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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. i wish the actual Thailand pass arrived as quickly as the spam email, I applied on Friday and got the spam on Saturday, Its Tuesday now and still no sign of the elusive Thailand pass yet . I applied for a visa on the same day and i received that already
  2. Oh for Gods sake, another retired teacher ,we bow to your superior knowledge of the English language, why don't you keep your corrections to yourself ?
  3. "poo" !! how old are you like 5 or 6 ????
  4. I find it very strange that you appear to have been researching laws regarding prostitution, is that a hobby of yours ??
  5. The quick emergence of alleged mental health issues could indicate that the perpetrator maybe has "connections" and will be used to justify a lenient sentence if necessary
  6. Are you for real ? The clue is in the name , They are freelancers. they work for themselves
  7. Well maybe he should be announcing a change in the law to enable it to be "legal" would you still want to stamp it out if it was ?
  8. He didnt say it was legal he just said there was lots of prostitutes there
  9. Its just click bait mate, Probably never even appeared in a national newspaper The people who run this website would have us believe that it is headline news......it isn't. Just like catching overstayers and how much money Chinese tourists are expected to spend per head. etc etc. this kind of "news" only exists as news on this website
  10. "Human Trafficking" were did that come from , somewhat off topic if you ask me
  11. Nowhere in the original article does it mention "tourist sex" or online prostitution why are you making things up? The girls my Thai friends consider "A list" would not be so popular with western customers. The only places you will pay the same prices as Thais for anything are 7/11 and Big C. I'd love to see you attempting to capitalise on your perceived knowledge of "Thai Ways" when paying for sex
  12. This is not news worthy or even news to the general population, its just click bait chosen by this website, guaranteed to stoke the outrage of the puritans who all seem to forget where they met their wife, and guaranteed to worry the others who are still looking for one
  13. You contradict your self, You claim it was stamped out then state that it has moved "on line" so is it stamped out? or has it moved on line
  14. Well in the 1st sentence I said that it wasn't aimed specifically at tourists, Nothing in the original post or in your post would contradict this so why do you say i am wrong ?? In my second sentence I said that the "tourist sex trade" had been decimated by Covid. How could you possibly say that is wrong ! Just because you saw a couple of freelancers doesn't mean its business as usual, and not every guy walking down the road with a girl is a client walking with a hooker. Do you just like disagreeing with people
  15. I think you guys are panicking over nothing, this is not aimed at "tourist sex". That has been decimated by covid already and does not exist at present so they are not going to be wasting their time there. This is an overhaul of the lucrative internal domestic sex business. I would imagine that due to the financial pain felt by many at the moment, some new outlets will have been set up. some of these will be interfering with businesses owned by influential people and so will need to be eliminated, These new businesses will in many cases be run by very unsavoury gangster types, the established "elite" owners couldn't take them on in a street war type conflict so they simply pay the police to do it . A few others not considered as competition will be allowed to continue and will be run by the police. These kind of things happen quite regularly, kind of like a financial spring clean. These initiatives are not dreamed up by the police themselves, that would be way above their payscale. these are orders received "from above"
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