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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The bromide seems to have dulled your imagination too, What effects does a date rape drug have ? It will knock somebody out and possibly prevent them from remembering anything. Can you really not imagine any other scenario where a perpetrator would find that very useful.
  2. What is the age limit ? I was not aware of one.
  3. Well i'm guessing that your friends are "true" "made in Holland" Dutch as opposed to the imported variety. Am I right?
  4. it has never had any effect on tourism, and I it never will. How many people do you think this particular incident has put off? None, even the victim will keep on coming here
  5. And if one has a bar girl for a wife she can get a shift in and contribute to the months electric bill from the proceeds
  6. Priceless ! Asking people not to get defensive and then proceeding to write one of the most racist posts I have ever read. If you can't distinguish between , concerns regarding uncontrolled immigration, and racism then I suggest that you return to your special school and take your place back in the remedial class. There are too many people on here desperately looking for racists , but , not enough keeping watch for idiots , and look what happens, we end up with the king of cr@p you have just posted above
  7. And a pretty stupid one at that. He can't see the irony of insulting an entire a race of people, labelling them as racists and fascists based on a few stereo types.
  8. Can't say I have noticed, but to be honest I have never given the matter any thought, Who would ? and why? It is not a crime to be "right of center"
  9. The Thai people are indeed very kind , but as has been seen recently they are more than capable of voicing their anger at the behaviour of immigrants who disrespect their culture, assault their fellow Thais, or generally conduct themselves badly. They are very worried about the erosion of their national identity, Luckily for them they have a government that shares their concerns and fully supports them at least in that respect. The Thais do not particularly go out of their way to help us (non) immigrants integrate into society, and why should they, I believe as immigrants the onus is on us to make the effort, Of course Thais are generally kind and helpful, and so are most people around the world on a personal level, but that is not to say there is a national drive to help immigrants integrate Of course had you arrived here illegally and been afforded special treatment by the government , whilst at the same time attempting to impose your western values on Thai people and made no effort to hide your contempt for your benevolent hosts you might find them a little less hospitable If I had been racially abused and shunned socially in the way I think you mean, I would not stay here, but not being allowed to buy land, a bit of double pricing, and occasionally being called "farang" doesn't really bother me
  10. unbelievable. What a disgrace, Do other countries behave in a similar manner. ?
  11. Everybody else seems to realise that the demonstrations and riots taking place now, have little if anything to do with the events that took place in Southport That tragic incident was, unfortunately, the catalyst for what is happening now The demonstrations are a result of the general populations frustrations, concerns and dissatisfaction with the current immigration situation. Concerns that have increasing as time goes on There were undoubtedly trouble makers involved, any mass gathering tends to attract them , but again the majority of people were not involved, and all should not be tarred with the same brush It is somewhat to be expected that low IQ thugs are going to react as they have done. They don't have the intellect to discuss these matters intelligently at dinner parties like the metropolitan elite, as we say , they only really understand one language.but most of them have no political interest at all, they just trouble makers who enjoy a good fight. The very same people will be at it every Saturday at the football and have probably been involved in every riot we can remember But how should the law abiding citizens voice their concerns regarding immigration ? The usual answer is to follow the democratic process and use ones vote to effect change, But this is not possible when neither of the main parties even mentioned the matter in their election manifestos. If one attempts to raise the subject, however politely, one leaves oneself wide open to hysterical accusations of racism and of course far right tendencies from all sides. Exactly the same criticisms and insults that are hurled at those actually rioting. I have lost count of the number of times I have heard some politician on TV gushing on about how the British People are so welcoming and benevolent. Is it really true? I'm not so sure that the image they like to project is really a true reflection of the national sentiment and I think it is more in keeping with the ideals of a minority of liberal leaning politicians and their paymasters. A government more aligned with the true feelings of the nation is what the British people need but they will need to wait at least 4 years until they are able to vote for one Possibly a lot longer
  12. The tattooed shaven headed yobs you refer to are not "far right" they are just simple minded trouble makers out for a bit of a ruck, they don't have the mental capacity to form anysort of political opinion and probably need to have the letters "L" and "R" written inside their shoes as they have no concept of left or right . You are giving them more credit than they deserve. They are indeed the exact very same people who cause trouble at football matches and other gatherings Nothing more
  13. Is speculation, not a function of an online forum such as this, along with debate and discussion and the exchange of opinions? Just because the ,very feasible, theories that some have put forward are offensive to your admitted left wing sensitivities does not mean they are wrong and it really is not a reason for you to be throwing insults around. As to whether he had been bullied , shunned , or humiliated, you are correct , we don't know, and personally I don't care why do you?
  14. Nothing weird about that statement Its widely known that most men watch it, as indeed do many women, certainly more than will admit it. Nobody has suggested that you had watched porn with your father, so why you are denying it so quickly does look a bit strange, don't you think? As to your unsolicited confession to unsavoury behaviour with "men / boys " in the army Its probably best if you say no more.
  15. All politicians are the same . One could be forgiven for thinking they care only for themselves and little for the country, or the people who put them there, and who they are supposed to represent. As long as societies continue to accept being presided over by these charlatans nothing will ever change.
  16. I saw something on TV about this apparently all the left wing media started repeatedly using that word pretty much simultaneously a day or so ago. Which is in itself a bit strange, or is it ? Despite whatever the dictionary might tell you , the word "weird" when used in this context is intended to be a slur from which one cannot defend oneself and from which one can never fully recover. Its often used by bitchy women to pretty much destroy socially awkward men whose only "crime" might have been to smile at them or some similar innocuous act which they themselves have often instigated It implies without actually saying so that the intended target is in some way sexually depraved, and again with out actually saying so it encourages others to join in the attack It's actually very similar to accusing somebody of being a kiddie fiddler, at least in terms of the stigma attached, but its a much safer option as an insult, as its unlikely to get one sued . I believe Kamala Harris was the one who started it, and others have, as expected, been only too keen to answer the call to arms, as one would expect considering who she was talking about Somewhat childish behaviour some might think, and more than a little worrying that this woman will have access to the nuclear codes
  17. That would have been an appropriate ending to the incident. It would probably not resulted in riots up and down the country, and would have saved us a small fortune. It would also have sent out a strong signal to anybody considering committing a similar atrocity, and gone some way towards rekindling some sort of confidence in the police. It might have even reduced accusations of 2 tier policing. The whole incident would have been "put to bed" relatively quickly It would almost certainly have prevented "Two tier Kier" Starmer and others from "skillfully" alienating and insulting a huge portion of the population by labelling, or more accurately denouncing , them as " Far right " for their not unjustified concerns, but millions of people share these worries, without ever expressing them, the silent majority, none of whom are "far right" and are quite rightly not happy with being labelled as such, Then in a master stroke he used the exact same adjective to describe The rent a mob thugs and trouble makers who had seized the opportunity to attack the police, and generally kick off. A totally different breed of people, but he has effectively tarred them all with the same brush.
  18. Indeed, Personally I find it ridiculous that anybody would agree to such a thing or insist on it, I certainly would not consider any sort of relationship with a woman who made such demands
  19. I thought one was obliged to convert to islam before marrying one of them,? No doubt the ones who do get converted are lacking something in their lives, the same as those who become born again christians, The religious zealots seem to be able to spot vulnerable losers quite easily. Its not unheard of for people to have their lives threatened if they refuse to convert. Of course once you have crossed the line and succumbed to pressure, lets not forget that there is absolutely no going back , at least not with ones head remaining connected to the rest of ones body
  20. Interesting point, but purely out of interest what methods are normally employed to convert Christians to muslims ?
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