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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. A perfect example of the very real dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, even by people who are more than likely regular heavy drinkers, It's One thing reading about it on here, but if one lived nearby and actually witnessed the whole incident it would be absolutely shocking, especially as the victim probably didn't die very quickly so the sight and sound of him writhing in agony, with the killer and the other guy staggering around drunk, must have been somewhat traumatic I'm trying to remember if there has ever been report of a similar incident taking place when a group of guys met up to smoke a few joints together, but nothing springs to mind, its almost as if it has never happened, perhaps it never has,
  2. I know the same kids too, most of them drink around 8 large chang per night too when they are out on the lash
  3. And exactly where have you seen ten year old kids smoking weed? Was it a staged for the media photo opportunity? Or are you seriously trying to tell us you have actually witnessed this in real life? If that was the case did you fulfil your civic duty and inform the authorities ? How much money do you think the 10 year olds bring to th table? Ridiculous comment
  4. And if I was "influential" I wouldn't want it to be any different, neither would anybody else
  5. And another, could somebody please drag Donald Trump into this thread too, just to keep it balanced
  6. There we go again, just five posts in and the 1st predictable red bull whinge,
  7. Bang on the nail, I could not have put it any better, The OP is the closest thing to reefer madness I have read recently, Not surprisingly nobody appears to have put their name to it. A truly pathetic article that should be consigned to the bin
  8. Strangely there have been few if any reports on the news from all these hospitals , until now, Were they simply keeping it to themselves before ?
  9. How exactly has the liberalisation of cannabis dramatically reduced farmers profits and why would they call for the recriminalization of it ? The profit from all cash crops is subject to variation but I have never heard of farmers calling for other crops which have given a lower profit than expected to be banned So that is just total fiction
  10. Absolutely shocking , I'm sure, but its between him and the authorities. Nothing at all to do with you whatsoever
  11. never seen the word "apprised" used before.....ever
  12. but that exists when ever "business" and politics are intertwined, why pick on cannabis ? is it because it's .... "drugs"
  13. Do you not think a disabled person should receive any assistance in this respect? A guy I know has just suffered a stroke, do you think he should be summarily deported if he can't attend immigration at extension time ?
  14. I guess one eventually becomes complacent , and then the minute you let your guard down this happens Wonder who grassed him up?
  15. He forgot to add "comments only welcome from like minded others who agree" in his original post
  16. Well he has my sympathies, I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
  17. he hasn't come up with a solution to anything other than filling a few currently empty seats in government hospital waiting rooms!
  18. I think its the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever heard in my life. For starters just imagine the queues, and why only government hospitals? What is your problem with private hospitals? They are currently allowed to provide all the other services, yes even prescribing medication, that government hospitals provide. Why do you not trust them them to distribute cannabis ? is it because "its drugs" What mess are you talking about anyway? There is no mess, are you another with an irrational aversion to neon signs, or will you be quoting the go to reason for most on here who shout for stronger restrictions, which is the worn out cliche about "protecting the young" ?. Well simply enforcing the current regulations, ( not for under 21's) would solve that problem, without impacting or inconveniencing millions of adults who use cannabis responsibly You seem a little bit" touchy" about similar restrictions being applied , or even suggested as appropriate for alcohol. Says it all in my opinion. Lay off the sangsom and you might stop dreaming up such such rubbish
  19. Now about regulation, The current laws regarding the consumption of the state endorsed, addictive, mind altering drug known as alcohol are well known There is an age limit below which one is not legally able to purchase it,It cannot be sold in certain locations. Some outlets like supermarkets have even introduced minimum amounts that must be purchased. All establishments that sell it are obliged to be licenced, and the times when it can be sold are restricted, although I'm not sure if pregnant women are forbidden from purchasing it or not. Many people, evidenced by numerous threads on here over the years consider some of the above to be well over the top.and pretty much an affront to their dignity, Some of these restrictions also apply to cannabis but many who don't indulge seem to wish for stronger and stronger restrictions to apply. Why is that? Cannabis is in no way more noxious or inherently dangerous than alcohol ,its no more addictive, and the side effects especially regarding anti social and violent behaviour pale into insignificance when compared to those from alcohol. is it a legacy of reefer madness propaganda or just a fear of the unknown. I reckon its a bit of both
  20. Standard M.O. here. Thailand has never been the best place to be a low hanging fruit. but it really must be the nearest thing to " heaven on earth" for those who enjoy a certain status
  21. I thought that was there opening gambit and they later decided to go for an all out ban too?
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