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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. I'm also wondering about the 'reporting' staff, there seems to me quite a gang, most with very limited experience. some / many with very little time in Thailand / S.E. ASEAN, and some of their comments / summaries are not that good and many spelling errors.
  2. Sent various size/weight envelopes and cardboard tubes with X Rays from Chiang Mai to Melbourne and Hobart in Oz, always EMS, always delivered 2 to 3 days. Postal staff at the Central PO in CM always efficient, friendly and helpful. Basically same timing in reverse Oz to CM by EMS. Pretty good service.
  3. Sure and always remembering that the owners must respect / abide by various laws.
  4. Bye,close the door when you leave.
  5. Someone didn't read the earlier post, it says clearly the mods stay.
  6. Good, and you've achieved the impossible, a post which hasn't attracted the 'confused' emoji. Good luck to all concerned.
  7. Re the jury selection. If enough folks cannot be 'accepted', what's the alternative? I'm assuming that somewhere in the relevant act there would be an alternative - all possibilities covered. And i'm assuming there is an alternative because i'm believing that the case cannot be simply cancelled because 'no jury'.
  8. She has been very quiet since becoming VP. On the other hand prior she was impressive.
  9. I confirm that, most in my extended Thai family avoid Amphur and similar offices like the plague. Main reasons: - Less than clear answers. - Citizen often enough they know the answers given are wrong but any attempt to query the wrong answer ends up in abuse. - Demands for money. On the other hand my Thai son won't bide the above. Example, he took his Thai wife and 2 kids (14 and 11) to the local passport issuing office (Northern Thailand province). Aim: get new passport for himself (current p.port soon to expire), new passports for wife and 2 kids). Initial response was negative all round. Various excuses. Some e.g.'s : Son had 2 passports issued previously, p'port lady said 'too many, you have exceeded the the total allowed. have to wait 5 more years' Wife (30 years old, had every document invented with her. 'Cannot, her mother needs to sign that daughter can have a p'port'. Mother 500Km away. 2 Kids 'too young cannot issue p'ports (14 and 11)'. Son noticed an old uni friend walking away from the counter, his very young daughter 3 or 4 years old looking at her new p'port. Son asked his buddy if he would show his daughters p.port to the p.port lady son had been talking to. Result lots of abuse. Supvr came to see what the problem was; son had to get strong with the errant p.port officer ant tell her to stop talking and listen. Supvr confirmed that kids can have a Thai passport from 1 day old. And confirmed son's wife had sufficient document to get pp.port issued on the spot. And confirmed there is no limit on how may total passports can be issued to a Thai person. Supvr took son to another desk and monitored the immediate issue of all the passports: son, wife, 2 kids. Son then insisted on an apology from the errant officer which came quickly when the supvr instructed her to apologize. She tried to give an excuse 'I've been busy all week and I need a quiet day'. Supvr told her her comment was unacceptable and to apologize to my son and his wife and then go home and wait for a phone call from the suprvr whether she was dismissed.
  10. Good for you and your partner, I hope it's a picture of equality and I hope it continues for your lifetimes.
  11. Even worse, he believes he's above the law and entitled, with no rules / everything allowed, to operate outside of the law, even murder people without charge or punishment, and operate with no ethics or morals. And even after his term finished he believes he is still entitled, for life, to operate in all circumstances / situations outside of the law. Further he believes he's allowed to tell enormous, dangerous, disturbing and divisive lies and untruths. Seems to me these activities committed by any citizens and especially by a person who should be the role model should be seriously punished including jail time.
  12. Perhaps he was hoping someone would suggest he chair the meeting. But in the photo he looks weak and sick.
  13. Some months later. I called the 1506 hotline and spoke to a SSO lawyer. I explained my name is in the typical dark blue covered Tabien Baan book because I have Thai Permanent Residence PR (27 years). The SSO lawyer shared that most SSO staff in local offices have very little/ zero knowledge of the different coloured TB books and sme for different types of visas / PR etc. She said she would call the CM SSO office and explain all of this to them. Soon after the Snr. officer from the CM office called me and shared that he now understood and my name in the dark blue TB book (he already had a copy) was totally acceptable.
  14. True, that's what's happened. But I believe that step by step Pita and his party and their new balanced modern thinking which can bring more equality and even a soft socialist element will eventually shine.
  15. Boost renowned attractions... How about some focused work to strongly boost manufacturing etc., capability, efficiency, entrepreneurship, etc.
  16. Don't forget the enormous number of votes and seats Move Forward got last election, they are very popular especially with younger voters.
  17. Seems to me that there would be / must be alternative options available.
  18. Easy. Nobody is above the law regardless of any circumstances / previous titles or anything else. No discussion needed / no discussion allowed. Case closed. How can it be anything else.
  19. Line of viber, both are VOIP operated (voice over internet protocol). And both are quite easy to download, SMS, chat and video chat, can send photos etc., all at no charge.
  20. Parents? Perhaps their schools should be fined heavily also. I've heard many times that some of the teachers at these troublesome technical schools strongly encourage / demand the students track down and fight students from other similar schools. Supposedly for the glory of their schools
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