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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Other than immigration / tourist police and the TVF "visa compliance brigade" I doubt anybody else gets so worked up about overstayers, not really anyone's business
  2. Plenty on here whose Thai is far less than rudimentary, non existent in many cases, they also seem get by !
  3. I couldn't agree more, although I would, maybe, replace No 2 on your list , the electric bill, with the exchange rate value of the Baht. I find it sadly amusing, all these uninformed foreigners crying outrage and deciding what should and should not happen , based on their "moral compasses" or on how they think things would be done in their home countries, ( which they have chosen to leave) So many living here seem to want to turn Thailand into a carbon copy of their own miserable country of origin, Have they forgotten why came here in the first place ? It's a bit bizarre that foreigners living here on what is effectively a temporary permission to stay would waste so much time and effort expressing their opinions and stressing out on something over which they have absolutely no control, and very little understanding Should their "righteous" fantasies of Thailand becoming a fully paid up member of the "democratic first world" ever come to fruition, most of them would be on the first plane out of here. No doubt to Cambodia or Laos where they can try to start their campaign for social change all over again It is what it is, and its better to just enjoy the show
  4. So are you going to provide a link to back up your ridiculous statement ?
  5. Every time a new variant emerges , it is claimed to be more infectious than previous variants, but with milder symptoms ? Just how infectious can something be ?? Surely after all these mutations we must be approaching the absolute upper limit limit of "infectiousness", and the absolute lower limit of unpleasant symptoms. So what is the logical eventual outcome? presumably a virus that everybody catches but nobody realises they have caught it, Bit like chlamydia
  6. That is probably the biggest load of rubbish I have ever read in my life, Any way most thai cooking "establishments" our house included, have a very sustainable waste management system that works at almost 100% efficiency, I'll let you in to the secret, it's called......some dogs
  7. oops well spotted ! stupid mistake, especially as I had just spent what seemed like an eternity trying to explain to the mrs that it is spelt and pronounced "pub" and not "pap" despite what it said in her Thai-english Phrase book lol ????
  8. Too expensive now price of beans almost trebled during covid lol
  9. Would you consider a steak a uniquely British dish ? I'm not so sure, A steak and kidney pudding maybe, but i started feeling nauseous just typing that, (a flash back to my school days when we used to call them "baby's heads") The concept of "pub food" may be a british invention I'm not sure, I suppose it must be as we invented the "Pub" but a lot of the dishes offered . Burgers, Lasagne, Pizza, Chilli con carne, etc are not themselves British, The Britishness starts and ends with the word "pup" That's our gift to the world, not really the food offered within! It hasn't always been that way, In the UK. Pub food is also a relatively recent thing, Its not that long ago when the only offering in most pubs was a cold pie or a soggy sausage roll and only up to 2pm after that it was pickled eggs or pork scratchings if you were lucky
  10. I think you are right, pub food is one thing, but actual british restaurants are like rocking horse $hit They don't exist in the UK unless you count fish and chip shops with an "eat in" facility! One would expect with "Britain" consisting of 4 different countries there would be a huge array of delicious offerings but that is not really the case, England probably heads the UK's offerings to the world with " The Full English " (breakfast) Often advertised with an "all day" option though few would consider eating it after lunch time. Not quite sure if "The sunday roast" is considered uniquely British, so that leaves Fish and chips (but only chip shop style would be unique to the UK) And I can't really imagine anybody booking a table for 2 and ordering Pie and chips , beans on toast or jam sandwiches Irish food, not much different, although their culturally unique "boiling bacon and cabbage" is particularly bland Scotland could uniquely offer " haggis" I suppose, but it's a bit of an acquired taste, for those unfamiliar with that "delight" believe me ignorance is bliss. I believe the other unique scottish staple of "deep fried battered mars bars" has now been banned by most civilised countries No Idea what unique food the welsh eat if any , maybe something including leeks ? even the "welsh rarebit" is only cheese on toast I don't think there is even a "National dish" same as there is no really traditional english clothes. The reason probably being is that we were to busy building an empire and ruling the world and as such had no spare time to waste on developing edible food of our own, We should therefore, theoretically, have plenty of time on our hands these days to embrace our "culture" (what's left of it ) and conjure up some sort of national dish, There is no shortage of TV "celebrity" chefs for gods sake, but the ever present possibility of offending a minority group or two means this would never be allowed to happen I can honestly say that I have never even thought of looking for a british restaurant and I can't imagine why anybody would bother, especially in Asia
