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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. My attitude is to not concern myself about the immigration status of other people or how much money those people may or may not have in the bank.. You really should keep your nose out of other peoples business.
  2. Absolutely and big joke could almost be forgiven for smiling as he proudly declares the results of his obviously phenomenal business acumen. Another poster showed a report which declared his wealth at 100 million! I guess we could take that with a pinch of salt, but something tells me he will certainly not be worth any less than that . What is his current salary ? 1.5miilion baht ?? and he certainly would not have been earning that much 10 years ago . So Its amazing how he has managed to find time to invest what would need to be every baht he ever earned so wisely and successfully whilst at the sametime single handedly fighting vice and corruption at all levels within the RTP. How did he manage to fit it all in? Of course there is absolutely nothing unusual or remotely suspicious about a senior police man who I believe likes to make out that he comes from a humble background, recently declaring his wealth to be in excess of 60 times his annual salary Rightly or wrongly I also reckon that a guy who owns 5 houses in one street probably owns a few others too
  3. Its worrying that a few people actually bought into the fantasy that this guy was some sort of White Knight on a crusade to rid the kingdom of corruption and reform the police. Worrying that some people can be so easily misinformed and by information from such a limited and dubious source that being Thai mainstream media or probably more likely the small percentage of it that gets translated. Of course the guy is corrupt, he's very nearly at the top of one of the most corrupt entities in the world. How do people think he got there? Do they really think he started as a junior constable, and that armed only with his strong anti corruption ethic and sense of right and wrong he kind of snitched his way to the top, reporting all the corrupt officers who stood in his way like some sort of super hero? Well i'm sorry to spoil the fairy tale but that's not how things work here, He would have been identified as a wrong un during basic training and never have made it into the force He is as corrupt as the rest of them , but either he or who ever is running him is a bit more media savvy than others. It even seems to have, bizarrely, got him a few supporters on here yet I don't know any Thais that see him as a saint
  4. You have not been at the sharp end at all, you were a part time magistrate dealing with low level miscreants who were advised by their legal aid lawyers to blame all their "troubles" on their fictional addiction to cannabis and as such you now erroneously believe that cannabis is the reason for all their woes and misbehaviour Concerns regarding "drug driving" are hopelessly exaggerated, there is absolutely no similarity between the effects of cannabis and the effects of alcohol , They are two completely different substances that affect users in completely different ways, the the fact that cannabis and alcohol are even mentioned in the same breath when discussing driving is nothing other than a confirmation of the ridiculous one size fits all approach to a very complicated subject and a complete ignorance regarding the effects of cannabis Your blind faith in the spurious facts and figures produced to order by "retained" and "aligned" scientists and experts is totally indicative of a wannabe fully paid up member of the establishment which as a part time voluntary magistrate is exactly what you are ( or rather, were) The tests for cannabis intoxication are nothing more than a vicious knee jerk reaction designed to placate people like yourself with the limits set ridiculously low in order to secure as much revenue as possible and remove as many as possible from the roads Nothing to do with safety at all
  5. He is a prat ( not yet an offence) who is the subject of allegations, That is enough said at this stage. There is no need for anybody here to join in with the virtue signalling. I doubt that there are many on here who's behaviour in Thailand over the years would stand up very well to scrutiny by the woke brigade of these crazy times.
  6. The whole thing makes me sick too, the media are on the backs of these people like a pack of dogs , lives and careers ruined before any criminal charges have even been considered . Trial by media is an abomination that should not be allowed under any circumstances, not least because it encourages thousands of idiotic misinformed sadistic halfwits driven by the need to virtue signal to their likeminded peers to join in with the bloodlust fuelled social media hate campaign
  7. But guaranteed not to meet any bitter and twisted TVF members there as none of them could manage the hike up to the top. That in its self makes it rather attractive, although there was worrying talk of building a cable car there sometime ago. god I hope they never did.
