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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. maybe a very large penis and not at all abusive ? Isn't there some housework you should be doing rather than wasting time on here?
  2. What will be next, ? vaccinating the unborn in the womb ? never say never eh
  3. Again very much correct, but since when did governments allow the truth to get in the way of their intentions. The same can of course be said of the media who are far from blameless . Personally, I think, had covid occurred prior to the rise of the internet , things would have turned out very differently
  4. probably most people, when not being jabbed meant either "certain death" "killing granny" " never working again" " unable to travel" even unable to go to the pub, spending the remainder of ones life" living effectively under house arrest" Those were the stated consequences of not "falling into line" that we were all informed of at the time, as I recall
  5. I find these "infection rates" rather suspicious, Every successive mutation of covid has been described as somewhat less severe than the previously dominant strain, that appears to be one thing that all the "experts" do appear agree on . So the fear factor should also have diminished correspondingly, with each mutation. But,to counteract this, the narrative required another angle so "infectiousness" became the buzzword, and each subsequent strain was accompanied with stronger and stronger warnings regarding transmission, but how infectious can something actually become? eventually there must be a limit, 100% infectious? "as infectious as infectious can be "? Following that argument implies that future strains will be as severe as a dose of the sniffles, but just thinking about it could result in one becoming infected, so nothing much to worry about ? Nah it was never going to be that easy, it can always be argued that it always has the potential to be fatal, even if that only applies to those of 100 years old with pre existing medical conditions. But never mind the fact that even a dose of the sniffles could prove fatal for those in that demographic. Is dying from covid at that age any worse than dying of pneumonia or the common cold or anything else for that matter? We all die from something, and "natural causes" is really just a euphemism
  6. A fact that is hardly ever mentioned, for whatever reason
  7. Spot on, it's a rather worrying revelation to me that people can be so easily manipulated and cannot even accept that they have been , only a minority are prepared to question the information they are given. Although bearing in mind how those prepared to speak out and voice their legitimate concerns about this vaccine are treated, just for asking questions, ( "tin hatters" "conspiracy theorists" "granny killers" ) its not really that surprising that so many choose to remain silent and fall into line People are generally inclined to follow the path of least resistance, and most seem hard wired to follow the herd, That would explain why the "authorities" feel the need to silence anybody asking awkward questions, anywhere, even on an insignificant platform like this forum. Its actually quite scary in my opinion. "The emperor's new clothes" is a near perfect analogy with a bit of "chicken little" thrown in for good measure As an aside, I don't doubt that governments and authorities know only too well how to manipulate people, after all it's what they do, and have been doing since the beginning of time. How else, for example, could they "persuade" people to give their lives for their countries in the case of war, in the case of Kamikaze pilots no secret was made of their fate, but they still complied. So historically how many times have people and their behaviour been manipulated to suit the, often personally motivated , agendas of "those in control"
  8. Thank you for the long reply, but it did not answer my question which was specifically regarding the covid vaccine, maybe I was not specific enough ? after all I am "only" a member of the relatively uneducated "lay public" and as the covid vaccine was obviously never mentioned whilst I was at school, it is irrelevant whether I "paid attention" or not My question was "What exactly is partial vaccination" ? maybe I should have made it a bit clearer and actually asked "what actually constitutes fully vaccinated status in the case of the covid vaccine?" because as an uneducated pleb I remain somewhat confused. You claim that " The number of doses depends on the vaccine" but it appears to me that the number of doses for the covid "vaccine" is rather more subjective and depends on which "expert" that we choose to listen to, and I seriously doubt they can all be correct. First it was one jab. Then 2 jabs, Then 2 jabs plus a "booster" and so on and so forth. I believe Anutin , the public health minister has had 9 injections, (and still got infected,) and I clearly remember it being mentioned by President Macron of France that injections would be required every six months ! Is a "booster" actually any different to just another jab? As far as I am aware it is not and they are just pumping more of the same into us, so why use the word "booster" So what constitutes "full" vaccination ? 1 , 2 . 3, times ? or is it really every 6 months for the rest of one's life ? Does anybody really know ? does anybody really care? And what is the effect on our immune systems of pumping this stuff into our bodies so often? I really don't think anybody knows the answer to that, but I can imagine a lot of "experts" are keeping their fingers crossed. As another member on here has mentioned, those who remain unvaccinated appear less likely to become infected, my experience at work also indicates that this indeed appears to be the case
  9. Letting nature take its course would have been the best option, There are over 7 billion living on this planet most would say that is just too many, Sometimes difficult decisions have to be made for the greater good. Sadly we don't have the right people in positions of power to make those calls
  10. 100 million adverse events and there is still sustained pressure to have more and more jabs, has this ever happened before with any other recently developed medication?
