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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. And government initiatives like this one are merely an example of them paying lip service to a handful of troublesome experts, Whilst not upsetting the food industry too much , so its fair to assume that any measures to be put in place will have been watered down until the food industry lobby approved them
  2. But why on earth is sugar allowed anywhere near muesli in the first place? If people want to add it themselves then its up to them , but the default product should be sugar free, same goes for any product except cakes etc There is just no need for sugar at all,
  3. You must be American That's not the case in the UK, most people who are old enough are still using the very same plates they used in the 70's. and the newer ones are exactly the same size
  4. Ah, The good old caring government interfering in peoples lives yet again. Considering ones food intake is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health,one would expect after thousands of years of civilization a supposedly intelligent life form like the human race would pretty much have that side side of things fully sewn up, after all every other species and life form on the planet instinctively seems to know what it can and what it should not eat It is actually astonishing that huge international companies are allowed to produce foods so laden with sugar or salt or trans fats, or what ever else they are pumping into it, that it is barely fit for human consumption, and the only defence or protection offered by the government is some pathetic restriction on advertising. The question that should be asked is why these companies have been allowed to get away with doing this . Manufacturers are obliged to list the ingredients but are allowed to write it in what ia effectively microprint totally unreadable,why is that allowed and who does it benefit? Misleading banners like "New healthy low sugar recipe" when whatever has replaced the sugar is equally if not more unhealthy and of course not mentioned except in the microprint The government would be better employed just stopping the import and sale of this junk food at the source, it wouldn't be difficult , except for the power of the food industry lobby. Everything else they have ever tried has failed miserably
  5. Well I think Keith Richards , Will Self, Ben Affleck, Marilyn Monroe Robert Downey Jnr and countless others are or were reasonably well accepted and respected in society and they are all known "drug" users Where as Paul Gascoigne the sad english piss head ex footballer is a figure of pity and a fine example of the negative effects of your "acceptable" drug, a permanently drunk and broken man. and lets not forget george best although his "estate" upon his alcohol induced premature death was found to be worth much more than originally thought , (once they got the money back on all the empty bottles that is)
  6. rubbish many people find alcohol unacceptable , the whole of the muslim world for starters, and few people if any, like drunks. You should bear that in mind when you reflect on your addiction
  7. yes I am and you are an alcoholic neither of which has been proved as a gateway to bestiality
  8. Its not what you see is it , its what you don't see. didn't . or don't want to see, There were perverts about when i was younger my mother used to warn us to keep away from certain people who in her opinion were "a bit funny" and avoid public toilets, jimmy savile was at it in the 60's and don't forget hindley and brady... You are looking back through rose tinted beer goggles and it has nothing to do with drugs
  9. or an alcohol abuser, ether way it wasn't me
  10. There have been sicko's about since the dawn of time , they are not a recent phenomenon. Things are just reported differently these days, what with the internet and social media etc. During the good old days of family values it was still happening, just as much if not more
  11. "drama queen " I doubt there is actually that many of them at large, so unlikely to spot one, How would you recognise one anyway?
  12. just stitch them together as best you can and cut off any trailing or frayed ends, I'm sure you will get another 10 years out of them
  13. and it hasn't even started yet
  14. or at least you all think you are, But, this is Thailand land of surprises
  15. No police will be involved, I know plenty of people with an address in the UK that they use for such purposes, many have died and took their "secret" to the grave with them. not so stupid after all eh? I also know a few saintly types who fessed up to the DWP on day 1 and suffered for the rest of their lives on a pension of £65 per week... So who are the sharpest then ?
  16. makes me proud to be british , if there's a way around it a Brit will find it. There appear to be so many on here who are so excited about this that they just can't wait to hand over some cash, Presumably they will then feel further justification whilst preaching to the rest of us or virtue signalling to like minded others
  17. Are you seriously suggesting that after wading through the plethora of threads on the tax system, anybody would be any the wiser?
  18. Strange logic, the title and subject matter of this thread has no bearing on whether other banks are following suit. The member , like me, was merely confirming that he had heard nothing from Bangkok Bank No need for your meaningless derogatory reply really was there?
  19. Brits are well aware of the pension situation, they don't need you to remind them
  20. lets hope so
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