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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Just your opinion. Other folks no doubt like the designs, I do.
  2. "... either cut funding for local communities or increase local taxes". But probably make his MAGA thugs very angry and ready for revenge.
  3. He's a very old man, not very mobile and lacking in up to date knowledge and insight. Surely there's several other Thai folks much younger, much more suited, sports oriented and more capable of taking Thailand into a better picture re the olympics.
  4. So if all of the above is already well known how come her staff haven't prepared.
  5. Greed, never enough, they feel important, the glory...
  6. So if they are her long-term professional accountants they should be organized and be continuously monitoring these records to the point where all entitled revenues are received, and all updates of her holdings are recorded promptly, so that a report (as required by law) can be completed accurately and quickly.
  7. Agree on your initial points but not re the cooking show. He was spending way too much time (shopping for raw materials, planning, recording etc., when he should have been attending to the affairs of state. (Plus there was much comment that the dishes he cooked were very day Thai items nothing special.)
  8. trump and lies - there's a story.
  9. But developing.
  10. This perhaps depends on which passport (Australian or UK, or both) the police became aware of when the person died. My understanding (from one experience only) is that the police must be called if the deceased is a foreigner and the police then check for a passport and then contact the embassy of the found passport. But would the police keep searching for any additional passports (unless alerted by others present)? If the passport found is Australian the Oz Embassy are required to instantly do some form of 'bulletin' to other Australian gov't agencies (e.g. Centrelink who then cancel all benefits). Re the UK I have no information.
  11. Seems to ring a bell that 2 party leaders got banned for not having totally removed all traces of long since defunct shares in no longer operating media companies. Three months delay on something that her family 'minders' should have already had all nicely tied up.
  12. "...assuming it gets thru the network of sergeants, captains, majors & colonels with hands out." And that will be one factor which the new situation must stop.
  13. Sure but what about the old military dinosaurs who will want the whole 'machine' to stay as is - for their power and glory. Seems to me that Just being told 'it's all changed' won't bring the dinosaurs on board. They will need to be told that big changes will happen and for good reasons and there's benefits for Thailand and for Thailand's youth. And like it or not they do still have a big power base.
  14. Thank you. I was thinking more about people doing the test themselves and possibly unaware that the "Arm should be level with the heart'.
  15. Dr. Sheryl, please correct me if I am wrong but my understanding it that it's important for the arm / hand to be in the correct position / slope to get an accurate reading. Thanks.
  16. Have you considered recording a usufruct on the back of the chanut document? It would mention that even thought you personally are not the owner, the actual (new) owner agrees that you have the right to live in the property until YOU revoke that right. It should also mention that the property cannot be sold without your written permission. And you would be the only person who can cancel / remove the usufruct. I have a usufruct on the land and house I bought for my Thai son in a moo bahn village. Son was keen for the usufruct to be be put in place. Why? 1). Respect for me. 2). Because he doesn't trust his in-laws (for very good reasons) and his wife is frightened of her unpleasant corrupt siblings. Son and his wife had fears her siblings would try to get the owners name changed from son's name to son's wife's name then changed to their names. They would have no hesitation to strongly pressure sons' wife and no hesitation to offer / pay big money to a lawyer or to the local lands title office to get the chanut changed.
  17. Bought a touch screen Lxxxxx model about 5 years ago, worked well for about 8 months then many problems with ghosting, then turned off the touch screen facility. Two repair centres in Chiang Mai declined to try to fix the touch screen facility. Used the machine with touch screen turned off for quite a few years but now time to buy a new notebook. Is touch screen on notebooks now less problematic and more reliable? Overall don't need high end capabilities. Any brand recommendations with touch screen? Thanks.
  18. Best Subway I've used was in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. Right in the heart of the city and 3 minutes walk to the 4 star hotel my uni always used. Great friendly / focused / fast service, bread and fillings always fresh and tasty. All staff spoke English. On a day off I always called and ordered and picked up my order 15 / 20 minutes later. Some afternoons I went to Subway on my way to the campus and ordered and paid. When I got back to my hotel (about 9.30 pm) sandwich waiting in the lobby. Much better than any Subway I tried in Bkk / Pattaya.
  19. I have the pink card and dark blue* Tabien Baan (TB) book. I make no comment re helping with drivers license / renewal because I got lifetime car and mocy licenses decades ago, never need renewal. *Dark blue TB book because I have PR (28 years).
  20. And hope it ends on the same day because of a failed performance.
  21. Seems to me the statute of limitations on charges relating to causing death sould not exist.
  22. Here's a laugh "... everyone who has half a brain cell knows the charges were political, ... "
  23. Or are they just voting as human beings?
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