze cannot easily exit even a simple mask.


    As far as alcohol sales go, sales of alcohol here in the Philippines has been totally banned for three days without any military dictatorship. 

  7. 21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I tried, I really did... I read as far as 700,000 baht dowry (sin-sod)...  and realised ‘we have another one’... 


    Sin-sod for a lady who has previously been married and has a child is generally considered a no-no by all but the most gullible of foreigners.


    You are the night in shining armour... you are the answer to her financial insecurity... you are the mark.



    700000 for 2nd marriage or 3rd or 1st is a no go for me, even paying for an expensive wedding is out of bounds. If someone is going to buy a girl, just do it one night at a time.

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, thequietman said:

    Astounding! The level of unpreparedness is astounding. Just do what the Philippines did and defer until this covid issue has been resolved. 


    Come On Thailand - get your act 2gether. ????

    What exactly did the Philippines defer?  I'm not aware of anything being differed.  Also the Philippines was, and is. hardly prepared.  It is mass confusion and mass conflicting edicts, lock downs, curfews and checkpoints.   

  9. 2 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Why can''t you use Google Voice ?


    I don't have roaming on my US cell plan so Google Voice and it's text option has worked for me to receive US Text messages and OTOP's from US banks

    Google Voice works for me 99% of the time.  I have a google account tied to GV.  When I set it up, I gave a phone number for recovery.  Now, if I try to change my google account password, it will default to a now non-existent phone number to send the SMS.

    Anyway, I sound Digtone which worked.   But it did not solve my problem, changing my password still attempts to use the bad number.  I cannot find out how to change it even though I added the Digntone number. 

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, gamb00ler said:

    I use TextNow.    It is FREE and I've verified that it works with Bank of America and also with State Department Federal Credit Union.  To keep it active you need to show activity periodically.  I forget the details of how frequently.  They will send you an e-mail to remind you that your number will expire in a few days if not active.  You can use it through a web site.  I also have iPhone and Mac dedicated applications for it.  It only takes a few minutes to set it up.


    It looked promising but I could not login.  Tried from the Android app and it kicked me out because I "violated the terms of service".  Not very specific but probably detected that I was not in the us.


  11. I need to be able to get occasional short code sms (verification codes) from a US phone number.  Since it is only occasional, I don't want to spend a lot.  Searching Google for services gives quite a few results.  However, most of them are for businesses sending bulk sms or they are for developers.  I currently use Google Voice but that is not always successful.

    Can anyone recommend such a service.

  12. 19 hours ago, Logosone said:

    These guys are trying to explain it by the fact that influenza is not seasonal in Thailand, like in the West. It doesn't appear at specific times, but year round, though there are peaks.


    This could provide the Thais with better immunity.


    Alternatively they just don't record death causes as accurately.


    "Although there were peaks in influenza-associated mortality in Thailand during 2006 through 2011, they were not consistent in their timing. This is in contrast to trends observed in temperate climates and likely reflects the year-round circulation of influenza viruses which may attenuate any seasonal mortality pattern. The majority of deaths from seasonal influenza occurred among people aged 65 year or older, but in the pandemic, the proportion of deaths among younger persons increased. This may suggest that there was some immunologic protection in persons who were exposed to A(H1N1) viruses before the 1957 pandemic, as has been demonstrated in other countries"



    In the north of Thailand there are two different flu vaccines given at different times.  One for norther hemisphere and one for the southern.  That would suggest it is two different flu .

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