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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. And is the appropriate insurance in place / up to date.
  2. Turns out several other countries have already successfully installed similar systems. Bottom line, seems all countries want to know where tourists / visitors are staying whilst in the country.
  3. I guess your real aim is to take some upskirt photos. Bad boy.
  4. Mixed picture. The farang around the table who haven't purchased an EV all fit well into the picture 'not yet because there's nowhere to recharge the batteries. One added, 'I haven't purchased an EV because I don't want to go to a service station every time I need to charge and sit on the kerb for 2 hrs.' Others tried to convince this guy there's many locations for recharge with added facilities / shopping, and you can recharge at home. His response was 'but my house is not wired as a commercial premises so that's not possible'.
  5. Original message says submit the completed arrival/departure card on line before arrival. I've never heard of submitting a form before arrival, so how many folks will arrive and be confronted with this at the passport desk?
  6. But choose the wind powered whirlybird extractor carefully, they can be extremely noisy.
  7. And he may want to get some further education / facts about the requirements to gain Thai PR. Quote from earlier post: "as far as Im aware, retirees are ineligible to apply for PR because they don't meet the income requirements so must always stay in the lowly Non Immigrant status for the remainder of their stay." There is some limited focus on size of income but the main item needed is proof of working in Thailand, with a Thai work permit, for the 3 continuous years* prior to lodging the application for PR (* but the number of years of continuous has changed in the past and could change again. I've had Thai PR for 28 years, when I applied foreigners needed to prove 7 years of continuous WPs. And the applicant must also prove that he/she has submitted their Thai personal tax returns for those years and the assessed personal taxes due have all been paid. And there's more. "I am very close to having my PR in the bag. Just a few more hoops to jump through and I'm done." W What does that mean?
  8. No expert but my understanding is that banks prefer to do international transfers using a SWIFT code. From my understanding the SWIFT code is seen as very safe and quick. Other members maybe know more about this.
  9. Because most Thais, including folks who work in banks don't know how the typical western name is constructed. I've been in LOS over 35 years (28 years as a Thai PR) , several times I've realised the Thai staff are lost about my name. I explain it like this: - Open my passport details page - Point to first name on your passport (christian name) and say 'chua tee nueng ' (first name, which is the dominant name for Thai folks). - Now point to middle name on your passport and say 'chua tee sorng ' (second name). and say 'Thai people don't have a second name, ignore this'. As just said 99.9% of Thai people don't have a second name. They can make an application to have a second name but it's not normal and difficult to get it approved. I've seen it once, it was achieved by adjusting the Thai family to add the new middle name in front of the family name with a dash,, Family name had become vvvvvvvvv-oldfamilyname. The Thai gov't name databases have no provision for second name. - Then point at your family name in your passport and say 'namsakhun' (family name). - 9 times out of 10 this gives the Thai person a clear understanding.
  10. About 6 months ago I successfully used the international transfer option on KPlus on my smartphone, about 5,000Baht sent to awell known bank in England. Ultimate recipient of the funds in England confirmed receipt of the funds (in pounds) within 24 hrs of sending from Thailand. But this can only be used if the receiving bank is within the list on the KPlus app. Good luck.
  11. Seems to me that strong / rampant capitalism is one of the main drivers of greed. Could be different.
  12. Why 'be christian', so any 'christians' are less than ethical, less than moral, very violent and selfish. Christian is not the silver bullet, never has been and no religion has ever been the silver bullet.
  13. I suspect you're being sarcastic. I make no claim to be an expert on this subject and right now I / my family don't own an EV. My Thai son and his Thai wife do own a very nice Hyundai family van. They have 4 kids. But I'm interested because my Thai son and his wife are aiming to buy a small EV car in the near future to replace a fast dying old 3 door ICE car, therefore my Thai son, his Thai wife and myself have been focusing on charging options amongst other EV details. My daughter in law (DIL) wants to buy a small BYD vehicle but my son likes to look at all the available cars and the surrounding information. DIL is focused on a small BYD sedan because the car will mostly be used to take / return 4 kids from university, high school, primary school. And she's done her research and discovered there's numerous places for re-charge on the routes she takes. Ultimately It's a decision for my son and his wife, not for me. My guess is that DIL will win the day because it fits the needs. Also many families living in our moo bahn (Thai, Chinese, foreigners) now have BYD cars and all indicate they are very happy with BYD. As above, I make no claim to be an expert on the re-charge subject and no intention of becoming an expert on this. No doubt the whole subject will go through many changes / adjustments into the future.
  14. So please share your wisdom / knowledge re charging stations in Chiang Mai. Are they all suitable to charge your average EV car?
  15. Interesting. I recently bought an item online for 16,000Baht, an item which needed to fulfill several specifications, from one of the major local online operators. In the past I've always had good experiences, but this time it was an unpleasant experience, quite difficult to get clear answers and told many times (by the site operator) 'go to the xxx Chatline', which didn't really help, then told 'so go to the yyy Chatline', no real answers, and then a third bbb Chatline, no real answers. Meanwhile being told several times that I hadn't yet paid. I eventually found the same article on another website (not online shopping) and got all the answers. Messages to the online operators Customer Service, and Administration center either not answered or answered with just one word leaving me not knowing the full answer. After many tries I got a live phone connection to Customer Service which produced 'just buy it and it's not what you want wrap it up again (same wrapping materials and return the bed (me return the bed) to the delivery company's office. Never again.
  16. Correcting above : But society does need to deal with severe damage / injury caused by some drug takers / dealers.
  17. Amongst my farang residents acquaintances here in Chiang Mai, recharging is the major heart attack point. So often the response when there's some discussion about buying an EV, the instant trembling response is: but there's nowhere to recharge the car. A recent discussion prompted one farang to pull out his notebook and open a favorites page listing the multiple places in CM where EV owners (regardless of EV brand) can recharge at reasonable cost. Plus of course you can do a recharge at home. Next major panic response, 'but what if the nearby recharge is down for a day!' Again doom and gloom. This prompted a vote amongst the 6 farang at the table. After a little discussion 5 agreed 'there really is no problem, and it's the same as gasoline fill up, you need to watch the gauge and do a fill up / top up as needed, at one of the multiple locations available. The sixth farang is determined to be negative about everything, including whether Monday really does follow Sunday.
  18. Sure, but if the Exit/ Re-entry stamp has not been used does it change anything about 90 day reporting?
  19. But they we need to deal with the very severe damage caused by some drug takers.
  20. "While monopolies tend to stifle the competition and raise prices without challenge, I find that Walmart has not done that, at least where I live." You already answered your own point - Walmart is not a monopoly.
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