  8. Or better still keep it illegal and stop the b/s hysteria from those who seek to impose their views on others. What's it to you anyway, you don't even live here, that makes you worse than the rest of them
  9. You appear obsessed, despite being corrected numerous times you continue to insist, for some strange reason, that recreational use is illegal. Regardless of what Anutin did or didn't say, regardless of what you think you heard on CNN and regardless of your "informed" personal interpretation of the law open your eyes, there are an estimated 10,000 shops selling cannabis openly for purely recreational use. I always find it a bit strange when people who don't even use cannabis go to such a great deal of trouble informing themselves (erroneously in your case) of the laws concerning it. I mean why would you even bother? Ok I get it , you don't indulge, but you should stop trying to tell others what they can and can't do, just mind your own business, You are not a part time magistrate anymore live and let live
  10. It would be more correct to say that village doctors have been treating people with just plain cannabis oil for hundreds of years. That has been the case in most, if not all,civilisations across the world. Mankind has enjoyed a long and beneficial relationship with cannabis for possibly thousands of years, Its eventual vilification and prohibition, which effectively ended medicinal use and indeed actually banned any research into its medicinal properties is a relatively recent issue which started just after the end of the prohibition of alcohol in America Local witch doctors had no idea about "CBD" hundreds of years ago, and even if they did, they certainly lacked the technology to either identify it or isolate it. So its a certainty that any oil used medicinally would have been a "full spectrum" type oil. And why not? "CBD" oil is hardly a natural, homeopathic product, its about as natural as decaffeinated coffee, it only actually exists, as a direct result of the prohibition, firstly because any trace of THC would render the oil illegal and therefore unsaleable in many countries. Secondly because of the hysteria, promoted for various reasons, primarily by mainstream media, surrounding the "evil" THC and "being high" So, as an example, in the UK for example its perfectly OK to use a bit of "processed" CBD cannabis oil from Tesco's to help with ones backache, BUT... if you use the natural unprocessed stuff and end up feeling a bit happier than normal then you have committed a serious drug related crime and would be prosecuted if caught in possession of oil containing any THC Many medicinal drugs have what might be described as pleasant side effects, morphine for example, but I have not heard of any attempts by scientists to remove the side effects nor have I ever heard of anybody refusing a morphine shot for fear of feeling happy Only cannabis generates such concerns and even to this day continues to receive so much negative attention. Is this a testament to the power of propaganda, or a damning criticism of peoples inability to think for themselves? Probably a bit of both. There was never any medical or scientific reason behind the prohibition of cannabis, it was all as a result of politics and racism, we even know the names of those responsible, but it is additionally shameful and perverse , that the faceless medical establishment , in the form of "big Pharma" have been allowed to play a major role in continuing to prevent mankind from enjoying the benefits of this plant, purely to enable them to continue selling us their nasty chemical based pills and potions
  11. Some might point to the concept of "face" when trying to explain Thainess but "face" is a common thing in asia and not unique to Thailand , A fundamental part of Thainess is being extremely patriotic, slightly xenophobic and a sharing of a common bond, akin to being part of one large family, it's them against the world in their eyes. Personally I am a jealous of them, It used to be like that everywhere once, before the removal of any sense of national identity in western countries by globalism and the "diversity" agenda.
  12. Absolutely. and I believe the charges for excess baggage are extortionate too, A total weight allowance is obviously the way to go based on an average weight, lets say 80kilos for guys and 60 kilos for women (and that's being generous) go over it and pay more, stay under and pay less, and all the fat people should be seated next to each other As you might expect fat people are now classed as victims in the UK and mentioning their condition is almost classed as a "hate crime" However as is often the case , it is perfectly acceptable to criticise thin people, no problem at all to refer to them as stick insects
  13. "Horrific" jesus you must have lead a very sheltered life we are not talking about Crack Smack and Meth on this thread. Did you know there are different kinds of recreational drugs ? Or does the "magistrates for dummies" hand book not bother to explain the differences? Then again why would they, for those only be dealing with minor cases of "drugs" possession However I understand that the graphic recounts of shoplifting must have been very traumatic
  14. What a load of rubbish, Have you actually read what you copied and pasted ? "one study estimated approximately" what sort of "evidence" is that ??? "Another study estimated,,,,," "around a 10%" likelihood " absolutely meaningless. And then there's "Marijuana use disorder" when was that invented ? What is the difference between the "orderly" and "disorderly" use of "Marijuana" and what is the difference between "use disorder" and the imaginary addiction The risks of "harm" from doing absolutely anything at all increases with frequency and when adolescents are involved so the final sentence is also totally meaningless That entire article is completely made up , just the usual rubbish quoted by those who for whatever reason have an anti cannabis agenda, when they wish to give the impression that their aversions are science based, Totally fictional statistics that can neither be proved or disproved. Are you aware of the origin of the use of the word "marijuana" Why do you think they used that word in the article instead of cannabis? And you were a magistrate ..... oh dear
  15. "addicted" !!! what on earth are you talking about?? You really should refrain from commenting on matters about which you know nothing
  16. but not all of them are excessive consumers of alcohol or vociferous opponents of cannabis, As far as I am concerned no drinker of alcohol has the right to claim the moral high ground over the consumer of any drug. If one had to give an example of hypocrisy its pretty much perfect
  17. Its not just a feeling, its a fact. I guarantee that 99% of the most vocal opponents of cannabis are vociferous consumers of alcohol. Once they have accepted their dependance, as they all inevitably must, their self esteem hits rock bottom, they consider themselves the lowest of the low, until they get themselves nicely misinformed about cannabis via the usual official channels. Then, believing all the rubbish they have been told , about "drugs" they start to imagine that they have stumbled upon a group of people a step or two below themselves in society. Their constant attacks on cannabis users and the vilification of cannabis its self are only an attempt to deflect attention from and sanitise their own issues. Not unlike some of the the very, very unsavory prisoners who picki on paedophiles in prison
  18. So basically, just to clarify, you are up for casual homosexual encounters with effeminate looking men who dress up as women.? Does that make you a member of the LGBGT etc etc community?
  19. Pretty much nailed it, apparently according to "experts" their vocal disdain for cannabis and its users is their way of dealing with their own actual addiction to alcohol, A kind of coping mechanism, its a way of them convincing themselves that they are in someway superior because its just beer and not "drugs" they are in denial and its very complicated. Its also hilarious watching them panic on here before a "dry" day with often some smugly posting that they have stocked up, often with ridiculous amounts.
  20. Well said, a successful, wealthy businessman, who moved into politics and has earned himself a seat near the head of the top table again, no mean achievement, esp considering the outcome of the election. it's quite obvious he's neither a clown or a fool, I would also bet that those who, irrationally, get their panties wedged up their a$$ over Anutin are the same people who start wetting the bed at the mention of cannabis
  21. What do you expect, he appears to have regressed to the age of looking up naughty words in the dictionary
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