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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. My personal take on this is a little different, having smoked since the late 70's I agree that the selectively bred stuff of recent years is undoubtedly stronger but I also find that tolerance is built up a lot quicker and the "high" lasts a much shorter time. Back in the UK there is not much else available other than what we nowadays refer to as "green" or "skunk" regardless of whatever the currently fashionable name has been given to it by those who supply it. Some is stronger than others but its always the first few joints out of a bag that appear the strongest, if one buys in ounces by the time one has reached the bottom of the bag, which for me takes around 3 weeks, it has always lost its initial kick, due to the effect of increased tolerance. I actually think I have damaged my cannabis receptors in some way as I find tolerance breaks more and more necessary. I also generally pack it in a couple of weeks before coming here and to be honest I am perfectly satisfied smoking reasonable quality brick when over here, I find the high "more rounded" and longer lasting and don't seem to build up tolerance so much either. On my return to the uk I get the benefit, albeit, short-lived from abstaining from the green for a while but it soon wears a bit thin on me Others I know report similar experiences, so its not just me I'm no expert but i suspect that this may be due to the obsession with more and more THC. generally at the expense of the other cannabinoids which I think also contribute to the effects. I may be wrong and I'm sure somebody will be along shortly to put me right. I am surprised that Dave Crosby or anybody else of that ilk has reservations regarding the sales of "the strong stuff. possibly a side effect of getting old and a little more responsible, Lets not forget that alcoholic drinks are available in various strengths, a 700 cc bottle is the standard, and consuming a full bottle of scotch has the potential for many to result in far worse side effects than some mild hallucinations, sometimes even death, Bizarrely in the UK supermarkets have imposed limits on how many packets of paracetamol or aspirin one can buy at one time, yet no such limit applies to 40+% bottles of alcoholic spirits, not that I am advocating that there should be one
  2. The neon lit emporiums may fade away but I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of discreet dealers offering a "tax free" supply, as there has been since time immemorial
  3. Apologies for the grammatical error, it was getting late
  4. So do the current alcohol laws encourage all Thais to become an alcoholic? mom and pop shops, 7/11, and major supermarkets all very welcome. what could possibly go wrong ? As regards cannabis what exactly did go wrong ? answer,, nothing , exactly as expected, despite the best efforts of the media and all the other naysayers,
  5. Regardless of what any of them are saying, That is pretty much how they think, The fact that people are still visiting here for holidays and the fact that others are still prepared to live or retire here, means they have no incentive to change their ways. Any publicity mishaps are smoothed over with sickly TAT marketing campaigns or if the worst comes to the worst a reduction iv visa fees for a few months. Its not just foreigners they dislike or treat with contempt , the political elite have scant disdain for their own people too Sill preferable to living in the UK
  6. I have never ignored anybody, yet, but sometimes wonder how many have put me on the list, not that I am particularly bothered
  7. not really surprising considering he is a Thai government minister and this is Thailand. No it does not particularly concern me, Anotin is rather outspoken but his sentiments are shared by all the others including that slimy rat Pita So if one is prone to worrying there are many others to worry about,regardless of what they have or have not said publicly, one could easily worry ones self into an early grave, and then none of this will matter at all
  8. But Anutans "dirty farang" comments were uttered years ago during Covid before the recent media frenzy and have been long forgotten except by a few on here. they are nothing to do with his current statement which is simply in line with Thai labour laws. He can only target weed shops operating illegally without the necessary paperwork in place or where foreigners are openly serving customers Personally I have no problem with that, I don't particularly care if he personally dislikes foreigners or not. its his prerogative I'm actually a little envious of him, there are plenty of people I don't particularly like, but i am no longer allowed to make public statements regarding that. As to his previous statement, water off a ducks back as far as I am concerned and little to be gained by constantly repeating it on here as some insist on doing. There are too many people too ready to be offended these days
  9. I doubt too many are influenced by the words that come out of Anutins mouth, but I'm sure many will have changed their opinions to one degree or another following what appears to have been a targeted media campaign. I would not like to say whether that was sanctioned or encouraged by any higher authority, or if it was just the media being their usual obnoxious selves The media is far more powerful in shaping public opinion than any politician could ever hope to be,
  10. Kids smoking it at school or home is not as common as the media would have you believe. On the rare occasions it does happen its clearly a breach of basic regulations and nothing to do with adults being allowed to use it . Alcohol is freely available for adults pretty much anywhere, yet there are few reports of school kids getting drunk at school, or indeed at home. Why would that be? Do you honestly think its solely due to the restrictions on selling it within close proximity to schools? or the age limit for buying it ? Restrictions which also apply to selling weed if I am not mistaken Stories and reports of that nature are little more than reefer madness propaganda or clickbait
  11. after decades of abstention normal brickweed would kick ones ass simply due to having a relatively much lower tolerance
  12. There is nothing new about the labour laws or regulations regarding foreigners operating businesses, nobody encouraged anybody to disregard those regulations when opening shops . The ultimate legality of cannabis and its use has yet to be decided. Showing that it can be sold and used responsibly and in line with any regulations can only be a good thing for those who wish recreational use to continue
