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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Plus an attitude of 'I'm a politician, so I'm allowed to do whatever makes me happy'.
  2. Back to reality, there should be age limits, at around 75 years old must resign / must be turfed out, plus limits on total years in the job, perhaps 15 years.
  3. We get several versions of the RT channels on our TV service AIS Play. Many are in English. I sometimes watch for a while, and sometimes pick up items I was unaware of and I don't disagree. And sometimes shocked at the attitudes on display.
  4. The last two lines confuse the situation (educated pedestrians need to be educated again or should not be so disrespectful by forcing drivers to stop) , this is not what is required by Thai law and in most other countries. Thailand is the same as 99% - 100% of countries; drivers must stop and all drivers on the roads know when there's a zebra crossing coming up (signs on the side of the road and overhead signs). Pedestrians need to cross roads and pedestrians have rights to cross with safety, and drivers must respect pedestrians rights. Just 2 examples; Japan and Australia, there's cctv everywhere, if you don't stop you will be tracked down and the punishments are severe, very big fines and automatic loss of license. I'm aware of one Brit guy driving in Osaka, Japan and drunk (had a license acceptable in Japan). He was held and deported the next day, never allowed to enter Japan again. He was from my company. The company received an order to within 48 hrs gather all foreign employees (about 30 engineers) for a lecture in English about driving laws in Japan. After the lecture the Japanese CEO spoke (good English), he was furious that the name of the company had appeared in the news along with the details of a foreigner caught drunk driving. He ordered that all foreigners have US$100 deducted from their next pay and paid to a charity. My own Japanese staff gathered together and asked me to promise that I would never drive after drinking and they gave me a list of my staff members (about 10) and photos and mobile numbers. I was asked to promise I would call someone on the list if I had more than one drink. I did socialise with my staff and the other foreigners but I never had even 1 drink after that. In Australia traffic fines are very severe, I'm aware of a lady being stopped for erratic driving, she was drunk, she was fined heavily and license suspended for 6 months. Later, she was with her husband, husband stopped at a mini mart but had to walk a short distance to the shop. The road had a strong slant. This was about 3 months into the wives license suspension. Suddenly many of the parked cars departed so the wife moved herself over to the drivers seat, released the hand brake and let the car roll down the hill twenty+ metres. A police cruiser with hi-tech spotted the car number plate and the police stopped and asked for her license and quickly discovered her license was suspended. An hour later she was in front of a magistrate who said 'you can spend the remaining 3 months of your suspension in jail plus an extra 30 days in jail'.
  5. Good point, and I guess it could be either way. I do recall the senior officer at the Chiang Mai amphur officer telling the other officers, speaking in Thai and in perfect English, 'his card should show cheewit because he has PR'. Bottom line, whatever the rule there's no need for renewal.
  6. What worries me is what games they will use to try to stop finalizing the election / prevent announcing the proven winner.
  7. Wow, you're rather bossy. Have you ever asked what her desires are in a man?
  8. 2 hours ago, bigt3116 said: I'm not knowledgeable about that item. Suggestions: 1 Call 1506 the SSF Hotline and check, use the English option. 2. Check the SSF Act section 39. As follows: Section 39.[1] Any person who is an insured person under section 33, has paid contribution for a period of not less than twelve months and, subsequently ceases to be insured person in pursuance of section 38(2), if such person wishes to continually be insured person, he or she shall, within six months from the date of his or her termination to be insured person, notify his or her statement to the Office according to the regulations prescribed by the Secretary – General. Perhaps better to read point 2 above before calling the 1506 Hotline - Note the twelve months details. - Also note after retirement and receiving the savings payout a member has six months to decide if they wish to continue their Injury and Sickness benefits and pay direct to the SSF 432Baht a month member contribution. This can continue until death. - Also note after retirement and receiving the savings payout a member has six months to decide if they wish to continue their Injury and Sickness benefits. More details on this in my post above earlier today in this thread.
