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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. OK but things are changing. This negates the need to carry cash / large amounts of cash. That's a positive. But ultimately personal choice.
  2. OK but things are changing. This negates the need to carry cash / large amounts of cash. That's a positive.
  3. I just submitted the application for Prompt Pay using my K+ app, super easy and within an hour got a confirmation my application was successful.
  4. Why is it 'SAD', it's their choice.
  5. Nothing wrong with paying in cash. I've heard others say 'the shop / vendor' doesn't take cash any more, only scan. Some street vendors (prepared foods) we use (Chiang Mai) now only accept scan. A couple of times my Thai son has been buying prepared food, he carries minimal / no cash and he's called me on line 'can you please quickly send me 100?Baht by K Plus'. Life moves on...
  6. I realize that, I mentioned it to 'complete' the picture, nothing more.
  7. Why is corporal punishment by teachers not mentioned is this report?
  8. When it's a scan at an ATM machine (not used that much) it's my experience most Thai's are ready to do the scan, all done 1 second. I repeat my comment, scan to pay at 7/11 is nowadays quite common and with the announcement today will be very common and easier.
  9. My family pay for food deliveries COD, mostly using scan, plus a 20Baht / 40Baht cash tip direct to the mocy driver. Works well.
  10. That's not my experience. One example, my son's Thai mother in law (78 years old) minimal education, never used a computer uses K Plus scan for everything possible. She's always ready to do the scan, all done in 1 second. Millions of other Thai folks, all ages / all levels of education etc., do the same.
  11. Nowadays I carry very little cash and when I know a payment will be needed I get my K Plus app open (very easy) and ready, I do the scan and all completed in 1 second. You see it gain and again in many shops, big and small. I can't recall ever being slowed down by a slow connection. 7/11 is part of the CP conglomerate as is true internet. Seems to me that everything is / will be set up to ensure scan payments are super quick. Next customer please.
  12. “I live in China, and there are sex workers everywhere.” -
  13. But there's more detail which is not all that positive.
  14. And if you cannot work due to illness and so on? And from my understanding in the US Social Security System there's a cap on what you can withdraw - and the cap is basically what you have personally contributed. So if you personal Social Security fund is dry at 80 years old - bad luck? I have several US colleagues hre in LOS, that's the way they explain it, and they are dreading the day it runs out.
  15. I couldn't find my old Medicare card or any record of the number. Medicare searched and couldn't find my old number. Medicare issued a new number.
  16. Already active in y extended Thai family. Older sister of my Thai son's wife had already contacted all asking them to give her 50%. Why? She's trying to gather enough money for a deposit on a new EV car. Been rejected by all. Mostly because she and her unpleasant husband ran a quite successful business for several decades and they have enough funds in their bank account to pay cash for the car they want. Also true you could find this 'scenario' in any country.
  17. I returned to Oz (about 5 years ago) after a long absence. My Medicare card had long expired. I went to my local Clink office and obtained a CRN, proved my ID, then lodged my application for the OAP (lodged online by the Clink officer who first offered to manually scan my hand OAP & Assets & Income applications, then she indicated: - 'it's all complete, I can lodge it for you right now using the big Clink multi purpose machine here in the office, or - You can lodge it online yourself, or - You can mail the documents to Clink in Canberra). I requested she go ahead and lodge the documents using the Clink multi purse machine, which she did. About 5 seconds after imy application docs were sent the machine printed a receipt which was handed to me. The Clink officer mentioned that the receipt indicated that all the pages have been received in the Canberra office. The Clink officer politely reminded me that OAP applications are not processed by local Clink offices,they are processed by computer in Canberra. She also mentioned that Clink Canberra would contact me by e.mail is any further information / clarification was needed. She then mentioned that she had checked my Medicare status and it was cancelled. She indicated she could restart my membership if I wished. I responded YES please. About 1 minute later she took a document off the printer at her desk and gave it to me and explained: - This letter is for you, it confirms your membership has been reinstated. - A new card will arrive at your recorded residential address in 2 weeks. In the meantime use this letter if you need to visit a doctor / hospital etc. - The new plastic Medicare card arrived about 4 working days later.
  18. 'pretending' - why are so unpleasant? The laws / regulations are clear, logical, sensible and not difficult to understand. Move on please, perhaps start a knitting website for folks stationed in Antarctica.
  19. If you mean you are going to pull the KY tube out of the orifice, will you pull it out slow or fast? One would guess the speed of removal determines the level of pleasure. The marriage approval is good news for our LGBT friends, which includes many configurations. Please enjoy and good luck.
  20. QUOTE: "the above said, one of Centrelink's staff processing your application could be a knob-head and try to say, yeh but you only travel to one spot, so therefore you are a Non Resident". Yes centrelink has a 24/7 live link to immigration records (passport records in and out) and my understanding is that on every 'in and 'out' activity the computers search to see if a passport number (in or out) is in the Centrelink database and if yes the 'in ' out' details are recorded instantly on the Centrelink records for that person. But, unless I am misinformed there's nothing in the immigration records re the destination of that traveller for departure and no record on where the traveller is coming from when they arrive in Australia. So how could the Centrelink staff be able to say things like "...but you only travel to one spot...".
  21. ...the whole dam lot of them are about money and jealousy and how can I look important? And how can I impress people?
  22. Perhaps when they have a large number of outlets this reduces the overall operational costs (Supply chain efficiency / cost efficiency). But if only a small number of branches and even more so if they are not geographically quite close the supply chain cost could be unacceptable.
  23. Can put him on ignore / blocked but that's very different to having him blocked from posting.
  24. I can't understand how the case against trump for keeping / not securing / not returning classified documents etc etc., was 'thrown out'.
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