  13. There are plenty of farang owned and operated weed shops with farangs openly working "front of house" serving customers at the counter, This has never been tolerated with any other business and is in clear breach of labour laws. its actually a mystery why they have been allowed to continue for so long. Try cutting people's hair or driving a taxi and see what happens. My guess is that when the police were warned off hassling cannabis sellers and users they simply stepped back from the whole issue, preferring not to get involved at all. I don't think, after all, that the average Thai cop is institutionally anti cannabis or on a personal anti cannabis crusade in the same way that some on here are. Certainly the police I have discussed this with have no issues. In my opinion this "crackdown " is an attempt by Anutin to show that despite what some may think , there are indeed regulations attached to the cannabis industry and that these regulations will (finally) be enforced. and that it's not , or will no longer continue to be, the free for all that it appears to be. In reality the regulations regarding cannabis sales and use were pretty sensible , An age limit obviously makes sense, As do the regulations regarding public usage causing annoyance, and licenses for outlets was only to be expected, but is there really any point in introducing licensing hours or any of the other pointless rules that have accumulated concerning alcohol usage. ? The regs relating to "working " are a different matter and not specifically aimed at cannabis, but as I hinted at above maybe he's hoping that showing stronger enforcement of all the regulations might just be enough to placate the reefer madness brigade sufficiently to allow some form of recreational use to continue. Personally I hope he's right. I would be perfectly happy if all the" in your face," overcharging, foreign owned weed shops were shut down tomorrow, if it meant discreet personal use in one's own home was allowed to continue, and I think most regular smokers would agree What say you guys?
  14. no way they don't have that much income
  15. But I was talking about the UK when I said that, but it no different here We both know the mine fields MP's have to pick their way through these days in a desperate attempt not to come unstuck, there are certain things considered so unacceptable that they will result in resignation. If a minister referred to dirty smelly black I'm pretty sure he would be toast. However referring to "dirty farangs" is just not considered a big deal here by either his fellow ministers or the majority of the public, There are things that politicians here can't say, with similar consequences, but criticising foreigner's is not considered the heinous crime it is in the UK so its not on the list of "the unsayable" So it would be a bit unrealistic to expect a minister here to use any better standard of rhetoric, they just don't feel the need after all who cares? just a few farangs, and expats at that. And that's how it is here and how its always been I was not arguing the rights or wrongs of the ridiculous defamation laws and the way that they are applied, but it is what it is , and its not exactly a secret, A normal negative review would not be a problem and I'm not sure If you were referring to the latest case withe the brit guy , but that was a little bit more than a review , more like a targeted hate campaign which i think has been the case with "all" the other recent reports of this nature.
  16. You will never overcome your problems until you admit them to yourself, I don't doubt some have more accurate opinions than me, but you just aint one of them
  17. Then sadly they are a either little naive, or as usual expecting things here to be done exactly the same as in their own miserable countries, where, unbelievably some have been forced to resign over a few ill chosen words Anybody posting negative comments regarding restaurants etc on social media really needs to educate themselves as to the possible consequences of doing so. It is a country of contradictions but If I can survive here for nearly 30 years unscathed it is obviously not that difficult to do so
  18. lifestyle changes not going very well then I see, but don't give up, rome wasn't built in a day, you'll get there in the end , and ultimately be a better person for it
  19. Did he specify exactly what they should be arrested for ? In many cases he is probably correct, I would imagine many do not have their paper work in order. I have only been in one cannabis shop since this all started and to be honest I was a little bit irked when a slimy british guy tried to sell me a ready rolled joint of brick weed for the" bargain" price of 600 effing baht ! I reckon he deserves at least 10 years for that . slimy southern kant
  20. Attempts to insult me are pointless. But feel free to try again , I have no Idea what "gaslighting" means, and have never heard of "Martha" or her "baby reindeer" your responses are getting more and more bizarre, were your drinks spiked this morning?
  21. That's uncanny I was just about to comment pretty much exactly word for word what you have written. I am admittedly as brazen as anybody , but even I understand that most people, smokers included will respond positively to a request to moderate their behaviour slightly, as long as they are spoken to politely and in the correct manner. Even drunkards will comply if spoken to appropriately. Its a social skill that some will never master.
  22. I know exactly what he said , but unlike a few on here I don't take it personally, I treat it like any other remarks by politicians. I think I will go to sleep now You on the other hand don't have time for that , you have other matters to attend to , like growing up , developing a thicker skin , and getting a life. Off you go , crack on , and keep me updated on your progress
  23. I seriously doubt Anutin will be out of pocket personally, whatever happens, at worst he may not make as much as he intended, but I'm sure he has done just fine so far, and with another year , at least, to go he will will have made millions
  24. How should the parents have got more involved, exactly? Urinating is a solo performance not a term sport for gods sake. Take a few minutes and consider how the Buddha himself might have reacted. It might make you a better, more tolerant person
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