  11. No problem really they probably share the necklace between them like they share their drink, so if six of them club together to buy a new one it won't work out too expensive for each of them
  12. Bet that turned out well probably looked like the result of a serious industrial accident
  13. I thailand "culture" gold is valuable and is seen by some as a very thievable commodity so clearly if they value their gold the answer to your question is a resounding yes. Only an idiot would think otherwise, People should leave their "culture" at home and as it didn't bring them any luck on this occasion maybe they should now reevaluate at least one of their "beliefs"
  14. Their judgement has been clouded by 80 years of relentless propaganda, The fact that self medication has been the only option is because even medical research was banned, with little to no objection from the "medical profession" or their paymasters big pharma who would naturally much prefer to sell you some of their own far more unpleasant chemical based remedy, This whole thing has been a crime against humanity and it's still ongoing, somebody should be made to pay
  15. It might be worth a trip to the local government hospital, the one here in surin is an official outlet and it is even available at the smaller hospital in the local amphur where they have constructed a a new building for the purpose complete with a large cannabis leaf fashioned in the architecture
  16. The "pi$$ in a cup urine test is basically a "scam" for want of a better word, It does not detect THC it is not even claimed to detect THC by the manufacturers and as such is not in anyway suitable,and cannot be used as test for alleged intoxication Anybody claiming otherwise is either misinformed or deliberately lying. (That is a fact! So to any of the usual suspects who are about to begin their frantic search for contradictory " peer reviewed" links, Don't bother wasting your time) The test actually detects "metabolites" of THC I'm not a chemist but I know a guy who is, and he said one way to describe a metabolite when using the word in this context is to think of it as the "leftovers" that remain after the body has absorbed and processed the THC This process takes a lot longer than it takes any "intoxicating" effects to naturally wear off ! The THC has long gone before the metabolites can be detected in urine The Metabolites have absolutely zero psychoactive properties, they are totally inert . However for some bizarre unexplainable reason a great deal of money has been spent developing the test and as a result it can be extremely sensitive The standard tests will detect a level of either 20 or 50 nanograms of the metabolites depending on which one is used but I saw a promotional video from a company that sells them and the guy in the white coat was beside himself gushing that it is now possible to detect as low as 5 nanograms What is the point in that ? The level of detection for the standard test is not based on any "legal limit" or even a fictional "perceived" level of intoxication (as that is not what the test is designed for nor can it be used as such} Its just that if it was set any lower nearly everybody would test positive! due to the prescience of microscopic particles of THC in the atmosphere which could have been ingested The test is used predominantly by HR departments when "vetting" job applicants and is nothing more than a lifestyle check, and an intrusion into peoples private lives, What one was doing possibly up to 90 days ago is no business of any prospective employer or anybody else for that matter The other way that this test is "abused" is random health and safety testing where it is equally inappropriate for the reasons outlined above
  17. She has predictably not chosen to reveal any of the "under the table extras" that are available to her. She also looks a bit too young to be employed in what is claimed to be such a responsible demanding position considering that..... "The role of a school principal is regarded as the apex in educational institutions, demanding substantial dedication and skill, reported Sanook." and... "These individuals are tasked with the management of the school and improving the learning environment, creating a place of trust for parents to send their children. The position also comes with notable decision-making authority concerning school operations." I wonder how she was really picked for the job, One would not expect such a "dedicated professional" to be wasting their time on TikTok
  18. But no doubt have willingly ingested allsorts of nasty stuff prescribed by Quacks and produced by big pharma, with little or no success why deny yourself the possibility of some relief, what harm could it do to try?
  19. I thought there was some sort of rule on this forum about only quoting part of other peoples posts when it might detract from what they were trying to say
  20. There would never have been a peaceful democratic solution, The coup was sanctioned from the very top table
  21. is there anybody walking the earth who is not an unconvicted criminal I know I certainly am
  22. Well said. Yet unbelievably there are those amongst us who feel you should be denied that option and would fully support and be in favour of you being forced to consume a large amount of paracetamol, regardless of the well known long term health risks. The same people would be only too happy to see you criminalised for exercising the choice that is currently available to you Quite astonishing considering their personal aversion to this gift from the gods is based solely on 80 year old government propaganda the reasons for which are dubious to say the least. Some people eh?
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