  9. Well i'd ask you to share but at 80 i don't need them yet.
  10. PLus a rule that missing more than say 10 meetings cancels any entitlement to meeting money or any other benefits.
  11. Can be even more complex. I have PR (28 years), tried once in Pattaya to use my pink card to check-in at 4 star hotel. Rather arrogant young man said 'what is the expiry date?' I explained PR is for life so there is no specific expiry date. Hotel boy responded 'that's not possible'. I showed him the pink card again pointing to the expiry date area on the card and the fact there is no date but there's the Thai word 'cheewit' meaning lifetime. The boy insisted 'it's a mistake and you should check these things before you made incorrect statements'. He also said 'I should cut up this card maybe it's fake'. I instantly grabbed the card and put it in my pants pocket and walked out. Next hotel accepted the pink card with a smile.
  12. I'm not knowledgeable about that item. Suggestions: - Call 1506 the SSF Hotline and check, My Thai Tax number if different to my pink ID card number.
  13. Same here,checked it at 12 noon today, working fine, in fact I made a small purchase of tablets, order accepted, all paid OK, confirmation email since received.
  14. I achieved Thai Permanent Residency (PR) 28 years ago, and with thai I got a Thai style ID number (but it starts with an 8). Later when the pink ID card came into existence the local big amphur office here in Chiang Mai issued me a pink ID card. Because PR is for life my pink card doesn't have an expiry date. Instead it has the Thai word cheewit (lifetime).
  15. You do need to have a Thai yellow covered Tabien Baan book and a pink Thai ID card. If you need more info call the Social security hotline 1506. Then select English. If the call defers to Thai it means there's no English speaking SSF officer available at that moment. Don't give up, call again later or the next day. Worth being patient because when you do converse with an English speaker they are good listeners and you'll get good advice.
  16. Keeping your Thai Social Security Fund (SSF) Injury and Sickness benefits going after you retire and claim the lump sum is worth it. And you have six months to decide if you want to continue after you get the lump sum savings payout. the SSF Injury and Sickness benefits* can continue until death, whereas mainstream foreign health insurance policies have a maximum age (often 76 years old, if the member started the policy at a much younger age). and the annual premium for a mainstream health policy is very expensive. A farang friend just finished the final year of his policy, turned 76 years old a few months ago, company will not continue his membership and for the final year the premium was 134,000Baht. * Benefits are quite broad and cover most injury and sickness costs and include medicines. Cost of hospital bed and hospital services is not free and depends on the situation and the hospital you nominate when you arrange the continuation of your membership. Typically 700Baht to 1,000Baht a day. If you elect to continue your SSF membership/benefits and you pay the monthly member contribution of 432Baht a month direct to the SSF. The SSF set up a direct debit to the Thai bank account you nominate and on the 15th of each month the SSF activate the direct debit and take 432Baht from your Thai bank account. Painless.
  17. Before / after take off do you search the cabin for rows with no passengers at all in the row and ask to transfer to that row? Heard this from an ex cabin crew steward who said this is fairly common and most airlines will not hesitate to allow the passenger to change rows. But might stipulate that the passenger must go back yo the original row, as per the boarding pass, before landing because of aircraft weight balance rules.
  18. Greed. YES. Also the fact it's so easy to get under the counter approvals for licences / certificates. Collusion.
  19. And specific age limits for all bus / public vehicle drivers, and specific age limits for school bus drivers.
  20. The windows appear to show it's an old style bus no air-con. Wonder when it was last inspected and how thorough the inspection was? And is there a standard structured inspection regime for the various types of buses?
  21. A suggested email: "My circumstances have changed and It's no longer possible for me to take up the position we spoke of. I cannot discuss this any further. Please accept my best wishes for the future. kind regards
  22. Many believe not needed, kid(s) have good karma.
  23. Also possible they are quite ignorant about many things in life including safety. Why, because they didn't attend school very often and they missed most of the science (and other) important subjects). And because they spend many hours every day looking at their smartphone screens continuously watching short tik toc dancing vids and cartoons.
  24. That's if you can get him out of the family swimming pool along with his grand kids.
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