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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I see it as purely a Thai matter, no need for any of the T.V.F to get concerned . unless of course your wife or Gf work for grab in which case you should be ashamed of yourself
  2. The lowest quality food , saturated with insecticides (many of which are banned in Europe / US) coupled with an unhealthy amount of sugar / MSG and prepared in more often than not filthy conditions. That should be the matter being discussed / politicised not the imaginary addition of ganja More B/S
  3. Can't for the life of me even begin to understand the agenda of the mainstream media / gutter press with regards to this subject. is it really that they just see it as a form of "click bait" ? I can't for one minute believe that they genuinely feel its a social evil from which we should all be protected. Its not just Thailand either it seems to be worldwide ! In publishing their "reefer madness" do they not realise that they are only pandering to a minority albeit a very vocal one. whilst at the same time alienating everybody else ? If they were to adopt a more unbiased fact based perspective surely more people would be inclined to read what they printed, the brainwashed prohibitionists would still read it too, albeit in open mouthed outrage. Are they being funded / lobbied by concerned 3rd parties? eg The alcohol industry worried about losing revenue if people choose to switch their drug of choice perhaps or maybe "big pharma" for similar obvious reasons ?
  4. Its amazing that the non users think they know more about it than the users ! try and figure that one out
  5. What are you talking about? nowhere in my original comment did I refer to a specific post that should be removed I referred to "tired old anti cannabis propaganda" That is a generalisation ,not a specific post A blind man could see that ! When I last looked there were 12 likes 2 "sad" people one of which was you (which i will concede were "dislikes" ) and one "confused" presumably a half wit. so the figures speak for themselves and by a large majority my post is validated. Q.E.D. as they say So as I see it you are in the (very vocal, in your case) minority Therefore no fault for me to admit to. No apology required, except maybe from you . And the only person who is in a hole and should stop digging is yourself. With your many spelling mistakes, refusal to accept facts and lack of cognitive reasoning ability I'm starting to think you are retarded. I won't be wasting anymore time trying to educate you.
  6. That is indeed what I said, It does not relate to a specific post, we will have to agree to disagree but I stand by my comment
  7. Once again..........., I'm all for free speech, I just don't agree with misinformation, when I see what I consider to be misinformation, I call it out. That if I'm not mistaken is the very essence of free speech. As you correctly say I am not the arbitrator on this or any other forum, that is the responsibility of the moderators and it is they who ultimately decide who is or isn't misinformed. I obviously have a pro cannabis stance but if somebody was to claim that smoking cannabis would turn a half wit into a genius I would expect that comment to be called out, and indeed would do so myself. If it was posted repeatedly, as ridiculous as it may be , i would expect the moderators to step in and remove it (probably not the best example but surely you can see what I'm trying to say) You may or not have noticed that I did not specify that any particular post was removed You also suggest "Allow all views" well I can tell you that rightly or wrongly many of my views would not last 5 minutes on here, especially the more extreme ones ! So the free speech that we both value is only tolerated as long as nobody gets offended
  8. No matter how incorrect? no matter how inappropriate? No matter how insulting to various "communities"? No matter how offensive? That would actually suit me fine but its not quite the way it works on here. I have told you twice now that I am all in favour of free speech I am just not in favour of spreading untruths What part of that do you find difficult to understand ? Also if you quote my posts please post the entire script please do not edit selectively in an attempt to change the context
  9. I have no objection to free speech whatsoever although on this forum as on many others there are understandably limits on what can and cannot be said ( I've been suspended several times for crossing boundaries and on reflection probably justifiably so) but with free speech comes responsibility and at least an obligation to not misinform others with outdated views masqueraded as facts now that's enough said
  10. I kind of get that, but some of the naysayers think those stories are true. I really hope the b/s stories don't undermine what is probably one of the bravest and most progressive changes in policy we may ever see
  11. Oh my god now I've heard it all " a company under contract to the police staffed by farangs impounding cars" From Thais!!!???? You haven't really thought that through have you? People have been killed just for complaining about noise. Are you a ganja smoking newbie?
  12. " i suppose you think that's big and clever" You are a retired teacher aren't you ? only they use that condescending turn of phrase
  13. Suits me fine as it is 30 years 1,000,000's of kilo's and still here
  14. No I don't disagree that people are entitled to their own opinions, But when those opinions are based personal prejudices formed from incorrect propaganda spread by governments and other institutions (refer madness etc) they need to be called out. Times are changing. For example, person may still have reservations about his daughter marrying a black man or his son being gay, but to vocalise any objections to the lifestyle choice of his children regarding those matters on a public forum would be considered inappropriate these days. People need to understand that they have been fed misinformation for years, and that their "reefer madness" fears are unfounded and really have no basis in fact. That relaxation of the restrictions will not bring their world to an end. That their daughters won't be getting raped, and that there will not be carnage on the roads. It really will be of no consequence to people who don't partake, but will make life somewhat more enjoyable for those who do A little research on the internet might put the minds of the unnecessarily concerned at rest, but there is still a lot of misinformation out there, I would suggest that people look into exactly why the prohibition was implemented in the first place. Perhaps starting with googling https://timeline.com/harry-anslinger-racist-war-on-drugs-prison-industrial-complex-fb5cbc281189 and then look at the connection to Nixon and the anti-Vietnam war protests it might open your eyes a little
  15. Asean now have promoted many "reefer madness" type stories on here, yet, somewhat perversely have also started an informative "cannabis forum" I wonder why Misinformed outbursts by people quoting the tired old anti cannabis propaganda should be classed as fake news and removed
  16. How many cars have you "checked" to establish your figures? Presumably enough to create a truly representative sample? have you also divided up into classes of vehicle ie pick ups as opposed to cars etc. OMG some people really must be bored I'd be careful if I were you, some Thais might not take to kindly to "johnny foreigner" scrutinising there vehicles How would you feel if it happened to you in your home country? Absolutely unbelievable behaviour
  17. Would you really like that to happen ? Be careful what you wish for
  18. So many people wanting to make life here as miserable as it is back home, I just don't get it
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