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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. How many can afford Hummers, Porches, RR or Lamborghini ? Yet the exist and sell…
  2. What ? The incredible phenomenon of too many mines starting production ? You’re obviously a city boy, never seen a farmer introduce a new crop ? If it works, all his neighbors plant the same crop the following year and no one makes any money because the market hasn’t grown to match the production. Cmon @Lacessit you are just being argumentative now, I do believe you’re better than this (and there’s some in this place I don’t think that of… 😎)
  3. But you’re still using an artificial immediacy as your primary argument. Its like saying that no one would buy cars in 1920 because there wasn’t petrol stations dotted all over the country and there wasn’t enough petrol to fill them using 2024 volumes of cars and petrol stations.
  4. @Lacessit has the world always produced the number of barrels of oil that were produced last year ? No. Production attempts to shadow demand, please tell us that you do understand that…
  5. It’s supply and demand. lithium mining was ramping up but apparently too quick and short sellers have caused the price to drop. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-05/core-lithium-mine-darwin-nt-operations-suspended-job-cuts/103287454?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link
  6. Cheapest way, stand there with your hose in your hand, talk to your grass, understand its needs, nurture it to be healthy and strong.
  7. As for lithium itself, a local lithium mine to me has shutdown after only 2 years of operation because of the lithium price falling. Theyre planning on treating their stockpile over the next 6 months with a 50% staff level, obviously hoping for a rebound in price. HEY !! Cheaper ev’s !! 🤣🤣 @Lacessit at times you can come across as pretty closed minded yourself. The numbers you claim for lithium, I don’t know where you get them… and I’m not motivated enough to research and fact check you and every other clown in this AN circus but consider this, some predicted that we would run out of oil in the 90’s yet here we are, still finding it, finding ways to use it (slightly) more efficiently. Maybe Lithium will be the same… maybe other chemistries will prove better… We can’t replace every ice with a Lithium ev overnight so there is time to find more lithium or better alternatives while not belching fumes onto our streets.
  8. Sounds like he’s reasonable, be happy.
  9. Most people understand the difference between rinsing their mouth and using internally, except you and Trumpy 🤣
  10. I guess if we took the story at face value we'd all be pretty shattered but I wonder what the real story is ?
  11. I haven't seen that, do you have a link ?
  12. I suspect that you are correct, it'll be a hostage situation, though some yanks are still pushing the right to repair barrow I believe. But again ev's dont require the maintenance that ice do and frankly the majority of people nowadays dont have the skills or interest to do their own repairs. I myself detest working on cars, i do do it if required but I'd rather be doing almost anything else. I also work, so I'm better off earning money and paying someone else to do it.
  13. Modern cars of which you don't have, in addition to the fuel gauge have a readout of your range in kms. It constantly recalibrates itself based on your recent driving experience, obviously there must have been range anxiety amongst the intellectual ice drivers out there... And regardless of gauges and warnings of fuel reserves, the driver still needs to observe and heed them. Will the tesla auto pilot commandeer the car to take itself to a chargepoint when low, do we have a tesla pilot here ?
  14. Your car and the ev's do that sure but Lacessit's car obviously doesn't.
  15. If thats YOUR perception, I'd suggest less beans. The owners of ev's that have contributed to this and other treads are very open about their ownership experiences of both vehicles but you and a couple of others not only discount their experience with only one of the types but actively dream up wacky scenarios to prove to yourselves how "right" you are and how "wrong" they are.
  16. but they would be the same types who would ignore an ice fuel gauge. So what is your point apart from some vague outrage that someone drives a differently powered car than you who refuses to try the different tech yourself.
  17. You didnt read the bit you quoted about multiple warnings on charge level ?
  18. Personally, I'd rather spend time with most scorpions than Mr Musk, but from what I've seen he makes a pretty solid car.
  19. Geez you're a wag... You've whinned on a fair bit about the evils of ev's, spouting numbers where you claim that there isn't enough lithium to make enough batteries to replace all the ice vehicles blah bah. In air quality terms it would be great for everyone to wake in the morning to world with no ice, but that ignores production costs, pollution from production and charging infrastructure as starting points. It makes more sense to upgrade to an ev when you are disposing of your ice vehicle, either because its junked or sold into the second hand market. This means that charging infrastructure can roll out more efficiently for eg. Surely even a hater like you can see that ?
  20. I guess direct or quick connecting flights are everyones wet dream but geez i can't wait to have options again.
  21. It is but I’m not sure if it’s viable as it’s never offered as an option when I search flights whereas Darwin, Melbourne, Bangkok is viable apparently 🙄 Bali also has a small arrivals tax payable. Singapore Airways are still flying Darwin, Singapore, Thailand but there’s no competition on pricing and a minimum 8hr overnight stopover in Singapore. First world problems I guess… 🤷🏼‍♂️
  22. At least this will give me another option to get to Thailand, besides flying Darwin to Melbourne/Sydney to Thailand 🙄 Darwin to Perth to Thailand 🤣
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