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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Exactly what is wrong with people on here getting their panties in a bunch over something so so trivial
  2. well said, A couple of thousand comments, by a couple of thousand people, who probably spend their entire wasted lives doing nothing else except commenting on social media
  3. I would be reluctant to make any assumptions from the photograph , but probably most would act casual in this situation to avoid drawing attention to themselves, The father is stood behind her, maybe in an attempt to spoil the view for the other perverts, how could they have helped her ? Squeezed her head a bit. If they are indeed Chinese they probably consider this completely normal and will wonder what all the fuss is about.
  4. Along with all the people who one shared it with. and quite rightly too
  5. Exactly it could hardly damage the reputation of anything if it was not plastered all over the internet along with all the hysterical outrage
  6. Strange , I would have thought they would have been provided by a higher, "celestial authority" what with them being "sacred" and all that, As it appears that higher authority was not available. it was lucky Somchai was able to step in and help them out. I'm assuming the reserves are necessary in case that the original choice are summoned back to heaven, for whatever reason. All very well as a tourist attraction but some here believe in this rubbish, The results could easily be skewed, by giving offering them some of the 10 year old rice which they would probably refuse, or maybe vomit if they did accept it
  7. You could just wear sunglasses. What adverts do you consider necessary? Pepsi ? some of those can be quite bright too, should we ban it?
  8. How can you establish the level of shame and embarrassment ? or the "fact" that they "clearly let her do it all the time " you must have amazing powers
  9. most civilised societies make allowances for young children most civilised societies would not condone anybody videoing this
  10. Thanks indeed "Kieth" for an amusing anecdote A" high level doctor" drugged and robbed by a prostitute in Thailand, well that's certainly something we don't hear about very often. Any way so far 3 cases all of which apparently occurred "years ago" more than likely the perpetrators were ladyboys and the "drugged" part was a pathetic attempt to save face. What exactly is a high level doctor, or a low level doctor come to that? You are clutching at straws, and starting to look ridiculous give it up. It does happen, but not "quite often" except in your imagination
  11. Another with an irrational dislike of neon signs, is there a name for this phobia. I don't like some things either so I simply avoid certain places, works a lot better than whinging on here about it So many coffee shops are selling " the stuff" so what , But which coffee shops are "smoking it" ? I have never seen that
  12. Why do you care how much he is making out of cannabis, they are all making money out if something, that's the way of the world. As a Uk taxpayer I don't pay my taxes with the intention of creating a nanny state, I would much rather they addressed more pressing issues, They could start with immigration, cost of living, unemployment , and the economy, People choosing to smoke is none of their concern,
  13. Take out the word "medical" and he is absolutely correct
  14. You answered your own question "banana republic" and "tin pot officials" For those of us that did not serve in the military uniforms and medals are always amusing, who ever wears them. Reminds me of overgrown boy scouts
  15. Not for sale to those under 21 and pregnant / lactating women seems sufficient legislation , what more would you like ?And exactly what has the "impact on society been"
  16. And why does that bother a hand full of bitter old expats? The opportunities were there for everybody to invest if they wanted to
  17. If that's your idea of "fun" then you must be living a seriously sad miserable existence, or are you just trolling. ?
  18. And how much do you know about the views on foreigners held by other politicians here, absolutely nothing, just like the rest of us.
  19. Some "fragile" people are unbelievably still obsessed by this , But he was absolutely correct , some are filthy. Although whether that is a factor in transmitting covid is a different matter. Do you think any of them actually like foreigners?
  20. I accept that it happens just not that it happens a lot. The post which you replied to reinforces what I'm saying, you should read it again, and read exactly what was said, slowly , especially at the end here it is again for you... "While very rare, I don't believe this attempts are the urban-myth some make them out to be, although many may feel terrible the next day and suspect such 'spiking' of their drinks, but its usually because of the cheap bootleg liquor they have been drinking" So its not exactly the point your were trying to make at all is it ? "very rare" pretty much what i was saying
  21. No its about calling out people who spout rubbish
  22. Well it appears that you are one of those people that has difficulty understanding what they have read Show me were I have asked you (or anybody else for that matter for any "evidence" You won't be able to because I have not, the reason being that I don't really give a To$$ about your evidence. I did however advise you to review your sources and not to believe everything you read on google or the newspapers which as you correctly state are pretty much the same thing
  23. I doubt you listen to anybody. just blindly believe what you see on face book or google, Bit like a teenager
  24. I could think of something worse , It came to mind just now, when I read your post
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