  11. governments are not in favour of that sort of thing either. It has the potential to be the cause of problems for them. Maybe that is why so many appear to be so willing to hand responsibility for managing "the next" 1 in 200 year virus with a 97+ % survival rate over to the WHO very very soon. It will relieve them of any responsibility or blame for the total mismanagement of the next disaster, due any time soon. I thought they might have had more success with the "monkey pox" virus but I think it was just to soon to try it on with an increasingly aware public,
  12. The desire to travel was why I succumbed . Interestingly as I work in construction, in the UK my occupation was considered as "essential" to what remained of the economy, and was not subject to lockdown, however there was never any obligation to be vaccinated in order to continue working. At the time I was working in the center of Manchester on a large construction project , our very cramped office space was in the basement of an old adjacent building. No real ventilation and often over 100 people, including polish , albanian, bulgarian and indians in very close proximity to each other, many travelling from known covid hotspots and few if any wore masks or adhered to the many quite frankly comical regulations ostensibly designed to limit transmission. How many cases of covid did we suffer ? None of course, The circumstances of your sisters death are shocking, I heard similar stories from friends who had elderly relatives in care homes, what a disgrace
  13. indeed lockdowns impacted on societies and their economies very negatively , if that was the intention then they were a resounding success. Now its slowly emerging that vaccines played their part by impacting on the health of those societies, the degree of "success" has yet to be made public
  14. Its not just here in Thailand. Its the same in the UK and presumably all over the rest of the world. I think its a generational thing, I put it down to a lack of discipline of and by the parents
  15. With a vaccine that neither guarantee immunity from infection or indeed transmission of the virus in question once infected. Its always a case of "oh but things would be much worse for you if not vaccinated." The same logic my missis applies to the Buddhist amulets adorning the dashboard of my car Some people had a strong reaction to covid and some showed no symptoms at all , allegedly, How on earth can anybody possibly state that the vaccine actually helped anybody? The placebo effect would produce enough "statistics" to confirm the narrative. I have had covid at least 3 times once before I was reluctantly vaccinated and twice after receiving 3 shots of pfizer. There was no noticeable reduction in the relatively mild symptoms I suffered, despite my first infection being early on and presumably the nastier Alpha variant and my later infections being the milder Omicron strain. "A significant portion of the Thai population remains partially or yet to be vaccinated against Covid-19." that statement will be the precursor to a sales drive, what exactly does "partially" vaccinated actually mean? Also note that there is no mention of any natural immunity one would get from being infected, only the vaccine will protect.....or not
  16. seems to be getting harder and harder to do just that statements like this don't exactly help "Despite these risks, the World Health Organization (WHO) reaffirms that the AstraZeneca vaccine's protective benefits against Covid-19 surpass the uncommon potential side effects, especially in nations still grappling with the virus. Is any nation still grappling with covid ? Isn't this a little bit similar to the tobacco companies targeting relatively uninformed third world countries as potential customers for their products that have now been identified as harmful in the developed world ?
  17. I can handle live or recorded music within reason, but what I cannot tolerate is peoples badly behaved screaming kids, running around and creating a nuisance. I was in a restaurant recently, and on an adjacent table was a large family with a couple of noisey brats , one of which was constantly screaming at the top of its voice , and as usual none of adults even attempted to shut it up. Then a kid on a table on the other side of the room decides to copy it, screaming at a pitch that must have been close to being able to shatter glass, this appeared to delight both sets of parents who for the next half hour actively encouraged their brats to scream at each other across the room, even commenting on how clever their offspring were.. Even when the little monsters grew tired of this , their respective parents started screaming themselves in a (successful) attempt to encourage them to continue. Oh what fun they were having. The restaurant staff / management, unsurprisingly, did absolutely nothing to help the situation either. I thought about complaining , but what would have been the point, I would instantly have become the bad guy. So I paid up and left, the rest of the customers were starting to do the same as I walked out. kids under 10 should be banned from places like this, and don't even get me started about long haul flights, what sort of idiot takes a 2 year old on a 10 hour flight, and why do they always end up sat close to me?
  18. Have the WHO. CDC. etc ever made any negative comment regarding any of the covid vaccines ? They spend a lot of time extolling the virtues, but fall conspicuously silent regarding any issues, One would expect the big pharma companies to be economical with the truth , but the various authorities involved are supposed to be independent but they appear to completely ignore what is now a large amount of negative reports, often vilifying those with legitimate concerns. I think people could be forgiven for not trusting anything these organisations tell us, Its
  19. not as worthless as "estimates from 1.5 to 3 miliion" which is not even what it said in the link you provided! Bit like me estimating my personal wealth as being between £1 and £1.5 million which is technically correct but effectively useless information
  20. Estimated by who exactly? who ever it was they have allowed a rather large margin of error Sounds like somebody has just pulled a number out of a hat . Totally worthless "statistic"
  21. personally I have no interest whatsoever in how much any Thai gets paid whether civil servants or not. and I cannot understand anybody who concerns themselves with this . The only exception would be those who employ Thais, obviously it's useful to know what the minimum you have to pay them is
  22. That was made over 10 years ago, your latest one lasted 8 months, you can dispute as much as you want,
  23. Black and decker is not the "brand" they were years ago. Now its just made in china rubbish, I'd bin it and buy a proper one. Although you could try bypassing the switch yourself
  24. And a 100% guarantee of no repeat offending that can be relied on. Far more trustworthy than the considered opinions of some mealy mouthed, progressive liberal, woke probation officer
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