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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. An Australian analysis of Musk: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-30/elon-musk-shrinking-tesla-margins-investors-wary-tech-boom/103402124?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link
  2. I have no problems with free speech and I’m quite baffled at how a dislike of someone’s business practices makes me a leftie… Elon doesn’t give a rats arse about your free speech, him being a dictatorial autocrat is a reasonable way to describe his public persona however. Im sure Elon thanks you for your blind worship, its amazing how money clouds peoples judgement. Past results are no guarantee of future performance and you’re down $12 already today 🤣
  3. Let me rephrase myself, you didn’t get off your ginger and find the link, dunno why you’re gloating.
  4. Twitter. edit: the cave sub… his Pedo accusation to the cave rescuer… his general disregard for corporate governance… his treatment of employees post covid.
  5. To be fair, no one of any opinion had published this.
  6. They’ll slap a coat of “rich wasp living a Christopher Skase lifestyle funded by Mr & Mrs Little Ozzie Battler” paint on you and throw you to the witch burning mob who will sing and dance while you bbq. You are correct in that they wouldn’t do it to Australian Residents, but by this time they’ve figured out that you’re not.
  7. I’m not so sure the Australian Government really care about Australian pensioners who live and most importantly (to them) spend overseas. Welfare payments are really only popular with the recipients and amongst “lefties”, there’s a philosophy of it’s good for the economy because it almost all goes back into circulation but if the money is going overseas however… And right wingers don’t want to pay anyone any welfare. There isn’t going to be anyone protesting in the streets about reducing pensions to people living overseas and when the government of the day says “This budget measure will save X $Aud which will be focused on healthcare and policing for hard working Australian Citizens”
  8. Sorry, I don’t think you have your head in the sand. I personally think that at some point the Australian Government will want the money, will it be this year, next year or 2034, know one knows. Long term (undefined) it will change and likely to a similar model that KH has proposed, hopefully it’s after we have shuffled off. Im 57, still working in Oz and I doubt I’ll accumulate enough to not be on the AAP, such is life.
  9. I understand that to qualify for the AAP you need to be an Australian resident for 2 years but I don’t understand why you’re saying that someone who is already receiving the AAP would need to return to Oz for 2 years to CONTINUE to receive the AAP ?
  10. You may well be correct, this year… anyone who is not expecting it to happen at a future time has their head in the sand at best. Just hope it happens after you shuffle off.
  11. You might be right but I took it as his mate picked up a rash last week... 😄
  12. He’s lived here for 4 years… 🙄
  13. Bloody born again ev evangelicals pushing their agenda ! 🤣
  14. What load of cherry picking twaffle.
  15. The captain would be aware of any and all issues with the plane and as you already understand, he makes the ultimate decision on “to fly, or not to fly”. Id suspect that it may not be unusual for those seats to be the last filled ? I always decline those seats, I’m 6”2’ and wouldn’t mind the legroom but dislike the non reclining seats.
  16. If you are correct in what you have posted then it was not a random choice that left those seats vacant, it was a conscious decision by the captain, crew and maintenance… Which would raise some VERY big questions.
  17. Ohh, look, a flat earther… 🙄
  18. Eyes up on the roads please Mr Xylophone. I enjoy reading as I haven’t been back since 2019 but I am returning in May. It'll be interesting to see the changes personally that you and others have noted.
  19. The only thing I’m confused about is why you continue to piss into the wind whilst postulating that it’s raining..?
  20. No. He said his vehicle had one, you decided it was magical, he never made that claim, you did.
  21. When did anyone claim to have magic heat pump ?
  22. It’s been very well explained to you but by your own admission you haven’t read your own thread.
  23. I haven’t read the thread but I just wanted to jump in and inform EVERYONE of the OP’s appalling grammar. 🙄🤣
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