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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. I don’t have a problem with anyones opinion. I do have problems with people who spout opinions as unchallengeable facts and those who for reasons known only to themselves spread outright lies. Id like to return to the world that had a modicum of respect and decency to/for others. As to your question about “just refute them” ever tried discussing anything with a trumper or qanon type ?
  2. So they don't raise rates for political points and now they are spineless because they did raise rates...? Wish you'd make up you mind...
  3. Congrats @bannork Party tonight ? How long do they keep them in hospital nowadays ?
  4. Be careful with that Frenchman Owl, his name only comes up when troubles afoot...
  5. @thaibeachlovers Where is Haad Khom ?
  6. The dams in the rice paddies are crazily steep and hard to get out of. I was in the family’s dam a few years ago cast netting for fish (much to my BIL’s amusement I was verry rusty with the net, but I got there in the end ????) But when it came to getting out… OMG !! There was no underwater terrace and no ladder running into the water, drownings of poor or non swimmers should come as no surprise, sadly.
  7. Not many good ages to die I guess, but these both seem way to young. Condolances Andrew.
  8. Not that I smoke, but can I have some of what you’re smoking ?
  9. My parents used to own a small caravan park in Australia and a guy who was a regular forgot his shoe one time, he was a amputee... ????
  10. if i found the snags slightly frozen or actually cold as opposed to room temp id cook the hell out of them and eat them.
  11. Are the Palm Oil trees paying their way ?
  12. Almost by definition someone who leaves their home country to live abroad is not someone who is seeking close personal bonds with anyone. However, some want this friendship, some need it and others like it, others are more lonesome in their lifes outlook. If you want friendship look for activities that involve the type of person you seek. Be aware that life and family pressures affect those between the ages of 20-40 so they may be less interested in what to you is a meaningful relationship. A problem often encountered in my town of Darwin is that people often come here because 1 of the couple get a work transfer and all to often after a 2 year tour they then move to somewhere else... As a long term resident a form of fatigue can set in, whereby you stop putting effort into meeting people because all too often they move away. Thai may well feel similarly, particularly with the language barrier as well.
  13. Some websites dont like some browsers etc...
  14. Psychology is difficult enough to treat, addiction is a nightmare.
  15. For the last forking time... I never said that was an illegal manoeuver, I said if you perform it and collide with someone else you are most likely at blame. If you are exiting your lane of traffic the onus is on you to ensure there is a clear, vacant space to move to So we can just drive along and cut off or side swipe anyone we deem is not in a "proper traffic lane"... OK. If you can turn and a mc hits the side of your car youve cut across the mc. Thats your concoction... Dubious at best... But when the police assign guilt and determine and collect fines... Again, if anyone can collide with you when you're tuning, you're doing it wrong. Your ONLY defence would be if you were at a complete stop and the mc was witnessed by others as being unattentive/on their phone etc. No doubt a sound defensive technique, Cyclists in the west similarly "take the lane" when approaching small suburban roundabouts to avoid dumbarses trying to squeeze through where space doesn't exist.
  16. she turned off the road into a side soi or some-such, she moved her vehicle out of the lane it was traveling in...! and besides all that, his question was about paying police a "fee" to adjudicate !!
  17. Changing lanes and colliding with another vehicle during the maneuver, pretty fair chance that the OP's wife was the major contributor to the accident, yes. But we only have his version and im not even perfectly clear that he was in the car at the time... So who really knows...?
  18. BobSmithExitThailandTrain !! Express service, Allll Aboard !! chooochooooo…
  19. Must be your fervent imagination making up “your facts” that I’m struggling with… But you keep going, I recon you’ve almost convinced yourself that you’re correct. You are awesome… ????????
  20. Good grief man, the OP’s vehicle!! But you carry on talking about some other accident that happened, or not…
  21. And my wife’s family started harvesting rice today, sticky variety I believe.
  22. Owl, are the rats cooked for you to take away or are they to be cooked at home ? Ive seen them nicely skinned in the market at Phon Phisai but I didn’t buy one for mum to cook, and MrsHP hasn’t touched one since her early teens. I had a melanoma removed from my foot on Thursday so I’m a little restricted in my movements at the moment. Find yourself a GP (at least) to check your skin once a year please people, melanomas don’t fork about with you.
  23. The fugitive isn’t the OP ????????‍♂️ So stop manufacturing an argument to prove yourself right. All we know from the OP is that he turned left and hit a mc. On that information he is far from solid ground, he was changing lanes putting the onus on himself to ensure there was a clear space to move into, it would seem he failed… If however the mc was overtaking/accelerating past on the left he may have a diminished responsibility.
  24. No. You are the ONLY one claiming the mc was “speeding up the inside” For all we know the OP simply turned left after overtaking the mc, thus cutting them off.
  25. You’ve turned across her !
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