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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. "healing journey" for gods sake pull your self together man, Is it possible to sound more pathetic?
  2. simply grow a pair and man up, however if that is not possible try opening a thread on here and asking for advice , Or run home crying to mummy Ps posting sad emojis on posts like this will just make matters worse , and looks even more pitiful
  3. Whats a tax ID ? lol I certainly won't be volunteering for one, unless it becomes absolutely necessary, which I personally doubt will ever happen , regardless of what a few on here think. Its almost as if some welcome that scenario
  4. It doesn't matter to me were they return to, but they obviously cannot exist in a totally foreign environment, living in those places is hardly living in Thailand, when surrounded by other foreigners, with all the western "essentials" close to hand, Most can't even count to ten in Thai, truly pathetic Its obvious you are one of them, like a fish out of water
  5. Grown men also fight , Sometimes 1000's of them all at one time, often to the sounds of trumpets and drums are they all akin to children ? even the ones who are awarded military honours?
  6. personally i would not live anywhere else. Perfectly happy in issan for over 30 years, Occasional trips back to the UK only reinforce that sentiment. Those who can only exist in the tourist ghettos really should not be here,
  7. I'm not sure that cannabis use is unique to the "working class" but indeed some people really do hate to see others happy
  8. As it already is. However if it returns to the black market any regulations will simply be ignored, Its not as if cannabis will disappear, This has been tried before, the results were hardly promising and there are 100 years worth of evidence to support that
  9. sounds right to me , I am not aware of any increase of road accidents since the legalisation of cannabis. Thailand has always had traffic accident issues, but cannabis has nothing to do with it. Children are not smoking weed "big time" here or anywhere else. Even if they were how would recriminalizing cannabis help ? Firstly they don't prosecute children, and secondly now that they have allegedly got a taste for it would they simply not just buy it from a street dealer who operates out side of the law with scant regard for age limits. Even tourists were able to source it before with no difficulty it won't be a problem for Thai youths to do so This is nothing to do with protecting people, its a combination of political posturing and reefer madness, with the protection of a few vested interests thrown in for good measure
  10. maybe so but I bet they had no problem defining a woman
  11. So why is an alcohol ban not already in effect, its been around long enough for the damage it causes to be well documented, and its is sold to adults in sufficient quantities and strengths to actually kill a child. Surely you agree its a no brainer ?
  12. no but they are probably at least partly responsible for alerting shops like "Powerbuy" "do home" and "tops" to the annual opportunity to rip off vulnerable parents. Although years ago when the daughter was at school the uniforms hads to be purchased from one specific shop, which surprisingly was owned by the head mistress, what a coincidence,
  13. The regulations specifically forbid selling it to children, were you not aware of that.? The regulations for alcohol are the same, It's forbidden to sell it to kids . but available to adults. What possible argument is there for allowing adults to consume alcohol but forbidding them from consuming cannabis, ?
  14. A perfect example of the very real dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, even by people who are more than likely regular heavy drinkers, It's One thing reading about it on here, but if one lived nearby and actually witnessed the whole incident it would be absolutely shocking, especially as the victim probably didn't die very quickly so the sight and sound of him writhing in agony, with the killer and the other guy staggering around drunk, must have been somewhat traumatic I'm trying to remember if there has ever been report of a similar incident taking place when a group of guys met up to smoke a few joints together, but nothing springs to mind, its almost as if it has never happened, perhaps it never has,
  15. I know the same kids too, most of them drink around 8 large chang per night too when they are out on the lash
  16. And exactly where have you seen ten year old kids smoking weed? Was it a staged for the media photo opportunity? Or are you seriously trying to tell us you have actually witnessed this in real life? If that was the case did you fulfil your civic duty and inform the authorities ? How much money do you think the 10 year olds bring to th table? Ridiculous comment
  17. And if I was "influential" I wouldn't want it to be any different, neither would anybody else
  18. And another, could somebody please drag Donald Trump into this thread too, just to keep it balanced
  19. There we go again, just five posts in and the 1st predictable red bull whinge,
  20. Bang on the nail, I could not have put it any better, The OP is the closest thing to reefer madness I have read recently, Not surprisingly nobody appears to have put their name to it. A truly pathetic article that should be consigned to the bin
  21. Strangely there have been few if any reports on the news from all these hospitals , until now, Were they simply keeping it to themselves before ?
  22. How exactly has the liberalisation of cannabis dramatically reduced farmers profits and why would they call for the recriminalization of it ? The profit from all cash crops is subject to variation but I have never heard of farmers calling for other crops which have given a lower profit than expected to be banned So that is just total fiction
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